Member Reviews

⭐️ 4.25/5. I thoroughly enjoyed being an ARC reader for Amelie West’s gothic mystery “An Insidious Inheritance.” This novel was gripping and left me up reading late into the night several nights in a row.
This book is perfect for fans of:
👻 Ghosts, supernatural mysteries, and haunted houses
👻 1930s period fiction
👻 Strong and stubborn FMCs
👻 Grown-up Nancy Drew
👻 Scenes in thrillers and horror movies where you yell for the girl to NOT GO IN THERE

The set up for this story was one I knew I'd enjoy and it had mystery and ambience. I really enjoyed this! This was a slow burn mystery combined with paranormal elements. This held my interest and was a quick, easy read for me. The romantic subplot felt a little forced to me and I think it could’ve been left out completely without losing anything important from the story. That was the only drawback for me.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher.

Mysterious, spooky, haunting, and gothic. . all words that come to mind when I think about “An Insidious Inheritance”.
Imagine getting a letter from a lawyer that your estranged father has died and left you a manor house. You show up and soon find that there’s something sinister, more sinister than your estranged father ever was, and you find yourself drawn into finding out the history behind the manor house. Remember, never judge a book by its cover, and the same goes for houses. Clara finds that the walls of the manor house may look nice on the outside, but on the inside its walls hold murder, mystery, and deceit.
Set during the 1930’s during the Prohibition Era, Clara finds herself pulled into the mystery of what happened to her estranged father, what happened to three local women that went missing, and who can she trust at Briarfield Hollow? She learns quickly she isn’t alone in this big house, either.
The only thing stopping me from giving this 5 stars is I feel like there was a lot of the plot left unanswered in the end, which was frustrating. Otherwise, the book was amazing!

An Insidious Inheritance is the first Clara Dawson historical mystery by Amelie West. Released 28th Jan 2025, it's 303 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. For Kindle Unlimited subscribers, this book is currently included in the KU subscription library to borrow and read for free.
This is a well written, creepy paranormal historical mystery set in the depths of the American depression in 1933. Clara inherits a run-down inn after the death of her estranged father. Things almost immediately start going bump (or creak) in the night, and between the hostile locals and inexplicable happenings in the environs, she fears she might be losing her mind.
The author has a gift with setting, and the entire novel has an edgy, brooding, and threatening aura that is disquieting and compelling in about equal measure. It feels like the tension ratchets up waiting for a jump scare that doesn't materialize.
The isolated setting adds to the overall Gothic atmosphere. The mystery, denouement, and resolution are self-contained in this volume, though it is marketed as the first of a series; it works well as a standalone.
Four stars. Enjoyable historical mystery. It's not derivative at all, but there are flashes of Shirley Jackson and maybe a little Henry Farrell in the mix. It would make a nice choice for a buddy read or mystery book club selection.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

This book by @ameliewestbooks book was a fun read. It does start off a little slow but I promise keep on reading and it will keep you on your toes. This book has all the great action at the end and didn’t disappoint. I loved every second of reading and hope to see the adventure continue. I loved that there was a friendship forming between Clara and the fabulous Tuck and hope to see more of Tuck in the adventure to come. Go and read this book for the fabulous thrill of mysteries to solve, a chilling haunt and the friendships that form when it is published on the 28th! 👻

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for this ARC! 4.5/5
This book is beautifully written. The writing is atmospheric and detailed. West is great at showing, not telling which is essential in a book for me. I loved the callbacks to our classic horror books, like Nellie the grocer, talks about Dracula and Frankenstein. I was not expecting that twist at the end - I pieced it together about once sentence before Clara did. My two drawbacks from giving this 5 stars is the very slow, slow burn romance and that it took until about 50% in to get to the detective work. It does make sense with Clara’s character for things to go slow but I just in general prefer more fast paced storytelling.
Overall, this is a solid debut novel. West has another Clara Dawson novel publishing soon that I can’t wait to read!

This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

This was a good debut novel. The writing style definitely gave spooky a whole new look. A mystery with a high dose of spookiness, a small dose of romance, and some twists and turns made it an interesting read. The main character, Clara, has been through a rough life, and her resilience and strength definitely come through well.
#netgalley #AnInsidiousInheritance

I really enjoyed this. It was spoony, atmospheric and overall a pretty solid scary read. By no means was I sitting in terror but I was still at times on the edge of my seat as I read and had moments of creepiness and hair rising in the back of my neck as i read.
Overall a pretty good read I'd recommend

Insidious Inheritance is a gripping mystery that will have you questioning everyone and everything until the very last page. From the moment the story begins, you’re plunged into a world where secrets fester, and danger lurks just beneath the surface. This book was one that I wasn't able to put down until I finished it!
After getting word about her estranged father's death, Clara decides to take part and set out to discover more about the inheritance that was supposedly hers. Once she arrives at the estate, she realizes she isn't the only guest at the end. Visions and noises take hold until she is able to figure out what they want. The disappearances of several young girls whose justice was needing served. Yet, the suspect is not who you think it may be.
Insidious Inheritance isn’t just a mystery; it’s a reflection on how greed, jealousy, and hidden pasts can create flames of chaos.

Before I started reading this book, I thought the cover gave off some "cozy mystery" vibes. But don't be fooled! This was quite a creepy mystery, with a detailed and good story, cool paranormal effects, and a smart, strong main character. I especially liked the character Clara. The mystery itself was also very engaging, and the book became very addictive after a while (just a slow start for me). If you want a good mystery mixed with some scary scenes, this is a fantastic book to pick up. Good writing, good pacing, and a good story! I am looking forward to book 2 :)

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC for an exchange of my honest opinion!
It was definitely a quick read. Nothing special, in my opinion but I had fun reading it. I didn’t feel engrossed in it until the second half.
I feel lack of characters backgrounds impacted on the story. It could’ve been much better with it.
Nevertheless, I ate it up in one sitting.

This book was very easy to get into, I found it very easy to imagine the inn and what it felt like and smelled like. Clara the MC was easy to get on with she seemed convincing and capable.
*Slight spoilers*
Wasn’t sold on the romance subplot at the end I didn’t feel it was necessary and would have been fine to leave him as a standup guy who knows how to be a friend to a woman unlike the other chaps that Clara has had in her life and meets in the story. Definitely felt Ava Reid with the hint of supernatural which I enjoyed, I definitely say this was a ghost story maybe a little Susan Hill and ‘The Small Hand’

I enjoyed this mystery! It seemed to have a gothic feel to it! It is 1933 and Clara Dawson lives in Upstate New York. She gets a message saying her estranged father has died, and she is responsible for an Inn he owned. When she arrives at Hollowfield House, she is met with sinister happenings. Who is making the creaks she hears in the night? Why does she always feel like someone is watching her? I liked the way the author gradually answered these questions, and helped Clara solve the mysteries at this old Inn. It kept me guessing until the end!

I absolutely loved this spooky mystery. The eerie atmosphere gave me goosebumps and the cute, slowburn romance was perfect.

Good spooky/fall/winter read. I would definitely recommend it to friends who like this type of book. Also thankful to the author for providing a link to the list of trigger warnings. Thank you for the arc!

Deliciously creepy! In this Prohibition-era supernatural whodunnit, Clara Dawson learns that her estranged father has died, leaving behind Hollowfield House-- a decrepit inn set deep in the dark woods of Upstate New York. Clara travels to Hollowfield House to prepare it for sale. Immediately, the vibes are off. It's giving sinister. It's giving what died didn't stay dead. It's giving ... insidious.
This was a fast-paced page-turner, and Amelie West does an excellent job of building creeping, disquieting tension from page one. Not recommended for reading home alone in the dark.

Clara has been estranged from her father for decades. Her relationship with her mother was also strained. Clara has learnt the hard way to be self reliant and she is distrustful of anyone who lends a helping hand or offers anything because of past lessons. When she inherits a house from her father in a desolate area, her one idea is to sell it and use the proceeds to become financially independent.
The property has a strange ambiance and history attached to it. Although touted as an inn, it shows neglect, disarray and Clara realises that in 1933 with the economic slump, getting rid of the property is no easy task.
The story has gothic overtones and there are several people who will do their best that Clara does no digging into the past or even actual digging in the property, which will uncover unsavory history. You always feel throughout the story that you have to watch your back as if someone, not quite human, is watching you and prompting you to act.

New York, 1933. The time of the Great Depression. What does it mean? Some people have debts to pay. Clara Dawson, the protagonist, suddenly loses her father. She is relieved by that fact. Although she did not have the best relationship with him, she inherited his property: Hollowfield House. An inn in a small remote town, where things out of the ordinary happen. Clara knows that there is a hidden secret in that place. Nothing will stop her until she finds the truth. Her sanity is at stake.
First of all, thank you very much NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this arc! Now let's get on with the review.
I was fascinated by this book. The use of suspense by the author is very well implemented. So much so that it always leaves you wanting to read the next chapter. The doubt that she poses between whether there is a natural or supernatural explanation was a very used resource. It literally had me distrusting all the characters (except Clara) until the last moment. Clara's search for the truth also became my own.
This story, I would say, is one of the few that really explores not only the external, but the internal conflicts of the main character. Something very rare to see nowadays. Clara reflects a lot on her past: her relationships and decisions. The biggest question it leaves you with is: Am I going to move forward and be my own version or will I repeat the same mistakes of those people? You'll know what I mean when you read it.
Also, I loved that she used the Great Depression era for the story. I was able to understand the facts. Likewise, it was interesting to read how Clara handled herself in the town and New York as a woman. Even romance (slow burn to the max) was a nice addition to the plot. I loved every moment, especially the epilogue (what a great detail). If there is a second installment, I would like to see more of that element.
The only thing I think could have been better in the book is the use of secondary characters. I feel like they could have added more dynamism to the reading if they had appeared more often in the first part of the book. I would have also liked to see more interactions from the secondary female characters.
“An Insidious Inheritance” is a great suspense reading that I really recommend. Clara’s dilemma, the plot, the mystery and the romance have you hooked until the end. If there is a second installment, I will read it right away. What a great start to 2025 with this book

This mystery, set in 1930s New York State, conjures up imagery of old black and white movies and Nancy Drew books. When Clara Dawson inherits a dilapidated inn from her estranged father it could be the solution to her problems, or just another source of debt. It was a fun read, but I found myself wishing for a little more detail (did the inn not have electricity because it was an isolated building in 1933....or because it had been shut off?) Clara is smart and self sufficient and I look forward to reading more about her in future books.