Member Reviews

Okay so this book was an anthology and the short stories were really nice! I really wish that all of these short series could be full length books with a whole plot and they would be perfect to read.
The stories for each short story and the characters are easy ti fall in love with. You immediately get a sense of the characters and the plot of each story.
The spice in each book is very nice! You get a problem, background story, patch up and then a steamy connection between the characters.
Overall, each other did a great job of writing their stories and making the characters so lovable and each couple so precious and adorable!

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Arc Review:
Overall Rating: 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 1🔥 to 4🔥🔥🔥🔥
Cover Rating: 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Love Between the Lines is a book that contains 6 short stories written by 6 different canadian authors. They all have their own unique stories, in a variety of lengths and spice levels.

Book 1 - Stupid Cupid By. Luna Day
Heat: 4 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Tropes: Fated Mates, Strangers to Lovers, Mythical Romance, A Special Motorcycle
Description: A burly, burnt-out Cupid finally finds his soulmate - and she’s human.
My Thoughts: Very steamy, very spicy. Felt perfect for Valentine’s Day.

Book 2 - The Hand-Off By. Ellory Douglas
Heat: 3 🔥🔥🔥
Tropes: Age Gap, Athlete(s) x Trainer, Sports Romance (Rugby)
Description: Two rugby teammates fighting for the attention of their new athletic therapist.
My Thoughts: I really thought this one was going to be a why choose but it wasn’t and it left me sad, but I still enjoyed it but I want a happily ever after with all three of them.

Book 3 - Love Ink By. Marlee Ryan
Heat: 3 🔥🔥🔥
Tropes: Best Friends Brother, Forced Proximity, Snarky FMC, Contemporary Romance
Description: Co-workers at a tattoo parlour secretly pine for one another.
My Thoughts: This one was good, loved how it added in their history so there crushes felt more authentic and real.

Book 4 - All My Love By. Mimi Gunn
Heat: 1 🔥
Tropes: Matchmaking, Strangers to Lovers, Small Town Romance
Description: An unexpected inheritance leads to a sweet romp with the handyman.
My Thoughts: This one had to be the sweetest of them all, perfect blend of everything you need in a romance.

Book 5 - Skeleton MDS4A By. Ivy Dawes
Heat: 2 🔥🔥
Tropes: Paranormal Romance, Rivals to Lovers, Dark Academia
Description: Rival archeologists discover eternal love at the bottom of a dig site in Scotland.
My Thoughts: This one left me with a lot of questions and I see so much potential in this being a full length book, and I can see it going in a few different directions with the plot.

Book 6 - Be Mine By. Violet Pearce
Heat: 3 🔥🔥🔥
Tropes: Small Town, Black Cat x Golden Retriever, Romantic Comedy, Hot Lumberjack Vibes
Description: Getting reacquainted with small-town life leads to something unexpected: the good kind of wiener.
My Thoughts: I liked this one, it was enjoyable and made me laugh plus who doesn’t love a good dog campion actually two dog companions.

I can’t choose a favourite out of these so I’m not going to, Each story was well written and brought something to the table, they all have a lot of potential to be something more and I would read full length books of each of these stories.

Thank you NetGalley, publishers, and all the authors for this advanced readers copy of Love Between the Lines.

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Love Between the Lines is anthology from 6 authors, short spicy reads. With all anthologies there is a chance that not all of the stories will work for you and that is what happened here. I know this sounds negative, but it is more that there was a story that i desperately wanted more from that impacted my overall thoughts on the collection.
The stories ranged in spice levels, settings and tropes, but what they did have in common was the excitement and hope of a new relationship.

Stupid Cupid by Luna Day was first up and it was a quick spicy read that left nothing to the imagination, followed up with The Hand Off by Ellory Douglas which left me desperately wanting more. If this doesn't become a full-length poly romance i will be so annoyed. It's been a solid month and I'm still dirty that this was only a short story.

The other 4 stories were good, but they didn't have the same impact on me as the first two stories. Would i read all of these authors in the future? Yes.

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Quick hot reads perfect for when you don't have time to dive into a full book, but don't be fooled into thinking that these short stories are short on anything!

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Thank you to the authors for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

When this anthology was in the early stages, I knew I was going to have to get my hands on it somehow. It has a bunch of my favourite local authors and with a themed anthology all about love? You bet I was going to read this, ARC or not. Some of the authors have a publication or two under their belts, while for others this was their first time being published. All of the stories were different, yet cohesive. They all worked together well in this anthology and I never felt like anything was boring or too long. Some of them though... *coughelloryandivycough* had a cliffhanger ending and I can't say it was a traditional HEA. There's more coming but I hate to wait. Sigh. I want it now.

Still, definitely recommend picking this one up if you're looking for some spicy reads or a nice palette cleanser!

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It’s hard to review this anthology. Some of the stories were good; others were, not. Those that were not felt rushed, predictable and juvenile in their writing. The technical skills, pacing and believability were lacking. I understand that they are supposed to be fast paced and smut centred, but I don’t think quality of writing should suffer for it. The stories I did enjoy were creative, fun and pretty original! It was a fun read right for around Valentine’s Day, or when I want something quick, spicy and fun!

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Love Between the Lines features six captivating stories, from a burnt-out Cupid finding his soulmate to rugby teammates competing for the attention of their athletic therapist, co-workers at a tattoo parlour secretly pining for each other, a sweet romp with a handyman from an unexpected inheritance, rival archeologists discovering eternal love in Scotland, and a small-town reunion leading to an unexpected romance, proving that sometimes love is found when you read between the lines.

Stupid Cupid by Luna Day – Never thought of Cupid as a brooding, tattooed hunk who tastes like cinnamon, but now he's living rent-free in my mind, and I want to explore every inch of him.

The Hand-Off by Ellory Douglas – A peek into the life of a professional sports trainer left me craving more, and I can't wait for Noah to make his steamy appearance in this relationship.

Love Ink by Marlee Ryan – The friends-to-lovers trope never hit harder, especially when they've been secretly pining for each other for years, and he finally claims the woman of his dreams in the most irresistible way.

All My Love by Mimi Gunn – Even after death, Grammie continues matchmaking in her granddaughter’s life, tugging at my heartstrings and leaving me wanting more.

Skeleton Mds4a by Ivy Dawes – Rival archaeologists uncover mysterious finds on a deserted island, and the magic in this story has me craving more, wondering how their rival-to-lovers romance will unfold.

Be Mine by Violet Pearce – This book made me want to house-sit just to find a handy neighbor like the one in this story; I adored the playful banter between the couple and could follow their journey for days.

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I loved the short stories, and also I really enjoyed the description and guide to each story in the very beginning of the book. Light, quick read.

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Very rare is it that a collection of short stories are all really good. I would love to read more from these authors and meet a man like they write!
Thank you NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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A fun anthology of short stories! I enjoyed reading these, most were steamy and romance forward. Perfect reading for Valentine's Day, though only one was Valentine themed.
I was impressed by the variety of different stories, there's something for everyone in this anthology!

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Love Between The Lines - Review

3.5 stars (rounded to 4)

This was such a …tumultuous reading experience for me. The highs were very high and the lows were low. This collection of short, spicy stories was the perfect palate cleanser and exactly what I needed when I read it. Some stories I found to be a little …bizarre? Whereas others, like the story of the two mc tattoo artists (Love Ink by Marlee Ryan) I found that story to be the most cohesive and lured me in the fastest. The connection between the two mc’s was just *chefs kiss*.

The stories are all so different that I definitely think there is something for everyone. I think everyone will find an mc that they connect with. These 6 stories offered a combination of all the different tropes and themes which was fantastic as it kept this as such a fast paced read.

I definitely hope we get some full length stories out of these shorts as some of them definitely left me wanting more!!

Thankyou to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book!

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such a fun read right in time for Valentine’s day! i love how it’s a bunch of mini stories in one! you get yourself a little bit of everything! which is great for me because i am so indecisive.

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This is a fun, exciting, heartfelt anthology full of stories that not only make you want to read more, but also discover what the author has written, outside of these alone. I have my favorites, have the ones the stood out the most, but overall, it’s a great read and a quick and romantic escape.

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3+ ⭐ as a whole

This is an anthology with a total of 6 short love stories. I thought it was a good idea to read this ARC around San Valentine's time, so here we are!

1 ❁ <i><b>Stupid cupid </i></b>by Luna Day
Nice depiction of Cupid, he seemed pretty hot. The story was mostly nice but I couldn't get involved because it was really too short (I suppose this will be the mantra for all the stories on this because the are 6 in 160 pages 😬).
If we leave the flavoured man and girl's bits and enlarge the rest this could transforme into a rally cool longer story.

2 ❁ <i><b> The hand-off </i></b> by Ellory Douglas
It was steamy and hot, with a somewhat sad ending (?). There were two men, I thought it might be a 3way story but... No. Is this actually meant to be part 1 of a longer story?!

3 ❁ <i><b>Love ink </i></b> by Marlee Ryan
Best friend's brother trope.
This one was actually really nice 🩷
Short, yes, but considering they've known each other all their lives it didn't leave me wondering if they at lest have exchanged names before 😆

4 ❁ <i><b>All My Love </i></b> by Mimi Gunn
Sweet story, less spice and more family ties.
I don't know if the authors have the possibility in mind, but I think this has so much potential as a 300+ pages book.

5 ❁ <i><b>Skeleton Mds4a </i></b> by Ivy Dawes
This was puzzling. The romance was ideally nice, but there wasn't enough. The story as a whole was really interesting and with a high potential to be some sort of romance magical mystery 🧐

6 ❁ <i><b>Be Mine </i></b> by Violet Pearce
Cute and hot. The moment I visualised him in my mind with his Viking aura I was gone.

It seems there is something for everyone in this book. The stories and couples are all so different! And I realised I would be up to read an extended version of... Practically all of them.

// Thank you to Netgalley, all the authors and Love Lit Press for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange of my honest opinion //

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First of all I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

Overall it was a really enjoyable book with fun stories. My main problem with it was that the authors were trying to create too much in such a small space, but it made me curious to read other things by those authors.

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Love Between the Lines ARC review
With a range of spice/heat (from 🔥 to 🔥🔥🔥🔥)

5/6 of the authors are new-to-me except for Violet Pearson, who I reviewed an ARC for last year.

Love Between the Lines: a romance Anthology written by 6 beautiful authors of 6 short stories that leave you wanting MORE from each - and I mean it! I’m greedy.

Stupid Cupid by @lunadaywrites
Tropes: fated mates, strangers to lovers, mythical romance.

The Hand Off by @authorellorydouglas
Tropes: age gap, athlete x trainer, sports romance

Love Ink by @authormarleeryan
Tropes: best friend's brother, forced proximity, contemporary romance

All my Love by @mimigunnbooks
Tropes: matchmaking, strangers to lovers, small town romance

Skeleton MDS4A by @authorivydawes
Tropes: paranormal, rivals to lovers, dark academia

Be Mine by @violetpearceme
Tropes: small town, black cat x golden retriever, romantic comedy

A big thank you to the authors and NetGalley for allowing an opportunity to read this Anthology. Can’t wait to see more from all of you 🫶

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6 short stories by 6 different authors. All have romance with happy endings and different degrees of spice. This was a really fun collection and I recommend it!

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This definitely made me feel some type of way. Whew. We need some air in here, it is HOT. Very very raunchy and squirmy.

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Thank you so much NetGalley for this ARC!

This is just the perfect collection of short stories for someone that is having a book hangover. I have been having the hardest time sticking to another book, but this collection has cured me!! The stories are the perfect length, with the reader getting thrown into the story from page one. Every single one was so easy to follow and captured my attention from the first sentence.

I will have to say that my personal favourite was Luna Day's short story. Cupid being lonely on Valentines Day!! I LOVE IT! It is a quick, spicy story that was impossible to put down.

Everything about this was amazing, from the MMC's to the dedication. This is just the perfect collection of romance stories and I loved every second!!

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This was a cute and spicy romance anthology just in time for Valentine’s Day. It was great to read a variety of stories from a group of talented Canadian authors. I really enjoyed Luna Day’s, Stupid Cupid, and All My Love by Mimi Gunn. There is a wide range of tropes within Love Between the Lines and it is sure to have something for everyone.

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