Member Reviews

I *really* wanted to love this story, or at the very least like it. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

The premise of this was intriguing (missing cousin, infiltration of prestigious legal firm, a little magic), but it was poorly executed.

I wasn't emotionally invested in this story or its various characters even though I really wanted to be. None of them ever became fully fledged individuals to me. They were just concepts. Archetypes, if you would, but nothing fleshed out.

The dialogue was clunky and awkward, and the author has a tendency towards redundancy. Many things are stated over and over again. "Muriel, my cousin" is one of those phrases. Like, yes we know Muriel is the cousin. You've made that distinction 12 times. The main character also refers to another character as "the swan man" multiple times even though he told her his name and the bird moniker wasn't significant in my opinion.

There was also a couple instance of casual racism in the early pages perpetuated by a secondary character but never addressed so I was left confused on why it was included in the first place?

And yes, I did mention there was magic in this story. I just couldn't explain it to you if I tried. It was just...there.

The culmination of the story being something along the lines of "corporate greed and ethics are detrimental to the physical and mental health of their employees" was...true? But nothing we did not already know.

All of this being said, there were several moments where I found myself enjoying some of the descriptive paragraphs. For example: "But when I was offered a place at Oxford, the twin rivers of our lives that had flowed smoothly together throughout our youth diverged into tributaries of our own ambitions."

See? Perfectly lovely. I just wish a larger portion of the book came across this way, and that the overarching point of this story was more complex, concrete, and planned out.

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This book is a perfect wintry read. The concept of mixing dark academia with a modern-day graduate recruitment scheme set in Dublin was super fun and the magic system was incredibly unique.
5 stars.

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