Member Reviews

Recently I was advertised Keily mini series online and I was very intrigued, I didn't watch more than the clip but I was very excited when I saw this book. There were many moments I enjoyed in this book and I love a plus size protagonist but the book felt more geared towards a younger audience,

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great book and I loved the action and the romance . I loved seeing the friends and family. I loved that they were able to figure things out. Overall a great book .

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Overall I enjoyed these books.

The name calling in book one and two made me uncomfortable, which I guess is the point!

The end did have me smiling.

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I first saw Keily as a web series and I was interested in how the story would compare in print. While the names were mostly the same, there was a lot added to the web series and I think those changes made for a better story. I found myself most disappointed with how different Keily was as a character in the books. On video, she is sassy and funny, not afraid to clap back when James insults her. She has so much more personality. In print, Keily says absolutely nothing and even when she says she’s going to start standing up for herself, she never does. Her constant thoughts about her body and her weight were often repetitive and I think her struggles could have been more relatable if the writing was more subtle.

However, there were aspects of the story missing from the web series that I really enjoyed! I loved Keily’s friendship with this version of Lucas and the carnival scene and was a twist with a level of seriousness I was not expecting. Keily and James finally coming together was a sweet moment, something both versions of the story have in common.

Overall, I gave this series three stars. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this copy of the story.

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So I'm not entirely sure I'm the intended audience for this book, the wording and everything really felt like it was meant for very early teens (very repetitive, more telling than showing).

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