Member Reviews
The idea of different person per chapter is interesting and original but I had difficulty to make the link between everyone's relation. I felt the story was uneasy to follow which made my reading a little harder. I got to learn a little about life in Trinidad and the struggles of balancing between two homes but not enough to really capitivate me. Thank you Peepal Tree Press for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
This book follows a girl from her youth to being a young woman flitting between worlds of Trinidad and England mostly. We learn her story through chapters based on the important people in her life and her interactions with them, be it for a short period of time or a life time.
I enjoyed this unique format as it felt like a patchwork quilt of her life with each patch lending its unique story to the whole. Sometimes it felt like reading a selection of short stories. I was unaware of timelines through the book and I wonder if it would’ve mattered or wasn’t too relevant after all. I’m still not sure. All in all a great, thought provoking read!