Member Reviews

The first in a series for early readers, where young Ruby discovers that her father is not just a dinosaur expert. It seems that he and their whole family can be transported to a magical island, inhabited by dinosaurs, when they touch a magic ammonite. Not only that, they turn into dinosaurs and act as protectors for the island's inhabitants. What a rip-roaring adventure, full of fun and puns, that will be loved by the young audience.

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Pleasant nonsense, as a girl loses her sister in a game of hide and seek, but gains knowledge that the family have a secret magic way to go to a place of dinosaurs – where, for some slightly dubious reason, they become walking, talking, not-eating-each-other dinosaurs themselves. This first book is clearly troubled with setting the whole franchise up, as opposed to giving us a full-length story, but the fact the younger sister still needs to be caught does drive the narrative along and proves the very young age this is aimed at. It's full of brio and U-certificate drama, and I suppose the slapstick and bum-wiggling, head-bashing silliness would appeal, too. A very generous four stars.

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Can we talk about how amazing the illustrations in this book are?
Dino Dad, more like, Dino family has a curious concept, where Ruby, her sister and her dad are…Well, you will find out.
It is all about dinos. My 9yo enjoyed this, but we both thought had we read this 2-3 years ago, we would have loved it slightly more.
Great book for young children 5-8, who love dinos, adventures and jokes.

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What a fun dino adventure!
This appealed immediately to me as my son is a massive fan of Andy’s Adventures on TV.
The pictures are great, my son especially liked that the dad looks like Andy.
It’s a fun tale, learning all about POOPAs and following the family on their dinosaur adventures.
We look forward to reading the next title in the series!

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