Member Reviews

The second title in this hilarious new series. When Ruby and her father visit the island, they discover that everything is covered in snow and ice and there is a Mammoth on the prowl, but it way out of its natural time period. What has happened and can the guardians get everything back to normal?

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Hmmm… This first full drama – yes, it's the second book, but the first had all the setting-up and explaining to do – isn't actually that different to the first. There's a prehistoric creature on the loose on an island full of prehistoric creatures, and the heroine and her father (who has very little to do, making these books kind of unfairly-titled) have to find and rescue it, all the while presenting as prehistoric creatures. It's all cockamamie stuff, and with the emphasis even more on farty noises here than in Book One, it's where this series and I part ways. Let's face it, if the third book in the set is already scraping the inspiration barrel with a talent show as theme, then I'm not missing out on much… The very young and very un-discerning will still find this lively and jolly enough to earn three stars, but it's not exactly clever stuff.

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Ruby and her family are not - only - what they first appear like. They are special.
The second book in the series. We liked the concept, and found the characters, the illustrations, and the party scenes adorable.
Enjoyable and child-focused writing.

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In this next instalment , Ruby and her dad are again off to Dinotropolis, but what do they find this time? Snow and ice everywhere!!
Then follows another fun tale, filled with dinosaurs and maybe even a woolly mammoth!
As in the previous book in this series, the story is interspersed with fantastic illustrations which are a lot of fun.
Again my son loved it, especially as the daughter is the same age as him!
We will be looking forward to the next instalment!

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