Member Reviews

As a big fan of not only YA but Elle McNicol, I was really excited to receive the ARC of Wish You Were Her.
On the whole it was a fairly good read. Obvious positives are the representation of autistic characters who lead the story, and do this well. Despite being a world wide mega star, Allegra is portrayed as overwhelmingly just the girl next door, which I guess was good.
I liked the setting in Lake Pristine and supporting characters. My favourite was Jonah who I thought went on more of a journey than anyone else.
I did feel the story dragged on a bit and was waiting for more of a conclusion around Allegra’s relationship with her dad, but hey ho it was all harmless enough in the end really.

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There is always something so special about not only how Elle McNicoll writes her books, but towards the awareness of neurodiversity. As someone who is neurodivergent themselves, her words just connect with me so deeply and her characters are at times, a mirror into my own mind and experiences.

But even going past that, the romance element of this story was just so beautiful, watching these two characters dance around each other, unsure of how to express themselves and to hold themselves with one another and then finding that harmony, was just utterly beautiful.

It is just such a beautiful romance book that also tackles the gendering differences of being neurodivergent.

I truly cannot recommend Elle McNicolls books enough. While they may be classed as young adult, I do believe the older audiences (such as myself) can get so much out of them

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Even though I don't typically read too much YA, the fact that this had been compared to one of my favourite movies, You've Got Mail, had me eagerly requesting this. And it certainly delivered some very similar vibes, even if I was cursing when it comes to the scene where the two characters are set to meet up in person for the first time only for one of them to stand the other up.
I loved the bookshop and book festival setting. If you've ever dreamed of working in a bookshop, and a small town one at that, this part was particularly effective.
I also liked seeing Allegra make friends and start to experience the teenage years that she had missed out on.
As someone who is undoubtedly neurodivergent myself, it was nice to see some autistic representation, but it did feel a bit heavy handed at times. I understand that it affects all aspects of your life, but sometimes it felt a bit repetitive when they brought it up over and over and over again. Maybe that's because I have an inherent understanding. However, it will no doubt be eye-opening and important for some.
I'm also still not sure why George was so distant with Jonah. I get that he wants him to expand his horizons and move on, but that didn't really excuse the way that he treated him.
And do I love miscommunication (even though I knew I would be getting some, given its You've Got Mail angle)? No. So, that was frustrating too.
It was a quick and easy read though.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this sweet romance between two autistic teenagers. It's the first book I've read of Elle McNicoll's and I'll definitely be picking up the others.

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A wonderful book, Allegra and Jonah’s emails were so witty and hilarious, and the development of their relationship in real life was so much fun. You’ve Got Mail is one of my favourite films and I loved every nod to it in Wish You Were Her. I really enjoyed the insight into Allegra’s life and I really missed the people and town of Lake Pristine. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this.

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Wish You Were Her is a great read, the classic love triangle but through a neuro divergent lens. It was incredibly informative but in a way that added to the story, so it never felt dry or laboured. The representation within this novel is so refreshing and inspiring, I wish that writing like this existed for me as a teen, it would have made me feel seen and would have given me the ability to understand myself so much better. It is here now though and it is worth celebrating!

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A thoroughly enjoyable story of friendship and young love, with a neuro divergent cast.
Allegra is an autistic movie star, who has hidden her diagnosis from the world. She goes to spend the summer with her dad, support his bookshop and the book festival.
A lovely story, highly recommend.

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This is Elle McNicoll's second book set in the sublimely sounding Lake Pristine.
Containing a lot of the characters from said book - Some Like it Cold, it is not necessary to have read this to fully enjoy Wish were Her.
Allegra the main female character in this book is a famous actor and new to lake pristine this story evolves around her and her family and friends. Allegra is Autistic and this is grasped both intellectually and sensitively by Elle McNicoll .
A must read for Neuro diverse and Neuro typical types alike, as the juxtaposition between the two types of characters in the book is spellbinding.

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Another fantastic book by Elle, everything she writes is amazing!
Her portrayal of autistic characters was, as always, on point.

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I loved loved loved this book! My favourite of Elle McNicoll’s yet!

Not only was the story engaging and entertaining, but Elle McNicoll has succeeded once again in making me feel seen in a world where I often feel outcast.

Once I got into this book, I couldn’t stop. I finished at 1am with tears streaming down my face, not because the book is sad, but because in a world where fiction is a space occupied by neurotypical characters, having so many moments of “that’s me!” in Wish You Were Her is such an overwhelmingly lovely experience. To know I’m not alone, to know others stand with me and experience the world the way I do. I felt much like Jonah did the moment he found out Allegra is autistic.

The moments where I can relate to autistic characters feel like a warm hug, it feels like someone holding my hand and telling me there’s nothing wrong with me. I’m exactly who I’m supposed to be, and I’m understood.

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Perfect for readers who like Notting Hill and You’ve got mail. Allegra, 18, has been catapulted into fame but has no close friends just her family to rely on. She spends the summer with her dad in a small town helping him at his book shop. She starts an email friendship with someone in the town and there are several misunderstandings along the way. Enter Jonah, a local who works with Allegra’s dad who just can’t get on with Allegra. A perfect rom com featuring several romance tropes and neurodivergent characters. Emotional depth and captivating writing make this a must read!

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Although, I was aware of Elle McNicoll's work prior to reading this, I actually hadn't picked up any of her books which is a definite failure on my part. I knew of A Kind of Spark because of the CBBC adaptation, and I had meant to pick up a copy because I knew it featured Autism representation (and was written by an own voice author) but I failed to get round to it.

I do wish I had read Some Like It Cold prior to Wish You Were Her as I realised quite quickly on meeting Jasper that I wanted more of her story and thankfully I realised that it's already been written! A definite win for me there!

On to this book though, it’s the story of actress Allegra Brooks who is spending the Summer with her dad in the small town where he runs a bookshop. Off the back of an article, which makes quite a few judgements on Allegra's character (She's Autistic but this isn't commonly known), she's looking for normality. Of course, small town life is often far from normal but honestly it was such a lovely setting for this book to take place.

In Lake Pristine, she meets Jonah and Simon - two young workers in her dad's bookshop. There's some miscommunication, and assumptions made. At times this was quite frustrating to read - but equally so very understandable. Honestly, I could see myself getting into similar situations to Jonah and Allegra. It was definitely interesting to see how these two interacted with each other, and being able to understand both what they actually felt, but also how it came out in the wrong way.

I really did not like Simon, and his appearances were hard for me to read at times. I really did want him to realise the consequences for the way he treats those around him - particularly Jonah. I so very much wanted him to realise the truth of who Simon is.

I had such a soft spot for Jonah - and I just wanted the best for him throughout the book. I would have liked a little more from his relationship with his mum, as at times it felt like this was going to go further than it did. I loved how his relationships developed as the story progressed. I felt so much for him as he dealt with the changing of his relationship with Brooks Books owner (and Allegra’s dad) George.

As part of the town, I really did love Grace and how she was with Allegra. They just had the nicest friendship, and I adored their scenes together. I think everyone needs a Grace – and a Jasper – in their lives.

As a book person, I loved the bookshop and the book festival setting. It worked so perfectly, and I just wanted to be able to lose myself in that world. I could understand but Jonah and Allegra’s passions when it comes to books and the written word.

And that ending - oh I loved it so much. It just felt like the perfect pay off for this book - and yes it made me cry. There was just something so satisfying about leaving the characters in the place - although I would love to revisit these characters in the future.

I'm definitely going to read more Elle McNicoll! I loved the way she wrote this and the insights she gave in to her characters thoughts and feelings. In reading, the way that Allegra, and Jonah, have to adapt for the world around them I felt seen and I think that definitely added to the emotions of the book for me. Definitely a book I would recommend.

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LOVED this swoony enemies to lovers autistic love story. All the best elements of YA romance blend together beautifully with Elle McNicoll's incredible writing that takes you straight to the very heart of the characters and what they're feeling. Makes me so happy to see autistic representation in this genre. Readers are going to love it and they're going to want MORE.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an e-arc of this book. All opinions are my own.

The autistic representation in Elle McNicoll's books are brilliant!
In this one, I particularly loved the both of the main characters were autistic. We need more autistic love stories.
Allegra was a strong fmc who learned to unmask more and more over the course of the book, along with Jonah. It was great how they grew both as a couple and individuals. I loved being in Lake Pristine again, the new setting of the bookshop and the book festival. Also, it was great seeing characters from the previous book return and to see what they have been up to.
The ending felt a bit rushed as there was a big buildup, but still a great read that I highly recommend.

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Wish You Were Her by Elle McNicoll is a heartfelt and poignant romcom about love, identity, and finding someone who truly sees you. With an authentic and refreshing perspective, this book follows Allegra Brooks, an eighteen-year-old actress who has skyrocketed to fame after starring in a hit TV show. But while the world is obsessed with her, no one knows she is autistic. Desperate for a break from the relentless spotlight, Allegra escapes to the remote town of Lake Pristine, where she hopes to enjoy a quiet summer and indulge in her love of books.

At the heart of Lake Pristine is its annual book festival, run by the dedicated but aloof bookseller Jonah Thorne. From the start, Allegra and Jonah clash, their misunderstandings leading to a public rivalry that is far from the peaceful retreat she was hoping for. Thankfully, Allegra has found solace in an anonymous email exchange with a charming bookseller—one she’s convinced is not Jonah.

This book beautifully explores themes of self-acceptance, the challenges of being in the public eye, and the importance of being seen for who you truly are. Allegra’s experiences as an autistic woman navigating fame, expectations, and love bring depth and honesty that make her journey both compelling and moving.

With its blend of humour, romance, and emotional depth, Wish You Were Her is an ode to the power of books, the joy of finding connection, and the courage it takes to be yourself. Elle McNicoll delivers a love story that is both classic and modern, filled with warmth, wit, and an unforgettable central romance.

Read more at The Secret Book Review.

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We're back at Lake Pristine and we have some 18yr olds figuring themselves out. As much as I can struggle with young main characters at times, I don't with Elle's books. And I think thanks because of the raw honesty she writes into her characters. I was a messy teen, trying to fit in and knowing something wasn't quite right and it's refreshing for me to read that that was a normal (albeit horrible) experience.

She captured this well with her characters in this books - noone feeling too old for their age or seeming too experienced for their years.

This was a bit more of a grownup read I think - more swears and physicality, and I enjoyed that. I swooned at the young love in this as much as I do in most other romances I read, and enjoyed the representation of neurodivergent people in the way it was done.

Also, the subtle tones of advocacy and being ok in your own skin that's peppered throughout will be a balm to many and was not at all out of place in this story.

Despite the 'superstar' element feeling slightly out of my usual reading comfort zone, this is a small town romance at heart. With a grumpy bookseller and a desperate actress who just wants to be a messy teen.

The side characters were great, too. Always enjoy them with this author's books, but Lake Pristine has a bunch of people I think would be a hoot. Good wee read.

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This is an absolute page turner of a book. The minutiae of small town life, the importance of a bookshop and a literary festival for bringing in tourists to a town and the love hate relationship with those who swell the town for the festival every year are all told so well. The characters are fab, with flaws and kindness and a real exploration of friendship, especially when the town is small and peole are with each other for decades. There is also a helpful and sensitive look at neurodiversity and what it means for an individual and their relationships and this is done in a positive way that seeks to understand the pain others can cause as well as the glory sometimes.

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I absolutely flew through this! Although the fundamentals of the plot were predictable for anyone who knows You've Got Mail/the tropes at play, they were executed in such a delightful way that the book still managed to feel surprising. It's also so lovely to read autism rep which isn't infantalising - that feels obvious given that the author is autistic, but I've been burned so many times that it's still always worth mentioning when done this well! Really enjoyed the return to Lake Pristine after Some Like It Cold too. This was a really lovely read that I'm already looking forward to returning to.

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Four stars

I was excited to read Wish You Were Her, as I loved Some Like It cold by the same author which had some of the best autistic representation I have ever read, and I wasn't disappointed. I loved the autistic representation, which also included important conversations about masking as an autistic person and how exhausting it can be. I also loved returning back to Lake Pristine and the You've Got Mail vibes. My only critique is that the ending felt a bit rushed and I wish it was at leat 50 pages longer, but overall I would definitely recommend Wish You Were Her and I can't wait to read Elle McNicoll's next books.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a preview digital copy of this book! I immediately downloaded it and it pulled me out of my reading slump. I couldn't put it down. If you enjoyed "Some like it hot", then you will love Elle McNicol's newest book. It has a similar feeling and style, but it still it's own individual book.

Allegra is a superstar - recognised and well known but with some secrets too. This summer she decides to go to a small town where her father lives. It's the break away that she is craving but small towns aren't always as they seem. Allegra has been emailing a who lives in the town. Who is he? Is she falling in love with him?

Allegra has a lot to work out, about being true to herself and finding some friends in the world around her - which is hard to do when you hide and when you are famous.

A real feel good book with characters you just can't help but fall in love with, who you just hope will get a perfect ending...but do they?

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