Member Reviews

I’m interested in true crime and this audiobook is a slightly different take on familial crime. Martin Knight examines numerous cases over the centuries going from Rome to modern day with the Wests and the Barbie and Ken killers. In between, he takes a look at the Borgias, cannibalistic Scottish clans, the Mafia and much more.

Make no mistake, there are some gruesome details; but this is true life. We shouldn’t shy away from brutal fact and Mr Knight doesn’t glamourise the horror. I liked the narrator, her voice was even toned and she had to read some difficult stuff. I was left wanting more about some cases, but I also learned new facts. I knew little about the Borgias and found that fascinating. I’d be interested to see a bibliography or source reference for further reading. This isn’t available on an audio title, but may be available in a printed version. A very interesting overview, well written and held my attention throughout.

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A very interesting but shocking and disturbing look at evil and depraved families from Ancient Rome to more recent times.

It is clear that the author has done an awful lot of research and it must have taken ages to write; it is full of facts and information from some crimes I haven't heard of before, and I have read and watched a lot of true crime, and new information from crimes I have some knowledge of which was very interesting and enlightening. It never ceases to amaze me how evil some people can be to their fellow human beings.

I applaud the narrator for her professionalism whilst reading some of the most heinous crimes over the years however, it was a bit monotone and without any feeling at all which detracted from the book somewhat but I definitely recommend the audiobook as I would imagine the physical book would be very dry. I listened to it in the car in short bursts so this kept my interest.

Overall, an interesting book for people who enjoy reading about true crime but beware, there are some horrendous stories. Many thanks to the author, Arcturus Publishing and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to and share my thoughts of this disturbing but enlightening book.

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This was an interesting read
Full of facts and information
I struggle with rating true crime
I did learn some new information

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I often say I wish books like this would move on faster but these were just fact after fact after fact and I needed the horrors to slow down. It is interesting.
Thank you NetGalley for letting me listen and review

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Sadly the premise of this via the blurb did not meet the reality. This is a hard subject matter with disturbing stories. The stories were matter of fact but it was only the last chapter that tied things up. For me it needed greater explanation in each story, it was like the author wanted to sit in the fench and just give their what if at the end which took away the power of this for me. The narrator did a good job considering the subject matter but was very monotone and it felt flat in places. I think if the blurb was rewritten to reflect this is a collection of dark crimes committed within various families this would have a wider audience who rated the book higher. The basic are kinda there it just needed a good edit and the author to commit to the blurb, not be just a collection of dark disturbing stories told in a matter of fact sing song matter. Thank you to netgallery, publisher , author and narrator and i hope to see future volumes or versions more clearer,.

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An insight into the depraved minds and actions of evil families, some dating back centuries, and some more modern in their horrific nature.

Featuring the likes of The Borgias, Ma Barker, Fred and Rose West, and the Barbie and Ken killers alongside different tales of scottish cannibals, religious cults and drug cartels. This book is pretty gruesome. However, there were so many different families that I did find it hard to keep up as many families featured in this book just seemed to be brushed over, and it quickly moved onto the next.

I listened to the audio version of this book, and the narrator, Maya Grant, was easy to follow and had an easy to listen tone to her voice.

I would have liked perhaps less filler and more in-depth details about more specific families, but all in all, it was a decent and informative book.

Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to receive an advance copy of this book via Netgalley.

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