Member Reviews

As a lover of all things, romance and horror related, this was a perfect Valentine’s mashup!

This was a fun, easy to pick up at any moment and read a little titbit about either the gothic history of Valentine’s Day of the past or romance gone bad. With each chapter/article being only about two pages long this was an easy and entertaining read.

I love the variety of the true stories and the depth of the history through all the ancient lores.

I also enjoyed the accompanying illustrations with the chapters.

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Thanks to both Netgalley and Cider Mill Press for the eARC copy of this book. This has not affected my review at all, which are my own thoughts.

TSBoVDL is a book full of short recollections of myths, historical records and more, that dwell into de scarier aspect of romantic love, while also talking about how it shaped the world until our days, for example, whit the creation of Valentine's Day. All this accompanied with visually stunning illustrations that represent both the beauty and the more macabre side of the stories that plague this book.

Some of these stories, I knew. Others, have been a great discovery. I laughed and I cowered in horror at most of these stories, discovering new things about historical romances affecting world history as equal as any war could have, learning about myths from cultures that don't usually get to be on the spotlight, to wonder about life mysteries still unsolved.

All wrapped in a short book perfect for people that likes to deepen in the more gruesome aspects of life and love, like me.

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Quick fun and entertaining read about the darker side of Valentine's. Some I'm familiar with whilst some are never heard of before ...I wouldn't really consider them scary but it is still interesting and the picture inserts are cool and aesthetically pleasing! Nice to be able to read this one as I can't seem to see it available anywhere. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing a free copy. 🖤

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The Scary Book of Valentine's Day Lore by Tim Rayborn is a delightfully eerie and fascinating dive into the dark and bizarre history behind the holiday of love. Blending historical facts with creepy legends, the book offers an entertaining and slightly spooky perspective on Valentine's Day traditions. Perfect for fans of quirky history and gothic tales, it’s a fun and unique read that uncovers the unexpected side of romance.

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It must have been so much fun collecting the stories for this book. Some are gory, some are tragic, and some are just plain illegal. There are gods and traditions from around the world, from every time period, including an internet blind date story. This would be a terrific coffee table book or conversation starter.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this.

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This is a book jam packed with stories from all around the world. True stories, myths and urban legends. Whatever you are looking for, if you're not into the 'cutesy romance' of Valentines Day then this is the book for you.

Some of these I knew or at least knew a little, however, there were a lot I had no idea about or knew vaguely but never knew details. Every story was short but fascinating. Traditions and where Valentines Day may have originated kick off this book and I was drawn in.

I could read a few and put it down if I wanted to but I was always interested to see what was next.

I'll be looking for more from this author because if the other books are as good and easily accessible as this one then I'm all for it.

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What a fascinating collection! Some stories/myths were more familiar than others although there were a few that were brand new to me, which made it an interesting mix.

I read this via NetGalley and thought the I striking illustrations had been crafted with great attention to detail and really do complement the text. The utilisation of a limited colour palette, dominated by shades of red and black, added to the overall presentation. I’d imagine that this would work just as well in the printed version.

Perfect to dip in and out of at any time of year and for a book that’s less than 160 pages, there is a surprising amount of information included!

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Sappy romance is a big "no" for me. I like my so-called "love stories" dark and complex and, if possible, tragic. Think of Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre and Jamaica's Inn and whatnot. Needless to say, Valentine's Day is utter BS. However, this little book here is a true treasury of love gone bad.

From myths and legends, historical facts, urban legends and strange customs of intimacy and marriage, Tim Rayborn has you covered. From Orpheus and Eurydice, Irish and Osiris, Zeus' lovers and Hera's revenge, these are myths of rage and lost and immortality.

From Berlioz's obsession to Mary East's secret, from Catherine Howard to Narcissus, you will find stories you weren't aware of even if you had read hundreds of books. I guarantee you that.

This is a book that will narrate the possible origins of Valentine's Day and scare you with Japanese mutilated ghosts and unsolved crimes.

Whether you are a lover of the paranormal or you tend to connect with darkness in your romance, this book deserves a place in your bookcase.

*Also, it goes without saying that countries which have forbidden the celebrations of Valentine's Day are either Muslim, populated by terrorists aka.beasts in "humanitarian need" or regimes of eastern origins (Pakistan, Afghanistan and the rest...) But keep calling them civilized, sure...*

Many thanks to Cider Mill Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The writing was entertaining and engaging. Despite the dark side to these stories, they were delivered in an entertaining way and at times spoke directly to the reader. It felt well researched and made it clear that there were many different versions of what we were about to be told. I liked that other possible versions were also weaved in, allowing you to "choose the one you wanted".

The book was set out well with individual stories being grouped together. I liked the picture of the rose at the end of a few of the stories, the occasional cherub, as well as the coloured illustrations of some of the characters that we met. They added interest and brought the characters to life.

I liked that there were stories from all over the world as well as from different time periods. It gave a well rounded feel to the book.

Each story was short and to the point, giving the whole book a good pace. I completed it in two sittings, but if you are a fast reader then it could be done in one.

There were so many different characters from all walks of life as well as from different cultures. They were all interesting to read about.

Overall a well written book and one that I enjoyed reading.

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This is a fun collection of the less sweet side of Valentine's Day, including such topics as murders, scams, and Victorian "vinegar valentines", which were sent to someone you hated. This might be a good gift for someone who has soured on the whole concept of Valentine's Day!

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Beneath the red roses, heart-shaped chocolates, and declarations of love lies a shadowy history of Valentine's Day that few are brave enough to explore. In a journey that spans from ancient Roman festivals to medieval legends, this book uncovers the sinister roots of this holiday—from tales of forbidden love to spectral visitations and mysterious rituals.

If you ever wondered where Valentine's day came from, here is a good place to start. We have all the history here, from Lore, to true crime, to horror stories, as well as some historic fact.
Perfect for the history nerd, the romantic, and the anti- Valentine reader.
Lots of fun and information.
Recommended. Published 12/3/2024

Thanks to @Netgalley and Cider Mill Press for the opportunity to read this eArc in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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I really enjoyed this one. It was hard to put down. It kept me wanting more. The characters are amazing! And I love the title and the story line. Such an amazing book!

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the collection of stories about real events, legends, and traditions was

the imagery and pictures in this book were beautiful. even the cover is pretty.

"All because a young man accidentally romanced his own mother."

"The hurt and pain of love are as as intense as the joy and bliss, and when the pain becomes too much it can push people over the edge..."
-this quote intrigued me. I felt the intensity of this passage because yes, love can indeed cause hurt and pain. it can even destroy you.

some areas in the book fell a little flat for me and felt like something needed to be added to them. overall, I really enjoyed this book

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As a history geek, I just couldn't not love this collection of stories about real-life events, legends and traditions surrounding Valentine’s Day.

Thanks to Cider Mill Press and NetGalley, who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

p.s.: the drawings are beautiful

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A grisly and gruesome book filled with tales of love and loss, accompanied by macabre illustrations, that will haunt you well after reading.

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There are a lot of scary stories included in this book. It's a perfect collaborative piece for those people that like lore and spooky tales. I enjoyed a good half of the stories. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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For all those dark hearts out there, a Valentine's day book looking at the terrifying legends and stories surrounding romance. Oh this was such a fun read. It's a great book that has modern mysteries, legends, origins and so much more. It's morbid, its got a bit of horror, and its just such a fun read for anyone who loves a bit of a darker look into romance! Plus the book is filled with gorgeous art pieces!! Seriously snag this for any gothic heart out there!

Release Date: December 3,2024

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

*Thanks Netgalley and Cider Mill Press for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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I loved every minute of this book. It was full of stories written in such an engaging way that I found myself reading more and more, unable to put it down.

Thank you for the opportunity to read!!

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This is a quick read that covers the history of Valentine's Day lore from ancient Greece and Rome through early Europe, the urban legends of the 1950's and more. It's a mix of fact and fiction with some parts being more interesting than others. I appreciate that the author included lgbt representation and I really liked the illustration style.

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This short book is super interesting. I knew a lot of the lore but I still found the book fun. I would buy it for my teenagers.

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