Member Reviews

From the very beginning, I was HOOKED. I truly enjoy dual POV books, but this book extra close to home as all of my career up until last fall was as a CPS worker. The book gives four different POVs and although it is a slow burner, it gets SO SO SO good! I was completely on edge and entangled in the story line. With one plot twist, no one sees coming!

A very different book indeed! Told with multiple characters, it starts slow but ends on edge of your seat thrill! If you like difficult relationships and trauma, then you'll enjoy this book.

I want to thank NetGalley for having this available to read.
I just couldn’t get into this book at all. Two points of views and I just couldn’t concentrate and kept forgetting who was who. It was a slow burning book at the beginning too
I got to 25% and I couldn’t go any further

Such a great book. Couldn't stop reading it. Thank you for my advance reader copy. Can't wait to look up other books from this author.

This was an ok book, at times I enjoyed it, the story also dragged at times, and I really did not like one of the characters, until the end, that was the best part of this book. Rose and Lily are sisters who had a traumatic childhood, and one night during a snow storm Rose decided they were going to leave, though because of the storm, they had to shelter in the woods to wait it out. When Lily woke up Rose was gone, Lily was found and eventually ended up in care. She goes on to become a foster worker, helping place difficult kids, Rose disappears into the seedy life style, making her living by selling her body and forgetting about it by doing illicit drugs. Rose returns to the same city Lily is in and it's not long before Lily starts to see her or think she's seen her. A child is found dead, one that Lily had worked with and the police become involved, one of the police, Hunter, is known to Rose who had returned to work at a strip club, the owner is very shady. The story is told from mostly Rose and Lily's POV, and for the most part it works, the chapters are short and the pace is good, except when it gets bogged down by too much detail. I did finish, and by the end I had guessed the bad person, but not the why. Overall, I'd recommend if you enjoy stories of survival from childhood trauma. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Severn house for the ARC.

This was a solid 4.75 star read for me [ rounded up ], not 5 stars because the beginning was a bit slow paced. However the rest of the story picked up and it was very well paced after about 40 pages. Please don't DNF this book, it's starts out more like a slow burn but picks up. We have 4 different POV's with date stamps [ I love this ], Hunter, Daniel [ step-brothers ], Rose and Lily [ sister's ]. Their stories do all intertwine over time. This story was all that it says it was... dark, twisty, suspenceful, and sad. If you are looking for a good thriller this is it! Casey did a fantastic job at delievering.
Please check trigger warnings before reading.
Thank you NetGalley and Severn House for providing me an arc to read for an honest review

3.50 stars
The multiple points of view in the beginning took a minute to decipher what could possibly be going on. The multiple povs make none of the narrators reliable. Once the pace picked up you had to keep reading to figure out the family mystery and secrets. Some twists were predictable while other weren't.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book. I would give this novel 3.75 stars if I could.
A Cold Whisper is an eerie, atmospheric thriller with a chilling premise, though it took a while to fully pull me in. The book had variable pacing—some sections moved quickly, while others dragged, especially in the beginning for me. The writing felt clunky and overly descriptive at times, making certain passages hard to follow. I found myself rereading sentences to make sure I understood them. This is the biggest reason I can’t give the book 4 stars.
The novel provides pieces of Rose’s backstory, but I wished Lily’s character had been explored more deeply. Still, the mystery kept me engaged. Around 75% in, I had predicted a big part of the twist, but this actually kept me more intrigued. I wanted to finish to see if I was correct. While I found some plot points predictable, there was still a decent twist, and the tragic ending left an impact.
Overall, A Cold Whisper is a solid, if slightly uneven, psychological thriller. Readers who enjoy slow-burning mysteries with dark family secrets and a haunting atmosphere may enjoy this one.

In my opinion, the book started slowly. I felt like the beginning dragged, but that could just be me. I don't often enjoy books told from different points of view or multiple narrators and this one is told by three. However, after getting through the beginning of the book, it became something I couldn't put down. I kept feeling like I was missing something or that everything wasn't what it seemed. I HAD TO KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! I read a lot of thrillers and it isn't often that I am surprised, but Casey Dunn delivers!
Thank you to NetGalley, Casey Dunn, and Severn House for the opportunity to read an advanced copy!

This book begins with a story about two sisters and what one decision can do to make things go spiral... it's told from multiple points of view. Mostly the two sisters Rose and Lily, but also the two detectives, Daniel and Hunter. Which are two half-brothers.
The book is easy to read. The first chapter is a prologue that will make you want to read more! What happened that night. That is the question Lily wants answers to.
A medium-paced story will grab you by the throat and you don't want to stop reading. It is a very well thought story, incredible and intriguing. In the end, it all comes together. My goodness, the end was not quite what I was expecting.
A thriller about secrets, relationships and the consequences of one final decision...

I really found this book to keep my on toes, Lily, Rose and Daniels perspectives give totally different points of view and allow you to build a picture of what happened before BAM, Casey Dunn throws in a plot twist no one sees coming!

This was a great book! It held my interest throughout. I had no idea what was truly happening with Rose and Lily until a few chapters until the end. When I got to the end, I needed to know more! I highly recommend this book and hope there is a second one!

Great plot and a truly surprising twist of events, unlike anything else I’ve read. I enjoy reading multiple POV stories, however it threw me off a bit that only Rose’s POV was written in first person.

Trauma, survival, and revenge. With A Cold Whisper, all of these themes are woven throughout a story centered around the difficulties of the foster system. Lily and Rose escaped their toxic homelife situation the middle of a snowstorm as children. Having been separated, the girls grew into women who carried the trauma of that night on their backs. Both women take very different paths to deal with this difficult time in their past. Years later, more teenage foster kids are going missing during a similar snow storm, unknowingly drawing both women back to the scene of the crime.
The concept of this book s0unded really interesting, but unfortunately, I struggled to get through it. I felt that by the end, some of the character storylines were a bit unrealistic and jumbled. in a way that made it slightly hard to follow. I wish the author kept it just the two girls as narrators, because between the time jumps, and the varying points of view, it got a bit overwhelming.. The first half of the story was more engaging to me as we see how Lily becomes entangled in the Foster system as her job, but there are a lot of drug references due to Rose's lifestyle.
Thank you to NetGalley & Severn House for the advanced Kindle copy in exchange for an honest review.

I want to thank NetGalley for having this available to read.
I cannot get into this one. To many points of view. I just need a story told by one person. 2 at most. When it starts to get to crowded I lose so much interest.

I went into this without reading any reviews and I love doing that now because I got to experience what s great novel this was without any preconceptions. It was so good. A bit of a slow burn that keeps you excited and guessing the whole time.

A Cold Whisper presents an intriguing premise with a narrative that meshes themes of trauma, family, and the search for truth. The story follows Lily, a social worker haunted by her past and the mysterious disappearance of her sister, Rose. While the plot has the potential to be compelling, it fell a bit flat for me. The back-and-forth between Lily’s present life and memories of the past could have been more fleshed out to enhance emotional resonance.
The setting of the snowy woods creates a chilling atmosphere that complements the story’s darker themes. However, the pacing felt uneven, with some sections being slow while others felt rushed. This inconsistency affected the overall flow and made it difficult for me to stay engaged.
While the ending attempts to provide closure, it leaves lingering questions that might frustrate some readers. Overall, A Cold Whisper is a decent read with a haunting premise. It offers moments of intrigue. It’s a good read for a light psychological thriller and is worth a look.
#AColdWhisper #NetGalley @severnhouse

There are so many emotions running through me with this book. First, when I picked it up, I didn't except all that happened in the novel. The sisters, Lily and Rose, were so damaged by their mom, and each other, I couldn't help but feel sorrow for them.For the foster kids, I wept for them, several times, When all they wanted was someone to love them and to have a real chance at a life. I know that people have to be responsible for their own actions, but sometimes trauma just changes a person for the better, or for the worse. Anyone who ants a psychological mystery needs to pick it up, but I believe that there should be a trigger warning about this book. I know what it feels like to have been abandoned by someone, though they would not call it that. and it brought up memories for me. Luckily I am working through them, and am not like Lily or Rose. This will tug at heartstrings and will surprise you.

A psychological thriller that delivers an emotional story. I did find the plot a little predictable but if you like mysteries I do think you would enjoy this one!

This is a story about trauma and survival. Two sisters run away in a snowstorm, but one of them leaves the other out in the cold and disappears. Lily, the sister who was left behind, becomes a social worker to help children like herself. Rose, the older sister who abandoned the other, became drug addicted and down on her luck, forever guilty of leaving her sister.
There are twists and turns that took me by surprise, and other twists that were predictable. Writing this in a dual timeline helps the reader to understand why each girl turned out how they did and the ways they dealt with their trauma.
Entertaining, atmospheric and dark, this book will certainly entertain you. Thank you, NetGalley and Severn House for the opportunity to read this 4-star book.