Member Reviews

Helen Lawson, Anne Wright and Elsie Cooper.
Can three friends keep their secrets safe?
1916 as the great war rages in the market town of Chester Le Street Durham, Jacks the toffee factory is on a threat of closure due to shortage of sugar rations, the tins of Lady Tina must go on for the troops even if with shorter hours, Anne and Mr Jacks must keep it going.
This book has it all, full of laughter, sorrow and big secrets, that the author has once again delivered to her reader's, a superb historical fiction of an absolutely wonderful tearful read, that tissues are most definitely needed.
This book comes to life in many ways, turning over pages to bring fulfillment to all reader's.
Touching, unputdownable, moving with love.
I love how this series has progressed and eagerly await the next instalment.
Once again I loved it.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

Another brilliant book in this series family saga , wartime and just love that you feel you are working in the factory with the girls

Can’t wait to read more

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