Member Reviews
I received this ARC from Netgalley. I have a new found love and appreciation for The Crow. I requested this book solely based on the title. Any time someone complains about the rain, I always quote the line. Some get it. Some don’t. I like The Crow. I’ve watched the first movie and read some of the graphic novels, but I’ve never watched the sequels, the remake or played the video game.
Prior to reading this book, my knowledge on The Crow, was only from my high school days of 1994.
When The Crow was released I had painted mine and 6 of my friend’s faces like The Crow (I volunteered in Drama at school, so obviously, I was a professional) and we went opening weekend. We had no knowledge of Brandon Lee’s death until we came out of the theater and overheard people talking. The Crow was set in Detroit and we lived in the Metro Detroit area and we loved that. In October, we watched it again, I painted our faces again and we snuck into our high school football game and made a scene until security chased us out. Needless to say, we loved The Crow and it was a part of our Nirvana induced Grunge area.
In 2000, me and my boyfriend (now husband) drove an hour to rescue a white cat with a heart murmur. Who we promptly named Gabriel.
Back to my review:
There is so much that I did not know about the making of The Crow, the creator of The Crow Graphic Novels and Brandon Lee.
I can’t tell you how many times I had to stop and tell my husband what I was learning. I don’t want to post any spoilers, but my heart absolutely broke reading about Brandon and what was supposed to happen the very next month. Oh my heart!! Eliza 😭
The author’s connection with the movie had my heart too.
I really enjoyed this book! I requested the book to be put on Fable so I can review it there too.