Member Reviews

Already reviewed and feedback sent ages ago. Not sure why these are duplicating. But please find review content at my archived blog

- Thanks! Sorry this is a little haphazard. Just trying to clear my Shelf here. :)

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Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this title from the publisher in exchange for review consideration. .

I wanted to like this, I really did. Reading the cover blurb of Cannonbridge for the first time, it immediately sparked my interest. Unfortunately, I found Jonathan Barnes’ narrative rather weak and really had a hard time settling into the tale.

The past sections with Cannonbridge felt a bit like a bunch of coincidences- opportunities to fit in as many classic authors as possible.

The present day section is not very stronger, with Judd really nothing more than a plot device. He had no personality to speak of and no charisma to draw us into the tale– he was just a guy with a feeling that something was off. I was looking forward to a Dan Brown level deconstruction of the classics, filled with meticulous research into clues hidden within the literature, but I was left wanting.

I was disappointed by this book-as it really seemed to be quite interesting based on the blurb-however I was left wanting.

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