Member Reviews

Julia Roberts does it again. Another story filled with relatable family dynamics that pull on the heartstrings. This book follows the story of a Lexi and Stuart who would do anything for their family. Lexi has a stressful job at a TV news studio and Stuart has retired so money is tight but all they want is to make sure everyone in the family is looked after including their widowed mothers. Lexis only concern is her daughter’s boyfriend and the secret she knows about him. How can she break her daughter’s heart by telling her but if she doesn’t can she live with herself. To celebrate their wedding anniversary the couple head off on a return to the island where they honeymooned but when a health crisis at home forces them to cut the trip short will the families life ever be the same. This is one of those books where we can all relate to these characters and I was especially taken with Lexi and her frustrations around life and the workplace as we get older. This is a powerful read with a really satisfying ending. A perfect book for lying by the beach.

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I just finished the most beautiful book. Just Like Her Mother by Julia Roberts had me bawling like a baby!

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I really enjoyed this story.

No family is without issues and this story has it all.
Marriage, in-laws, children and grandchildren, siblings and all the craziness that can come with family.

When there is a death in the family it spins some members out of the norm and they have to take the time for themselves to remember what family is about.

I just loved this story and can’t wait to read more of this author.

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Often you keep a secret to protect a loved one. You don't want them to get hurt obviously, but keeping something hidden affects you too. After all you don't know of the person you want to keep from hurting will react when they find out you kept them in the dark. So in fact by trying to protect them, you still hurt hem in the end. 

Talking is so important, because if you don't people might misinterpret the signs they think you are sending. This results in pain and unhappiness and they both could have been prevented. 

I felt the strain Lexie, our protagonist is under. She wants to do the right thing for everyone, but forgets about whet she wants and needs. When, one day, the dam bursts, she knows it's time she learns to say no and to stop nullifying herself. 

This is a beautiful story about loss and love, deceit and happy ever afters. And indeed, like mother, like daughter. :)

I loved they dynamic between Lexie and her husband. Something to bear in mind: when something troubles you, talk about it and don't keep it all bottled up inside. It will spare you from pain and heartbreak. 5 stars

Thank you

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