Member Reviews

I was immediately grabbed by the title and cover and was so pleased to have been able to download it straight away. Within a couple of pages, I was hooked and read this in two sittings. It is written in a clever way, partly as the story progresses but also with podcast episodes, chats and the honest truth from Daphne St Clair.
Daphne has just called the police and confessed to being a serial killer, a woman with many identities and a life of crime spanning decades. The truth and timeline of her life and these murders is shared via podcast with Ruth. Ruth doesn’t know just what this will cost her but she is engrossed in the story and the traction her podcast is gaining. People are obsessed with Daphne and while some rightly view her as a murderer, others are more sympathetic to her tough start in life and her ability to fend for herself, especially when it is discovered that her first two victims were horrible, wife beaters. Perhaps she was right to rid the world of their terror.
Regardless, as the story of Daphne’s life continues, there is so much depth to her and so much she does for her children and their futures.
Ruth is also hiding a secret, that slowly emerges as she spends more time with Daphne. Their stories cross paths and Ruth is awaiting the moment when Daphne admits to a secret murder…but what will the outcome be?
Threats, stalkers, bold police behaviour and sleepless nights rock Ruth’s world and she is torn between finding the truth and being deemed sympathetic to a serial killer.
This was an intense story and one that I absolutely adored. Daphne is a formidable character and her life through the decades is incredible, so too are how and why she murdered so many!
Not quite cosy crime but I was certainly hooked and needed to discover more! Absolutely brilliant!