Member Reviews

(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

AD 9, Germania. East of the river Rhine, tribes hostile to Rome prepare a deadly ambush.
Their leader is the charismatic chieftain and trusted ally of Rome, Arminius, whose dream is to drive out the brutal invaders of his land.
Pitted against him are veteran centurion Lucius Tullus and the Roman provincial governor, Varus.
Together with three local legions, they leave their summer camp to begin the march back to the Roman forts on the Rhine.
They have no idea that in the forests and bog of the Teutoburg, mud, slaughter and bloody death await …

What's not to love about this? Pitch-perfect historical fiction; characters that bleed from the page, so real that you can almost touch them; battles scenes where you can taste the mud, the blood and smell death. Not overly bloody but depicts a time of barbarism just perfectly.

I am not sure there is much more I can say but to recommend this book highly. Can't wait for book 2...


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