Member Reviews

I wasn't a huge fan of the characters as I found them a little one-dimensional and I didn't enjoy the writing style so this was a DNF for me.

I requested this title back before my blogging break. I have ended up with a number of titles that are overwhelming to catch up on now I am back from my blogging break. I am regretfully not going to be reading and reviewing this title, but now I am back from my blogging break, I am looking forward to reading and reviewing some of your future titles. Thank you so much for the opportunity and apologies.

I adored this book. I didn't know what I was getting into and I came out a wreck, and a better person. It is a story that all of us have thought about, at one time or another: what happens if conjoined twins are split? What happens if one dies or gets ill and the other doesn't? It's general curiosity and One tells us a version of events, without bias or an underlying Victorian ideal of 'freak' themes. It is a gentle, beautifully written story which will break your heart.