Member Reviews

This hooked me right from the start, and thou I’ve never been to Alaska I felt immersed in the world of Ruth, Dumpling, Dora and Alyce. The story of 4 Alaskan teenagers from Fairbanks covers a multitude of issues, some distinct to Alaska and some universal. Themes of friendship, prejudice, trauma, family, loss, hope are skilfully woven through the voices of these teenagers, and I’ll be thinking about this book for a long time. 4.5 stars.

This is a novel about coming-of-age, growing up and growing in understanding.
While I liked certain parts of the book and some stories (mostly Ruth’s, who is the best fleshed-out character for me here and her story has the best arc), I feel that the storytelling here needs some polishing. The stories are connected, but they also feel like glimpses of the lives of characters. I would like to read more of their background and lives (and maybe less about the “politics” and more about Alaska as a place with its unique qualities. The sense of the place is somehow missing).
Yet there is certain fragile understanding and well-described miracles of life that makes this reading worthwhile and even touching.

Ruth, Dora, Alyce and Hank are the four main characters of this book. Apparently they once belonged to four different short stories, but you would never know this just by reading the book, because they're so beautifully intertwined.
It's a heartfelt and emotional story, but I wish the author would have gone a little further. Death and loss play a big role in these stories. Most of these kids have lost one parent or both. Alcoholism and violence left traces in their past and present. But the book never gets too desperate or sad, which is both, a good and a bad thing. Good because it's a light and fast read, bad because it doesn't dig deep enough. This book had the potential to go deep under my skin and leave me breathless, devastated but also happy. It could have left me pondering for much longer. Let's say this book had a hundred pages more (it's a short book as it is) and wouldn't have had such a fulfilling ending where every character got away unscathed - it would have moved me much more, and stayed with me much longer.

This is such a rare book. I don’t remember ever reading one that is set in Alaska, let alone Alaska in the 70s. This book has quite a catchy cover as well as a catchy title. A title that gives absolutely nothing away about the story. The fact that this book wasn't afraid to deal with very difficult topics such as poverty, teen pregnancy, reconciliation and abuse which all have a place in this book yet I was still able to find hope in the story. It is really quite amazing that this story could have such a positive ending. I would recommend this book to everyone that wants to cuddle up with a book on a cold winter night that will warm them up as much as any cup of hot chocolate.

The story of four teens in Alaska.
I should admit that this was the first time I read something about Alaska.
I had some problems to keep it up with the story in some points but I really enjoyed Ruth's point of view, especially in the end of the book which is the part that I loved the most.
Unfortunately I found really hard to focus on the 1/3 of the book so I had to stop a lot of times just to search back who were the girls it was talking about. But the last 2/3 of the book were the parts that I enjoyed the most, I found them more communicative and I could empathize with the carachters.
I would recommend it as a light reading but with some interesting points of view that can lead to a good talk.

The style of writing did not appeal to me and I prefer not to post a review of this book to any social media platforms, as I feel that this is my personal feeling and I understand that there is a large group of readers that this will appeal to.
Thank you to NetGalley and Faber and Faber Ltd for providing a digital copy in return for an honest, unbiased review.

This was an enjoyable read. Did find it difficult to follow in certain places.
Very easy read ans nice to see a side of alaska as i know nothing about it.

I tried to read this book but it just wasn't for me. In this case, it is a "it's me, not you" kind of situation.

I am sorry for not reviewing fully but I don’t have the time to read this anymore. I believe that it wouldn't benefit you as a publisher or your book if I only skimmed it and wrote a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for not fully reviewing!

I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did. I had forgotten I had an ARC to be honest, until I had a conversation the other night with my husband about how people never think their own house has a smell. The book is set in 1970, in Alaska - neither of those are comfortable territory for me - but gosh, what a beautiful book. Super quick to read, I wish it had gone on for longer - and the fact that I got so sucked in despite it not being my territory is a testament to that. Elegant and eloquent.

Beautiful book with heartbreaking stories and characters.
Its not a long book- with not even 300 pages, it certainly is a short one for me personally- but it packs a punch and will stay with me for very long.
The writing sucks you into the story, into the world and into the very different and unique and at the same time similar lives of all the characters we follow along and get to know on the side.
Its a different story, a unique story, not only because it is set in Alaska -not a place where many books take place or most of us grow up or even visit in our life times!- but also because it tells such different life stories and points of views that make the entire reading experience so very unique.
If you love family sagas that are not typical at all, if you enjoy heartbreaking but also heartwarming tales all wrapped into a package that make you want to re-read the book right after finishing while at the same time not having the strength to do exactly that right away because the story took to much out of you...
If you love great writing, wonderful story telling and great characters?
Read this book.
I hope -and am pretty sure- that you will gain a memory from this book that few books leave you with!
So worth a read!

So pleased to see that this has made the Carnegie list - it covered new ideas and a new location to me and was a good reminder that the American Dream didn't work for everyone even before current politics. My only complaint is that perhaps all of the stories had a too happy ending despite the situations - I know it is a YA book primarily but it was a bit too neat.

Such a great title, and indeed the novel is about finding yourself in someone else's house, leading a different life to that you expected. Set in gritty urban Alaska, the culture and people will be fresh and interesting to both US and UK readers. The point of view is fresh as well - teens who are an unusual mix of sheltered and endangered. One wants to be a dancer, but lives on a boat, one wants to fish but lives on land and several on the move to avoid violence.
A recommended cross-over YA/Adult fiction book with a lot of happy endings and both responsible and irresponsible adults. The author raised her children on a boat in Alaska, so the smells are authentic.