Member Reviews
I'd really been anticipating this read for a number of reasons, partly because of my sheer determination to read more diverse, #ownvoices reads, and partly because I'm enjoying Contemporary YA a lot more as of late and I'd been hoping to get into thrillers and other genres I normally forgo. And for the most part this was actually a great read for a variety of reasons, which tackles a lot of issues and is written well. Lawrence did a great job at creating a fast-paced story full of action and intrigue to keep readers on their toes.
I think I'll address a few things that held me back with this book and stopped me from giving it the five stars I'd hoped it would achieved. I mentioned the fast pace, and in many ways this was to it's benefit. However, sometimes it jumped and progressed a little too fast for me and I found myself in more than a few 'blink and you miss it' situations while reading. The MC, Marlon Sunday, REALLY irritated me. A few people have talked about this in their reviews, some saying that liking the character at the beginning and not so much at the end was all part of the fun, but I didn't like it because I think I was SUPPOSED to be rooting for him. And it was nigh on impossible to do so when he continually made error after error, mistake after mistake, and I spent most of the book wanting to yell at him. He got himself into so many stupid situations that I almost started to feel that they didn't develop his character, but were there only to further the plot. Yikes.
Lawrence didn't make all of her characters like this though. In fact, she developed some of them so well that I really applauded her successes. Marlon's mother was definitely one example of this and I loved this strong, firm but fair, life-hardened woman who would stop at nothing to protect her children. SHE was who I was rooting for. Tish was another great character, and though I didn't love her I liked her enough. Lawrence kept me interested in the story with a lot of unusual twists and turns, and I felt drawn into it even more purely because it's set in East London for the most part, which is where I live! There were so many recognisable settings as a result! That coupled with the drama, suspense and tackling of powerful issues such as drugs, gang warfare and the importance of family really aided in keeping this title up there in my list of worthwhile reads.
A grim, brutal read.. all of the characters were thoroughly unlikeable.. Set in a world I know nothing about and have no wish to. Quite pacy and an excellent sense of place, enhanced by the use of modern language. .
In my sheltered life I was screaming out for Marlon 'Not to do it'. But all was well - eventually. I know this happens and it's good for young people to read about their lives, even though it shocks us older adults. Very powerful hard hitting novel. A deserved Costa winner.
This is a hard-edged, gritty novel for Young Adults. It is well-written and I was easily absorbed into Marlon's story. It tells the story of a good boy who gets caught up in the drug/gang/crime world which exists in London.
It is a believable story and makes the reader understand how difficult life can be for some teens and how easily they can be influenced. I found some of the descriptions of violence a little too much, even though I suspect it is a fairly accurate portrayal of what does go on. I will be recommending this book to my older students.