Member Reviews

I love Danielle's writing style. The way she does retellings of much-loved stories is genius. The story of Snow, Bale, and the other characters is so unique and emotional. I cried quite a lot more than I expected to.

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I wanted to like this so much and I really did try but I was just left feeling flat at every point. It's still something I would recommend though as I think it just lacked the fairytale feel I was looking for.

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This was an easy YA read with a nice plot that chugged along at a good pace. I enjoyed the authors writing style and think this would be a great read for the older end of the YA section.

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DNF. I couldn't connect with this book at all and found it really hard to get into. I had high hopes for this, which is a shame.

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At first I was really intrigued by the premise of this book and thought it would be a twist on a classic tale. However, after the first few chapters I DNF'd it. I wasn't connecting with the characters or story and sadly, it just wasn't the book for me and I wasn't interested in continuing.

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I would like to thank Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (UK & ANZ) and Danielle Page for my copy of the ARC. Due to this kind gesture, I have decided to leave an honest review.
I would love to say that I was enjoying this book but unfortunately I am DNF it at 40%.

The book itself made to sense no me at all, the background story was a flop! Who would put a child in a mental institution for trying to walk through a mirror, or if they are a biter?

I couldn't connect with any the characters, it all fell a bit flat for me.

Usually, I would try and skim read when I find a book that I can't connect with but it's unfair to the author as they put so much work into their books and they deserve to have someone who is 110% into them.

I am keeping it short and sweet as I can imagine some people would love this! But it's just not for me.

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I have to admit firstly; I was in two minds about reading this book as I hadn't enjoyed Dorothy Must Die as much as I initially hoped. However, Stealing Snow had captured my attention with Snow living most of her childhood in a mental institution. Also, the other thing is I assumed this book was a Snow White rendition, but after reading some reviews, it seems it is more Snow Queen. I think though that the author has grabbed a bit from both of the books and combined them as there are some Seven dwarves references. In Stealing Snow, we have Snow who as I said has been living in the mental institution since she was young when she supposedly tried to walk through a mirror with her friend at the time. The mirror left her with scars all over her arms. Lately, Snow has been experiencing more vivid dreams, and strange things have been occurring. When one of her dream figures takes the love of her life Bale, this sets Snow off on a mission to find him. This lands her in a fantasy world of Algid where she was born and is the heir to the throne. Her father the King is evil, and supposedly her mother hid her away so that her father couldn't kill her. According to a prophecy, Snow has the power to overthrow her father, destroy him and save the world of Algid from an eternal frost. Along the way, Snow will meet some fascinating creatures and learn some dark truths about her past and her family. I found the book not too bad of a read but was slow in places, and I felt that the author could have expanded on a few parts - like with Magpie and her "real family" to Snow discovering the true identity of the Duchess. Overall, if you are in the mood for a rendition whether it be Snow White's story or the Snow Queen - then check out Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige.

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A book which wasn't quite for me - loved the sound of the premise but fell a little short of the mark.

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Good book. Good author. Loved the characters and the plot. Look forward to reading more of her work.

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Read as part of a campaign for Maximum Pop! All content, reviews created can be found there :)

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I usually love fairy tale retellings but unfortunately I didn't enjoy this one as much as I had hoped to. Maybe I've read too many similar stories. Not for me this time, sorry.

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Couldn't finish. Didn't like the characters or the writing style.

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I started this book but sadly it didn’t grab me, I went on to read another book and another and it has fallen down my tbr pile so much that I cant remember what I have read so will need to read it agai. Which doesn’t excite me sadly but I will as I hate not finishing books. It might not of been the book but more not the book for me at this time.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book. Unfortunately, it wasn't for me, but I'm sure others will love it.

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Having enjoyed Danielle Paige's Dorothy Must Die series, I thought I would enjoy Stealing Snow, however I've tried reading it a few times and just can't get into it.

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When I first heard this title, I thought I was getting a retelling of Snow White. It’s not. The closest thing to a retelling are the pills that Snow takes in the beginning (she named them after the seven dwarves and the associated emotions). It’s actually the start of a series too, which I wish I’d known going in. I could have adjusted my expectations accordingly.

Once upon a time I was writing a fantasy story (I got up to 100k words before I stopped for lack of time). STEALING SNOW actually had a lot of elements I’d worked into my plot. Elemental magic, a lost princess hidden in an alternative world from birth returning, and a prophecy! It was weird seeing these things in a story that wasn’t my own (as unoriginal as some of those plot points are).

This was the most infuriating thing about the book and 50% of the reason I almost DNFed this. Every single main male character aside from the king in this story is probably going to have some sort of romance with Snow at some point in time. Right now she’s had brief or hinted relationships with Bale (the childhood friend she always saw herself having a relationship with), Kai (the guy who rescued and helps her but doesn’t seem to like her), and Jagger (our cocky bad thief boy). They’re not even original love interests and each one is sappy in one way or another. It’s worse than a love triangle.

I can’t fault the pace of this book at all. It was fast and didn’t drag much, but sometimes it was way too fast. It jumped from scene to scene without full explanations of time, skipping over a lot of various details. This made the story hard to follow, and as a result I struggled to connect with the characters.

As much as this story bugged me, there were things I enjoyed. Clearly that wasn’t the romance. But I did like the inclusion of a prophecy (I love a good prophecy quest), the elemental magic descriptions/ use, and the plot twists (they weren’t written all that well, but the direction the story took was very interesting).

STEALING SNOW wasn’t a book that impressed me. I was hoping for epic elemental magic and decent characters. Instead I got a jumpy plot and characters I couldn’t care about. Even though I really don’t care all that much about it, I still have this strange need to check out the sequel just to see how the plot develops (that or I can just read the wiki plot summary).

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I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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This has a decent story to it but I feel like it was written not so greatly. Like I think my 14 year old self could have written like this. I also felt it was a bit back and forth and that the love interests were just too much. Almost like she fell in love with every single boy she crossed paths with!

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I have never read anything by this author before but I know that her OZ series gets some very high praise. After reading this I might have to start that series because I didn’t really enjoy this book all that much, and I want to see if it’s just this book. I found it to be not very original and not very exciting. The characters were okay, but I felt they could of been a little more developed. I couldn’t see myself reading this book again.

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When I first spotted this book I was immediately enticed by the cover and description. However, with the seasonal books piling up around me last Christmas it got pushed to the bottom of my TBR time and time again. It has now been so long since I requested it that I feel it has lost some of its lustre. Although I haven't read it, I have purchased a copy for our school library and will be encouraging others to read it. Sorry for my lateness and lack of constructive comment.

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