Member Reviews

If you are a fan of an edge of your seat thriller then Tom Bale has to be on your reading list. This is the second book I’ve read by Tom and once again I found myself entranced by a fast paced tense read that had me in its grips right until the end.

Right from the outset we are thrust into the action as the Turner family, who are enjoying a fun day in their back garden, minding their own business – that is until a seriously injured man finds his way in and turns their lives upside down. And so begins the nightmare.

Ever felt like you are being watched? Do you ever really know anyone? What really goes on behind closed doors? I found myself grabbing the rope that the author chucks out at the starting and clinging on as the plot deepened and darkened and took twists and turns. Once again Tom has used short chapters that allow us to flit between scenes quickly, and always appeal to me as a page turner.

I have seen and heard people say that the plot is implausible or unrealistic, but hello, it is fiction, it is escapism, and of course it won’t run step by step as a real life scenario, however, set yourself free and allow yourself to enter into a thrilling world of nastiness and you will lap it up. Well I certainly did!

Skillfully written, with lots of descriptive writing, strong characters and the stuff of nightmares, this thriller was great and I couldn’t put it down, and I am looking forward to Tom’s next offering.

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