Member Reviews

Staying For Good is the second book in the Most Likely To series, and focuses on Zoe. Back in high school, the year book read:
Zoe Brown: Most likely to never leave River Bend.

Well, not only did Zoe Brown leave River Bend, she also took the world by storm and had risen to fame as a celebrity chef. She thought she had it all and was living the life she always wanted, but after spending time in River Bend for the reunion, she realized that something was missing. At the same time, it was brought to the attention of her high school sweetheart and first love, Luke, that he had not been the same since the reunion either.
You may have been over it, but after the reunion, you stopped being over it.

With encouragement from Wyatt and a ticket in his hand, he set off for Dallas in an effort to get out of this "limbo" and figure out if there is anything left between Zoe and himself.
First, he shows up like fog on the beach, and then he kisses me. Who does that?

I am a fan of Ms. Bybee, having read all the Weekday Bride and Not Quite Perfect books, and I was very excited when I first heard about this series. I really enjoyed Mel's story, and was looking forward to more from this trio. Zoe's was a story I really wanted to read, because I knew it would be a second chance romance. There is just something about the possibility that all is not lost, and that which you loved may be your's again. It's hopeful. I also love second chance romances for all the history that is there. There were a few flashbacks that made me misty, and it was wonderful watching these two re-kindle the flame that was never fully extinguished.

Zoe and Luke getting back together is like Sandy and Danny from Grease. It's epic and wonderful.

Zoe and Luke really were epic together. He worked so hard to show Zoe how much he cared. He supported her, and did not ask her to change her life for him, rather, he was willing to change his life for her. He was not letting her slip through his fingers again. Their time apart had only intensified what they always knew was true - they were made for each other.
You're good for my ego, Miller.

So, great hero and heroine, as always, and can we talk about #squadgoals. This tight knit group of lifelong friends is absolutely enviable. I love how they are different, but similar, and how they balance each other out. They know when to push, and when to hold back. That sort of understanding takes many years of dedication to perfect. I loved that Bybee played up the bromance between Wyatt and Luke in this book. They were quite the pair. I really enjoyed every interaction between the two, and cannot wait to see what develops when a new mister is added to the group. And can we talk about the cameo! It was fun to see a character from the Weekday Brides series showing up at the inn. Nicely done, Ms. Bybee.

Michael Wolfe...action flicks. Totally hot.

As with many of her other books, Bybee includes a suspense element in this book too. There was some serious drama and chaos at one point, and a seed was planted for Jo's book which left me a little worried, but I will not fear, because Bybee always does right by me.

Overall: A wonderful second chance romance filled with love and friendship, which has left me beyond excited for Jo's book.

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*This book does contain scenes of domestic violence. *

Staying for Good is the standalone second book in Catherine Bybee’s Most Likely To Series. This is a second chance love story focusing on Zoe Brown and Luke Miller. Zoe and Luke were high school sweethearts who came from opposites worlds. Luke has always been the pride and joy of his parents. His father owns the automotive repair shop in Red River and his mother takes care of the family. Zoe’s father was abusive and went to prison. Her mother worked several jobs and was barely able to take care of the family. Where Luke found comfort and security within his home, Zoe had to look elsewhere. She found safety with Gina, owner of the B&B who became like a second mother to her. She also found a motherly figure in Luke’s mother, who helped cultivate her cooking skills. But above everything else, she found true friendship with Melanie Bartlett, Jo Ward, and Luke Miller.

Everyone assumed Zoe and Luke would get married and have a family of their own. That’s why Zoe was voted most likely to Never Leave Red River. But with Zoe’s abusive upbringing, she refused to have something bad happen to Luke and wake up one morning and find herself living like her mother, with three kids to take care of and living in a trailer that barely kept the cold out. This fear caused Zoe to bolt from Red River right after graduation and only make a handful of sporadic visits.

All of this changes with their ten year high school reunion. Melanie returned, bringing unwanted drama with her. But she also met someone and fell in love. Now, Zoe finds herself returning often to help plan a wedding. She soon discovers that no matter how much she wanted to leave Red River behind, her heart always remained.

Luke spent ten years trying to get over Zoe, but his heart refused to move on. When Zoe returned for the reunion and then kept returning, he knew he had to try to convince Zoe they deserved another chance. As the two start to get closer, Zoe finds herself in family drama. Luke reverts back to being her support system and knows there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, even leave Red River.

Get your tissues ready. Catherine Bybee has written a second chance love story of a love that's never gone away. Staying for Good is also a story of survival and overcoming your past. Of course, Catherine puts in a little suspense, which has you on the edge of your seat. Catherine Bybee is simply a master at what she does.

I’m on pins and needles waiting for the third and final book in the series, Making it Right. The story is surely to answer some questions brought up in Doing it Over.

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I love Catherine's writing, the character's of Zoe and Luke fit so perfectly well together. I also love that Catherine brings some very hard topics forward in her writing. All the characters just melted together making this an awesome book to read, This is the second book of this series I have read within days of picking them up.

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Staying For Good is the second in the “Most Likely To” series, and while it could stand alone, it really shouldn't. If you read the first book it will add a lot of depth and emotion to the characters in this one. (Also because Wyatt is a fantastic book boyfriend.)

*slight SPOILERS throughout this review*

I'll confess, I wasn't as excited about this book as I should have been. Zoe was fine, but she wasn't my favorite character in the first book, but she absolutely won me over in this book. At the beginning she came off as shallow and judgmental – especially regarding other people's appearances (mentally bodyshaming her sister who had just had a baby was a particular low point), that thankfully stopped for the most part after she started spending more time in River Bend with people who don't care as much about that kind of thing. I got teary-eyed as she re-lived and recounted her childhood, and it made me root even harder for her to have her HEA. And the relationship between Zoe, Jo, and Mel is exactly the kind of friendship that we all strive for.

Luke was exactly what I want in a book hero. He was just an incredibly good guy who loves his friends and family unconditionally, and he conveyed his strength without being overly-macho or “alpha”. Instead of holding Zoe back or throwing a ton of guilt at her for her choices, he had grown up enough to realize what she had done was for the best for both of them. Luke supported her and was happy to change his life to be with her – that's so rare in romance novels these days because usually the woman is the one who has to make all the changes in order to save a relationship. Luke Miller is definitely 'book boyfriend' worthy.

Zoe's personal back story that ran through this book was not easy to read. The effects of a difficult childhood can resonate through a person's life, and seeing the three Brown children and their varied reactions to that childhood was both sad and very realistic. I loved the way things played out for Zane, and I hope that in the next book we get to see more from him. I also hope that we get to find out how Zanya is doing. On the downside, there were things that happened while in her father's POV that made me VERY uncomfortable as a reader. I'm not sure if the author thought they were necessary in order to make the reader dislike Ziggy more than we already did, but it made me skim whenever his POV popped up to avoid being subjected to the gross things he thought and did. I was not at all sad about the ending to his story – something that was handled perfectly by the author.

If you like a sweet love story that makes you think as well as feel, you should definitely read this book.

I am so looking forward to Jo's book. The little teases we got of her story have been intriguing and I can't wait to find out how everything plays out with regards to her father's death and her seeming indifference to being a police officer. I am looking forward to it so much that I have already pre-ordered it.

I requested and was generously granted an ARC copy of this book through NetGalley and wrote a review because I very much enjoyed it. I will be buying this book the next time that my book budget builds back up.

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Staying for Good is book two in the Most Likely To series and this series just continues to surprise me. The characters have had a piece of my heart since the first book and had me aching for the next book in this series.

Zoe Brown escaped her small town life and suffocating family after graduation, leaving her two best friends, the sisters of her heart, and her loving boyfriend Luke. Now a celebrity chef, she has everything she could ever dream of except for those she left behind. When she returns to Bend for her 10-year reunion, the love that she has for her friend's and Luke, begin to remind her of the good things she left behind. But with her family drama that continues to make her want to run back to Texas, will she ever want to come home?

“I don’t want to hurt you again, Luke.”
“I was a boy when you left. I’m a grown man now.”
“I live in Texas. My life is there.” He nudged her closer with a slight tug of his fingertips.
“I know where you live.”
Zoe looked up at him; the tip of her tongue moistened her bottom lip. The teasing smile she often wore was all but gone.
The moment he felt her hand find his waist, his world came into focus.
“This isn’t smart,” she uttered, her lips reaching toward his.

Luke has been in a sort of limbo since Zoe left 10 years ago. While he's never had a desire to leave River Bend, a second chance with Zoe has him reconsidering his path. Especially since the possibility of losing her again may just destroy him. The fire between the two never died, and they can't deny that the feelings they had for one another as teenagers have only grown into more. Luke is sweet and has the sexy boy next door feel that you can't help root for him to win Zoe's heart again.

…she ran a fingernail over his bare hip in hopes of tickling him enough to roll off.
His chest rumbled. “Starting something?”
She flattened her hand. “You’re awake?”
Luke shifted his hips, and a warm part of his anatomy told her just how awake he was. “A warm, wiggling, naked woman in my bed has a way of getting me up early.”
Her hand brushed his erection. “You’re insatiable.”
Caging her hips in his hands, he pulled her on top of him.

The friendship between these three ladies, the family drama, the small town feels, everything clicked so beautifully in this book. I don't remember the last time I loved a small town series like I have this one. And that ending! I can not flipping wait for the next book. It's not a cliffhanger but it is a fantastic lead way to the next book that will whet the appetite.

5/5 for this small town contemporary romance.

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I was so excited to return to River Bend to read Zoe's story and I loved every minute of it. A second chance romance with her high school boyfriend. Zoe left River Bend , more like escaped her dysfunctional family to never return. She has become a successful chef. She now returns home for Melanie's wedding when she rekindles her romance with Luke, her high school flame. Now she needs to decide to face her family or once again leave the love of her life.

Great characters, that you will surely fall in love with. Kept me turning the pages. Can't wait to read Joe's story. Girl friends are the best. My favorite quote from the book, "Hard to move on with someone new when you're still in love with someone else."

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Many, many thanks to the publisher for an ARC of this via Netgalley! Before reading this I bought and read the first in this series. I'm glad I did. Event though it's completely fine as a standalone, it will mean more having read the first one. I love Zoe and Luke - Zoe had to leave River Bend after high school to find a better life and finally she and Luke choose to find a way to be together no matter what. I love Catherine Bybee's writing and this book is no exception.

That said - I can't wait for Jo's story!! This book left me with some questions, but I have a feeling they will be answered in her book. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call it a cliffhanger - I think the series has been building up to Jo's story, but when I was done I realized I couldn't find the real purpose of one character so either it comes out in book three or I'm reading way too much into things...

Also, is this series only a trilogy? I really want Zane to get his own HEA!

Highly recommend this book and the entire series. And when you are done with that, I recommend her Weekday Brides and Not Quite series also. All are fabulous!

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Staying for Good is the second book in the Most Likely To series. I love Catherine Bybee and her books. She always knows the perfect way to show emotion with laughter, sexiness, heartfelt plots and outstanding characters. I love the dynamic between Zoe, Jo and Mel. I've been a big fan of Luke's since Doing it Over and Luke and Zoe's story is the ultimate second chance romance, my favorite kind. Zoe had a horrible life growing up with an alcoholic, abusive father. She didn't want to get stuck in their small town and she vowed to get out leaving her one true love behind. It's now eleven years later and with the exception of seeing him last year, she hasn't seen or spoken to Luke. When Zoe has to come back to town, Luke can't stay hidden in the shadows forever. He wants his woman back and he's not going to let her get away again. Zoe doesn’t know what the right thing to do it. She got out, she's successful and has enough money to do what she wants, but Texas no longer feels like home. Can she go back to the one place that made her feel worthless? Will Luke convince her that River Bend and he are her home? I loved Luke and Zoe! Zoe is strong, beautiful, smart and knows what she wants out of life. Luke is sexy, funny and never got over his first love. He's just been waiting for her without really knowing it. I love how fierce Luke is. He's not going to let Zoe run anymore! I can't wait for Jo's story!

"What if I want to get laid," Wyatt said.
"Then you sneak out like me and hook up with your woman without telling me."

"Right now I think we should try."
"We never had to try very hard."
"No, we didn't."

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Catherine Bybee's Most Likely Series is about three friends who reunite again ten years after high school with a different reality from the one their yearbooks have predicted. In Staying for Good, Zoe and Luke former high school sweethearts find themselves once again rekindling the old flame. In high school Zoe and Luke were voted most likely to get married and stay in town, with Luke set to take over his dad's auto shop. But Zoe had different dreams and despite her feelings for Luke decided to pursue her dreams and leave River Bend and Luke behind. Now ten years later, it seems that Luke and Zoe's feelings have rekindled but the circumstances before seems wider and never about to close the gap at all. Can they make their relationship work at all?

Staying For Good is a great take on a second chance at love plot line with a dose of real life scenarios and of course sizzling chemistry thrown in. Readers will get to sympathise with both Luke and Zoe's take on their rekindled romance and the effort to make it work. Its a great read that will make you cheer for this couple to make it work because they simply are meant to be <3

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Zoe and Luke are the peffect example of love that never forget. Zoe came from the wrong side of the tracks. Luke was from the perfect her eyes anyways. Never did she expects to find live with anyone much less someone like him. And she needed to leave town after graduation. She works hard and finds her calling. Only keeping in touch with her best friends for life Mel and Jo. So when Mel needs her for her wedding shes back.
Luke never got over Zoe. He understood why she had to leave but he never got o er her. And now that shes back for a while he takes his chance. They still have the explosive chemistry try have always had. Maybe they can make it work living in two states. He's willing and it seems she is too. Until her worst fears are realized and staying is almost impossible. she has to lean on her friends more than she ever has. But she has Luke too. Will she be able to get past her past and stay for good where her heart and home really is or will she run away again leaving heartbreak behind her?

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I like the theme of this series, most likely to, that usual tagline in yearbooks in high school. You can be the same 10 years after at the reunion or life changes for the better. For some reason Katy Perry's song keeps playing in my head while reading this.

This installment of the series is about former high school sweethearts Zoe and Luke. Zoe wanted to have a better future than staying in their small town and her dysfunctional family life. Luke seemed happy before but things change when the girl you've loved forever keeps lingering but she's somewhere else. Now he's thinking maybe there's more. How will they find a way and figure it out. It's a sweet and sexy plus tricky situation indeed. The guy who got left behind and the kickass chef.

These two though, oh the lingering feelings and emotions. After all that time the love is still there, there's something notable about that. The fact that the heroine is likable and relatable is nice for a change. Her long time best friends despite the distance have a strong bond. I has root for this couple. Zoe had a tough upbringing and yet made something of herself. Maybe you do need to leave go places so you find your way back again.

Another wonderful story of this small town series that says something about love and timing. The girls had a lasting friendship and strong bond which is key to this. Luke is one solid kind of guy you'd want around. Catherine Bybee has written a story that maybe ordinary but relatable. This series like her other has a suspense element going on while the main story takes place too. I'm looking forward to reading Jo's story sounds like it will be intriguing.

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Staying For Good by Catherine Bybee.....This story was amazing and grab me on the first page. It pulls on your heartstrings with these fantastic characters that are so well written and likeable. I enjoyed watching the story be told for Zoe and Luke. This is one book I highly recommend, it will keep you flipping pages. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader cop of this book from publisher via NetGalley.

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4.5 Gripping Stars!

Catherine Bybee is a new author to me. I read one of her books a couple months ago and was completely surprised and frankly, just blown away by how much I loved the book. When I got the opportunity to read another one from her, I had to read it.

I say I was surprised because what I have learned is that she starts her stories out a bit slow. I go in thinking it's going to be one of those low key books that are good, but nothing too exciting. It's like a false since of security before she throws an event or a person in to the story line and I find myself asking where the heck did that come from and I'm sitting on the edge of my seat. Honestly, it makes the story more of a hit for me. I love it when an author surprises me.

When I started this one, I thought maybe this one wouldn't be able to hold up to the last book I read...and then two things happened. First, I mentioned this is a second chance romance so when Luke decided he was not letting Zoe go the second time, the story started to pick up. I was like, yes, now we are getting somewhere. Then Zoe's dad got out of prison and holy cow! I devoured the rest of the book. Nothing gets my heart pumping more than a bit of danger in a story. You know it's coming but there is so many directions that the author can take it. I was biting my nails waiting to see what her dad was gonna do because you KNOW it's coming. This book went from 0 to 60 and I enjoyed the ride. It's such are refreshing change for the plot twist to be drama not related to another woman or man trying to break up a couple. Instead you get a plot twist that brings these two closer. I loved it!

This is a standalone but part of a three book series and while Zoe and Luke's story concludes, you get a huge teaser for the next book. And I mean huge! I had to immediately look up when the next book gets released. I CAN NOT WAIT!

ARC provided by NetGalley.

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Bybee does an Amazing job of writing about real life in a way that not only feels real but also by putting her own signature snarky humor and charm on it. Zoe and Luke are real characters who face real problems that are not easily glossed over or overcome. Bybee's way of crafting her way through a story and making the struggle feel real and telling it in an emotional way and still making me laugh is why I always put her books at the top of my "to be read" list. I was not at all disappointed here. This book is for Second Chance Romance lovers. This book is for anyone who loves a strong female character. This book is for anyone who just loves a good story.

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I loved this book so much!!!! Zoe Brown was voted most likely to never leave River Bend but she blew out of town right after high school and made it big as a celebrity chef. The 10 year reunion in the first book of the series brought her back to town and stoked the flames of her high school love with Luke Miller who never left. When she left after the reunion Luke almost came unglued but now there is something bringing Zoe back to town. Will she stay? Will Luke follow her to Texas? These two make a seriously strong couple and the story surrounding them is spectacular. So many twists and turns and tears and laughs to satisfy.

Bring on Jo's story and QUICK!

**Received an ARC copy for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Love me some Catherine Bybee books. I started reading her books from the weekday Bride series. A go to author for a good book.

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Zoe Brown had a rough life growing up I River Bend, Oregon. Her home, if you want to call it that, was a double wide trailer that she shared with her two siblings and a mother who was hardly ever home. Being the oldest gave her the responsibility to take care of her two siblings, specially when her father got drunk and beat them. Her mother was never strong enough to stand up to his meanness. It was a blessing when he got thrown in jail for robbery and nearly killing a man. Once Zoe graduated high school, she couldn't get out of her home town fast enough. However, breaking up and leaving the love of her life, Luke Miller, was the toughest thing she ever did. After attending culinary school and making a name for herself in Texas, now she has her own TV cooking show, Zoe is happy, but something is missing. Now that her best friend Mel is getting married, she has no choice but to return home. How can she avoid running into Luke, what can she say to him.<br />Luke thought he was getting over Zoe, that is until he sees her again and all those feelings return like they were back in high school. Realizing that she is the best part of his life, he makes a decision to win her back. When her father is released from prison after 17 years, Zoe fears for the safety of her family. As they rekindle their old flame, Zoe wants to return to River Bend, but can the dynamics of her family make her want to stay away permanently.<br />Catherine Bybee has another hit in her hands. I've always enjoyed her writing of small town families and their drama. I can't wait to the next book in this series. This book can be read as a standalone, but why would,you.<br />
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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Zoe and Luke were high school sweethearts. When she broke up with him and took off after high school, it was to get away from her wrong side of the tracks upbringing, and to pursue her dreams. And she moved on in a big way, becoming a celebrity chef, able to send money home to her mom. Luke stayed in River Bend, content to work at his dads shop, happy with the small town life.

But after running into each other at their high school reunion, neither of them has been able to move on in quite the same way.

When wedding planning picks up for their best friends, Mel and Wyatt, Luke decides its time to take a chance and see if there's still something there for Zoe too. But while Zoe and Luke are testing the waters, drama starts back up with Zoe's family.

While she struggles with the drama unfolding with her family, Luke and he friends in River Bend keep a careful eye out on her childhood home, and provide a strong support system for Zoe when she needs one.

The passion between Luke and Zoe is alive and kicking, and their shared history makes it easy for her to turn to him when she's hurting. Can she get over the damage done by her parents abusive past and learn to trust Luke completely?

Catherine Bybee is an automatic must read for me, and Staying For Good does not disappoint. As always, this book is filled with the best kind of love and friendships. I can't wait for the third installment in the Most Likely to series!

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This book wasn't for me. I liked the writer's style, but I don't want to finish it. I couldn't connect with the characters very well.

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