Member Reviews

Exciting in parts and with an edge that showed the authors experience in policing and forensics. Enjoyable and solid with some slow moments that could have been more pacy. All in all an enjoyable, solid read

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Third book in the series, but wait, don't let that put you off as there was enough background in this book that means you won't float wondering what you've missed and not so much information that you feel there is no need to go back on this series, go back on it, its a must series if this book is anything to go by.

Put in an emotive plot, characters that bounce off of each other while the investigation is taking place and forensic evidence, justice and you have a great book.

Thoroughly enjoyed it.

My thanks to Little, Brown Book Group UK for my copy via Net Galley (less)

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This is the third in the DCI Simms and Professor Fennimore series and it’s an absolute corker of a read, which is really bizarre if you look back at it and realise that DCI Simms isn’t actually investigating any crime, she’s on the sidelines. This is an unusual tactic for a cop in a series, but the book holds so much to keep your attention and the characters are so well fleshed out and their actions so believable that you don’t notice or rather, don’t care that it doesn’t follow usual crime fiction conventions of cop finding crime and then going on to detect crime. It has a very real feel of policing politics as Kate Simms is kept away from the investigation and as she tries to keep her nose edged in.

There are some massive shocks in store in this book. I certainly wasn’t expecting them. And a lot of character emotion to go along with them and that’s something that I love about a book, the character’s and if I can connect to them and if I feel a need to follow their story and with this series and this book, I do. It had me turning the pages and not wanting to put it down. Fennimore is dogged in his determination to follow his beliefs and Simms, though she understands this, often becomes frustrated with him and this strong but difficult relationship plays out really well on the pages.

A great series and recommended for anyone who loves character-driven series crime with great stories.

With thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my copy.

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My favourite of the series so far! Hopefully book 4 will delve more into suzie's story.

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Follow Professor Nick Fennimore in this crime thriller that runs on the concept of how wrongly interpreted evidence can mislead a police investigation.

I found Truth Will Out to be a refreshing change from the usual crime thriller where forensic evidence is simply gathered and it all clearly points to one person who is then convicted of the crime.

I liked the format and structure of this novel. Each chapter started with a thinking point related to forensics. The story starts off giving the reader scenarios of how forensic evidence can clearly point in one direction but can lead to a Miscarriage of Justice and an innocent person convicted. So the seeds of doubt are firmly set in the reader’s mind as one crime after another takes place and you wonder whether the police are being mislead by the evidence they have found.

I enjoyed reading Truth Will Out and it was lovely having another direction to consider all through this novel, as new items of evidence were discovered. We get quite used to criminals in novels doing things to simply cover their tracks but to leave behind evidence to mislead the police investigations made the plots in this novel very involved and a joy to read.

What was nice about Truth Will Out is that it was not a single crime but a series of different crimes. Therefore you felt as though you were living in Professor Nick Fennimore’s shoes. And what a great journey you had in Nick’s shoes, I learned quite a lot about forensics and how evidence can put people on the wrong tracks. This does not only relate to criminal investigations by police officers but also to employees in all industries as their employers gather tons of evidence throughout their working day. For years now I have warned new coach drivers that from the moment they walk into their depots, they are compiling evidence that will be stored and could be used against them. The dashboard cameras have seen many drivers sacked and we now call these “dash cams” the more fitting “sack cams”. As A. D. Garrett states in his novel “every contact leaves a trace”.

I liked how the forensic science behind obtaining evidence was explained in this novel. I found it both educating and entertaining. For years now I have wondered how laboratory technicians have analysed those dodgy stains and through the commentary of Professor Nick Fennimore I now understand about the acid phosphatase test and the Teesside Protocol.

Truth Will Out gave me a very full and positive reading experience. Between reading sessions my head was buzzing. There was more than one plot and the whole story was very complex. The level of detail was high and the content was very rich. At the end I thought “WOW!” and the whole experience was quite exhausting as this novel covered an awful lot of ground.

I found Truth Will Out to be far, far better than your average crime thriller. I feel it added so much more to the game in a crowded market. I can find nothing wrong with this novel, so it gets the top score of 5 stars from me. I have not read an A. D. Garrett novel before and although Truth Will Out is his third Professor Nick Fennimore novel, it can so easily be read as a standalone. I am now interested in reading the previous 2 novels or any later novels in the series. This is because of the sheer quality of his content and writing. So I will be using a fresh pair of latex gloves from my bag, not to put fuel oil into my Volvo coach but to enjoy another investigation with Nick.

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