Member Reviews

(I received an ARC from the NETGALLEY)
(Review Not on Blog)
I have been reading more children's books on gender identity, because I feel like in this world of technology you have to talk with kids at a younger age. You want a book that is simple yet explains the main concept to young children. I liked this book for its message, knowledge and story.

Who Are You?by Brook Pessin-Whedbee is a wonderful resource to teach kids (and adults) about gender. There are many story books about gender, but this is the first non-fiction book for young kids that I've found that is the perfect balance of great illustrations and simple and accurate explanations of the dimensions of gender. The book, which includes an awesome interactive Gender Wheel, is a great tool to help kids to think about gender and to spark conversations about gender with kids. I love this book!
I received this book from Jessica Kingsley Publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Interesting little concept book for younger children about gender. I'm guessing it covers all the bases as nothing is as pink or blue as it was when I was growing up. I know that there are a lot of variations in sexuality now and even cisgender kids have an easier time of time of it than we did growing up. It will likely have a readership.

Who Are You by Brooke Pessin-Whebdee is an illustrated children's book with a straightforward introduction to gender for anyone aged 3+. It presents clear and direct language for understanding and talking about how we experience gender: our bodies, our expression and our identity. An interactive three-layered wheel included in the book is a simple, yet powerful, tool to clearly demonstrate the difference between our body, how we express ourselves through our clothes and hobbies, and our gender identity. A short page-by-page guide for adults at the back of the book further explains the key concepts and identifies useful discussion points. This is a one-of-a-kind resource for understanding and celebrating the gender diversity that surrounds us.
Who Are You is helpful and understandable resource for children, and the adults in their lives, in dealing with the idea of gender identity and all of its implications. I like that the book uses the ideas that everyone is unique and that how anyone feels about themselves is valid, and can change. My favorite point is that no one knows you better than you. While I can see some problems with the youngest children and this philosophy- like when my daughter decides she feels like a wolf and hence must act and be treated like one, however when the book is used to further or begin a discussion about gender and identity I do not think this will be a real issue. The additional questions and discussion information was thought provoking as a solo reader, but I think it could be a valuable tool for having or leading this discussion one on one or with a group.