
A Good Girl's Journey to Reinvention

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Pub Date 1 Oct 2024 | Archive Date Not set

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Uncaged: A Good Girl’s Journey to Reinvention is a story about the choices we make, the cages we build for ourselves, and how we can break free.

From the quiet suburbs of Switzerland to the warm, familial settings of Greece and beyond, Uncaged takes readers inside a deeply personal journey from toxicity and heartbreak to self-discovery and transformation. Raised in a traditional Greek family, Katia enters the world with deeply ingrained beliefs about what it means to be a “good girl,” forced to put others’ needs and desires above her own, while checking all the boxes of societal approval—academic excellence, a promising career, a picture-perfect marriage. Yet, despite her many accomplishments, even strong-willed Katia struggles to fully love and accept herself, and progressively loses touch with her true essence, which deep down is playful, adventurous, and free-spirited.

As a result of the false labels (“selfish”) and other painful childhood baggage she carries, Katia often expresses the outrage of an adolescent who wasn’t permitted to feel her anger—or even her grief. But as her story unfolds, the hardworking defense analyst learns (the hard way) to take risks and make mistakes, and finally, to embrace her true calling and a more authentic life.

From rebelliously riding away on a lover’s Harley to overcoming an embittered divorce to grieving the loss of her beloved father to finally embracing healthy love—Katia’s story is raw, honest, vulnerable, and strong.

Uncaged proves that we can change, risk, forgive, and grow. We can find genuine meaning and purpose. We can carve out life on our own terms. We can create home and belonging—and even love—no matter where in the world we find ourselves.

Uncaged: A Good Girl’s Journey to Reinvention is a story about the choices we make, the cages we build for ourselves, and how we can break free.

From the quiet suburbs of Switzerland to the warm...

Advance Praise

“Katia is a brilliant teacher and a transformational healer. Uncaged is a powerful road map for the emotional reset and rebirth we all have longed for. Katia’s journey is our journey, and the deep insights contained in each page help us navigate our own constrictions and blockages as she guides us to our most authentic and magnificent expression. In the process, this very personal story lovingly guides us and inspires us to step into our own power.” —davidji, author of Sacred Powers

Uncaged is a firestorm of truth—a call to arms for any woman who has ever felt trapped by her own life. This book isn’t just her story; it’s a manifesto for all of us who’ve built our own cages through the expectations we swallowed without questioning. Katia’s unapologetic narrative teaches us that reinvention isn’t about changing who we are; it’s about stripping away the nonsense until all that’s left is our pure, unbridled, magnificent self. Uncaged is not for the faint of heart—it’s for the brave of spirit. For anyone ready to stop pleasing and start living, this is THE guide.”—Shivangi Walke, founder of Thrive with Mentoring and coauthor of Unstoppable: Inspiring Stories of Growth

“Captivating! Uncaged feels like an intimate conversation with a dear friend. Every woman will find pieces of her own story reflected in this memoir, making it a profoundly relatable and empowering read.” —Anna Stando, DEI trainer and consultant, and co-leader of Lean In Network Switzerland

“A delightful and engaging read! Katia’s story of a ‘caged’ life vividly illustrates the bars we’ve built around ourselves, while also revealing the path to breaking free. Both captivating and liberating!” —Karin Kollenz-Quétard, professor of strategy, EDHEC Business School

“Katia is a brilliant teacher and a transformational healer. Uncaged is a powerful road map for the emotional reset and rebirth we all have longed for. Katia’s journey is our journey, and the deep...

Available Editions

EDITION Hardcover
ISBN 9798891382848
PRICE US$27.00 (USD)

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Featured Reviews

i’m so happy i was able to read this book before it was released. I found this book so amazing and inspiring the way her story motivates me to want to do what she did and get out of my own head a little more. This book is so great and i truly think every women should read this once it comes out.

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It is clear that Katia is very accomplished and has learned and grown in many ways. While I appreciated the premise of this book- a good girl’s journey to reinvention- it didn’t sit in the way I had hoped, as it was presented on the page. The writing itself was very well done but the story didn’t resonate.

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Uncaged : A Good Girl's Journey to Reinvention. I think this i one of those books that will either resonate with you or it won't. It was the latter for me. I felt it lacked depth and included too many details of who where and when (rather than just selecting the most relevant parts). I didn't experience much feeling from it, and I couldn't relate to or get any feeling about Katia. Maybe it is a cultural thing, or maybe it just wasn't what I expected. On a positive note, it is well written and I am sure there will be lots of women out there who will love it and find comfort and support in it. Good luck.

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I appreciate Vlachos raw accounting of the events and decisions of her life, her accomplishments, and how she made herself.
The writing and the structure were not always my cup of tea but I recommend this book if you are looking for life-affirming inspiration.

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What a brave, vulnerable and honest book.

Katia tells her story from being a little girl raised in Cameroon and Greece, before moving to the US as a young adult to study at Harvard, kicking off her journey of being a little lost to finding her way back to herself, which is what eventually unlocks her cage.

The book starts as an account of events where the author describes how she moved through life; from adolescent love, her career, her relationship with her now ex-husband and how she navigated the first 40ish years of her life “caged” within the self-sacrificing good girl conditioning.

It takes a major event (her divorce) to be the catalyst for her to peel back the onion of finding who she is at her core, re-connecting to the little girl that she used to be that will eventually help her lay the path to an authentic, joyful and fulfilled life (Part 3). Katia is taking us along on this intimate and imperfect journey and left me feeling hopeful, that with courage and bravery we can all keep breaking out of our cages and follow her lead.

I love that this book normalizes that as adults we don’t have all the answers. That life is messy and imperfect and that over the course of our lives we inevitably get conditioned by our parents, family, teachers and friends in one way or another to behave in ways that contradict our own impulses and instincts (and they do this with the best of intentions). That we likely all learn that we should hold back our own needs to please/serve others. That we are selfish and “bad” if we defy those demands from others. That the continuous conditioning of this makes us prisoners within our own lives and lead us to a life without authenticity / disconnected from ourselves.

Going through a version of this journey myself (global nomad, having lived in a few of her cities (incl. Zurich), a break-up, burn out, on the journey of becoming uncaged), I found that I could deeply connect with the red threads of her story. The first 2 parts (still “caged”) of the book were increasingly painful to read. I found myself hooked and yet it was deeply uncomfortable watching Katia be a passenger in her own life, since I could directly relate to the feeling of something “being off”, without ever knowing what was even wrong or what to do about it. Instilling a deep sense of unhappiness, restlessness and dissatisfaction. The book shows that one can’t simply switch a switch, but the journey is long and winding, with set-backs and continuous learning. I imagine we are never truly done, but suddenly we start to fell better, and better and better.

Katia clearly is highly educated, smart and has the means to “buy” a lot of help in the form of therapists, coaches to help her through her journey. There is a sense of privilege (regular travel, live-in-nanny, house in an affluent area of Zurich with lake views, wellness retreats) which may grate readers that don’t have the means to do/have those things.

Having said that, I feel that if this is the life the author leads, then part of an authentic account of her journey is to not hide her privilege- which she has worked hard for. It also shows that privilege is not an antidote to pain and suffering, but that beneath the surface we all fight our battles. This book is clearly not supposed to serve as how-to guide, but to be a memoir and as such I thought Katia did a wonderful job of laying out her life story with vulnerability, authenticity and courage.

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Katia Vlachos' *Uncaged: A Good Girl’s Journey to Reinvention* is a powerful and introspective memoir that takes readers on a transformative journey from the confines of societal expectations to the liberating discovery of self-worth and authenticity. It’s a story that resonates deeply, particularly with those who have ever felt trapped by the roles they were expected to play.

The narrative begins in the quiet suburbs of Switzerland and moves through the warm, familial landscapes of Greece, painting a vivid picture of Katia’s upbringing in a traditional Greek family. From an early age, Katia internalizes what it means to be a “good girl”—a role that demands she put others’ needs before her own, strive for academic and professional excellence, and maintain a flawless exterior in all aspects of life. However, beneath the surface of her seemingly perfect life, Katia struggles with feelings of inadequacy and disconnection from her true self.

Vlachos is unflinchingly honest in her recounting of these struggles. The memoir delves into the deep-seated pain of living a life dictated by others’ expectations, where the labels of “selfish” and other childhood scars lead to suppressed emotions and a growing sense of resentment. Her journey is marked by moments of rebellion, such as the thrilling but symbolic act of riding away on a lover’s Harley, which signals her yearning for freedom and her refusal to be caged by her circumstances any longer.

What makes *Uncaged* so compelling is its raw vulnerability. Vlachos doesn’t shy away from the darker moments in her life—an embittered divorce, the grief of losing her father, the deep-seated anger that she wasn’t allowed to express as a child. These experiences are not just hurdles to overcome but catalysts for her eventual transformation. Through these trials, Katia learns to take risks, embrace mistakes, and, most importantly, reconnect with the playful, adventurous spirit she had long buried.

The memoir is not just a story of personal struggle but also one of profound growth. Vlachos’ journey from a life of rigid conformity to one of authentic self-expression is inspiring. She demonstrates that it is possible to break free from the cages we build for ourselves, no matter how deeply ingrained they are. By the end of the book, readers witness Katia not just as a survivor but as a woman who has reclaimed her identity, found her true calling, and embraced a life that is unapologetically her own.

*Uncaged* is more than just a memoir; it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Vlachos’ writing is as eloquent as it is heartfelt, capturing the emotional depth of her journey while offering insights that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt constrained by societal or familial expectations. The book’s message is clear: we all have the power to change, to take risks, to forgive, and to grow into the people we were always meant to be.

In conclusion, *Uncaged: A Good Girl’s Journey to Reinvention* is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration to break free from their own cages. Katia Vlachos’ story is a reminder that, no matter where we start, it is never too late to carve out a life on our own terms, filled with genuine meaning, purpose, and love. This memoir will leave you feeling empowered and ready to embrace your own journey of self-discovery.

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Wonderful book. Don’t miss.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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This is a very personal book about the long and painful journey to the author’s true ‘uncaged’ self. While seemingly having it all as an expatriate wife there is a deep unhappiness, a feeling of not being oneself, and of being lost. She starts to ask questions, tries to find answers and takes uncomfortable steps. I liked that she showed her vulnerability and her doubts along the way making it authentic. It also showed that the outward perfect life is not always what it seems to be and that all of us need to be connected to our real self. The author used her experience to write self-help books about women in similar situations adds to to her credit.

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