Member Reviews

As a tutor who frequently encounters children and parents with anxiety, I will add this book to my collection. Every sentence rings true and the stunning images work well with the text. Parents and family members who live someone with anxiety will acquire empathy from reading this deceptively simple picture book. Now I'm going to have to look for Hoopmann's other books: All Dogs Have ADHD and All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome. I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I spotted this book on Netgalley and I just had to have it. Not only because of me being curious about anxiety (and see how this writer tells us about anxiety), but also because of the big owl on the cover and the prospect of many more birds.

The book tells us about anxiety, what it is, what it does, how it feels, and what you can do to help control it. This is all coupled with photographs of birds in various positions/ways/poses that fit with the part that is being said perfectly.

The author really put their everything in this one, finding the right words to explain anxiety and then also adding the perfect photograph with it. I can just imagine it took a lot of love and time.

I really loved this book, it was clear, but next to that I also like that it gives tips.

The book was definitely great, and I would recommend it to everyone, young and old, it is a great way to learn about anxiety, but also gives tips and help on what to do when all goes wrong. How to not let your anxiety control everything.

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This is a picture book that basically explains anxiety to kids while also showcasing beautiful photos of all kinds of birds. There is an index in the back naming the birds which make it a double dose of learning. The same author wrote All Cats of Autism and All Dogs have ADHD. I can see this volume along with the two previous volumes being used in lower grade classrooms or counseling sessions. It's worth checking out of the library if you have an "anxious" child. If anything it would be helpful in opening a dialogue about these feelings.

Birds do have a lot to worry about and yet they seem to handle it all pretty well. From windows to predators this book takes kids through the daily life of different birds showing how natural their anxiety would be if only they could express it to us.

I was given access to a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a great book for kids to help explain what it feels like to have anxiety and what you can do to help ease it. The photos of birds are fantastic.

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This seems like a great type of book to spark discussion between people with Anxiety Disorder and family/friends who want to know more. Each page has a photograph of a bird that vaguely illustrates the description of anxious behavior that the author is sharing. While not an in-depth look at anxious behavior, this would be a good place to start with understanding the basis for anxiety and introducing others to it. I could see this being a good resource for lower elementary classrooms and counseling offices.

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<<Even thinking about being anxious can make you anxious.>>

This is a children’s book, a book that will help children realize that what they are experiencing is not abnormal; after all the birds have anxiety so why wouldn’t I?
It’s a very short book of easy comprehension and colourful pictures. It helps you identify if you indeed suffer from anxiety or you just experience anxiety caused by stressful situations.

<<But no one realises how hard it is to leave the safety of home if you are aware of every possible thing that can go wrong.>>

I did know I had anxiety so relating to so many parts of the book wasn’t a surprise. A lot of quotes from this little book were how I feel every single day. Unfortunately people don’t understand it’s not just you being asocial because you don’t want to hang out but so much more. I have cancelled so many plans because I felt save at home and, after playing in my head how things could go, the interactions with other people, I felt so overwhelmed I decided to stay at home with my safest sounds and space to breathe and be myself.

<<Even if we want company, the thought of being in a crowd fills us with fear. We have no idea what to say, where to go or how to behave.>>

Do you know how hard it is to plan things with me because of that? I have told my friend that if she tells me a week in advance to go eat out, my brain will search for an excuse not to go every day until I cancel the date in the end. So now I tell her to tell me to go out the day before so that I don’t have enough time to look for an excuse to sabotage the date. It is hard and I have to be sincere with her. I used to tell so many lies to avoid going places, now I am honest and tell her I just don’t feel like going and she understands. I’m glad she knows I’m not a bad friend and that I’m trying to go outside my comfort zone but sometimes it’s just too much and I need to recharge. I’m glad there are people who understand.

<<For a while, it helps to be by ourselves. Then we start to fear that we will be alone forever.>>

This book is important for a lot of reasons. Children don’t need to feel they are not normal. Children need to reach out and ask for help but they can’t do that if they think they are wrong for the world and they don’t belong. They will isolate themselves. We are not alone. What we feel, it is felt by many others and seeing people going on with their lives with problems like ours gives us strength and hope that everything will be ok even if our lives aren’t like the ones of our friends and family.

I enjoyed reading it and the cover is just perfect. Owls are the best!

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I really like the concept of this book, but it seems to go on a bit too long in the beginning. I'm also wary of information about mental health disorders that suggest that one day the problem will just evaporate... it is much more common that people with these problems will struggle with them for the rest of their lives.

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Beautiful full color photographs of a wide variety of birds demonstrate the overwhelming feeling anxiety can cause. With clear descriptions and very understandable language, anxiety is explained for those who suffer from these symptoms, as well as for those who need to understand a loved one's condition. The gorgeous photographs add an sense of levity to this very real condition without demeaning the symptoms or the sufferer.

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As someone who has struggled with anxiety I think this is a great resource to explain to young people what anxiety is and how to successfully handle it. LOVED the corresponding pictures!

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