Member Reviews

Kate White's "Have You Seen Me?" is an exciting psychological thriller that grabs your attention right from the start and keeps you on your toes until the very end! The story follows Ally Linden, a sharp finance journalist who seems to have it all figured out—until a strange twist leaves her with a two-day gap in her memory. As she tries to piece together what happened, she uncovers a web of chilling events that hint at some serious danger lurking nearby.

The idea of suddenly forgetting a part of your life is both chilling and intriguing, and White does a fantastic job exploring this unsettling theme! The narrative keeps you engaged, revealing layers of Ally’s confusing experience in a way that truly pulls you in.

The pacing is fast and filled with well-placed twists and surprises that make it hard to put the book down. I found myself racing through the pages, eager to see what would happen next! Ally is a relatable and sympathetic character, and you can’t help but root for her as she uncovers the hidden truths about herself. The supporting characters are well-developed too, each adding their own unique touch to the story and enhancing the emotional depth.

While the ending delivers a shocking twist that’s sure to catch you off guard, it does feel a little bit far-fetched and somewhat disconnected from the rest of the story. Some plot points seem a bit too convenient, which can take you out of the overall experience.

Still, "Have You Seen Me?" is a wonderfully engaging thriller that will keep you captivated from beginning to end. If you enjoy psychological thrillers filled with mystery, this book is definitely one you'll want to add to your reading list!

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Thank you for providing me with an advance review copy of this book. Enjoyed reading, would recommend....

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Can judge a book by how late it keep me up at night reading...this one I didn't want to put down! A fantastic mystery/suspense plot that keeps you guessing right until the very end!

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This was a great compelling thriller and I liked this author’s writing style. The plot was good and I can usually guess the ending with thrillers but did not see this one coming.

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Why did Ally turn up at her old workplace, confused and disheveled? Where did she go for two days that she can't remember? Why does she feel like her husband is hiding something? Where did the blood come from? What is happening?
These are all questions posed by White in Have You Seen Me. Some of them will get answered and some of those answers will just lead to more questions.

I usually have the same issues with mystery/thriller books, I guess the ending. I can see characters acting suspicious a mile off and put two and two together. This book though, I didn't figure out what was going on at all. At first I found that to be a positive, the feeling of always being kept on my toes, not being able to figure out different people's motives.
However, it ended up leaving me more frustrated and confused than anything else.
The writing style is overall pleasant, if not focused in the mundane details which often stops the plot in its tracks. Do I need to know the details of the Chinese takeaway she's getting whilst the ticking time bomb of a plot fizzles out in the background?
One issue I had with the characters was the lack of reactions to Ally's despair. She goes missing for two days and yet her nearest and dearest seem.... apathetic. I commend Ally for caring as much as she did about the mystery at hand, especially given that it seemed she was very alone in this quest. How is it that she goes missing for two days, memories and belongings lost, and her husband cares more about his job? There was absolutely no point where I rooted for them as a couple or as individuals.
However the main issue I take away from this read was the ending. I have no issue with red herring plots, but this one blindsided me and ended up leaving the other plots... unsatisfied. The final 10% of the book seemed to rush to tie together loose threads but instead set them all on fire and started making a whole new story. The mystery that I felt so invested in was discarded for something that I really didn't care about, something that had no build up nor tension.
Overall it's a well paced and interesting novel, though stunted in distracting details and dead end subplots.

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Good plots, well written, a bit different, My first book by Kate White and I would like to read more. An interesting story which did keep my hooked

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A woman with missing memories, looking for the truth. The plot is quite generic truly speaking. Ally walks into her office one morning , only to find out that she haven’t worked there for years. Interesting start absolutely, I was reading the book with much curiosity and I have to agree the initiation of the plot was very well written but as I said the plot overview is generic, there are plenty of books out there with the same kind of plot, so why Was I even interested to read ? Because the author had the opportunity to reflect her own style in the end, unfortunately that didn’t happen. The ending was fast and not very clear. Which is indeed disappointing . I was seriously looking for a good ending. Otherwise the plot had true potential.

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An absolutely brilliant read, had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Couldn't stop reading! I'm new to the author but I will definitely be looking out for more!

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Really enjoyed this. Characters were very believable and I really felt for this poor woman who had lost her memory and then worried about what had caused her memory loss. An excellent read.

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Imagine forgetting your life, not knowing who you are, where you've been, and the worst part of all - not knowing who you can trust and which memories are real. This was a gripping read and recommended.

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Extremely strange and gripping. Enjoyed the whole story and could not wait to get to juicy ending. Loved the main character.

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An enjoyable, intriguing read.
With a well structured storyline, characters that had their own individual stories and the authors brilliant writing style made this book a page turner for me.

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book, I was intrigued by the synopsis but I felt it didn’t really live up to my expectations.

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I received a copy of the book from Netgalley to review. Thank you for the opportunity
A twisty thriller with an interesting and unique take on the genre. The writing is good and the characters are OK but not very relatable.
An OK read.

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An ok read. I did not find the characters very likeable and so this book was hard going for me. The scenery and chalet sounded beautiful.

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An intriguing thriller full,of twists and turns. The pace zipped along with plenty of red herrings along away. I was really enjoying this book until the very end. When the whodunit was finally revealed, I thought it rushed and a little implausible. It was a shame as up to then it was a good solid 4 star book, but drops to a 3 due to the disappointing ending.

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How I love secrets! I love how they slowly bubble to the surface, how they make me think no one is above suspicion, especially spouses and best friends. I love how they make me think about how I would react in a given situation - would I do a better job of ferreting out the truth than the characters themselves? Or would I be just as trusting (which - as we all know - is never a good idea when it comes to domestic thrillers!).

The answer is probably yes (we all want to trust the people we love don't we?). This doesn't stop me almost yelling at the page though when I see a character doing something that is obviously a mistake though. And there was plenty of yelling here. But in a good way because this was a good book.

Kate White does a great job in Ally, a character that I found myself caring about. And she takes what is a fairly standard plot for the genre and making it feel fresh and interesting. There are plenty of twists and turns, and they didn't go where I expected them to. Which meant I was wrong-footed more than once and the ending, when it came, was a surprise.

I love surprises as much as I love secrets. Which means this was a good book for me. Once I enjoyed a lot and would recommend to others who enjoy a good old psychological thriller.

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Memory loss can be absolutely terrifying to experience, for all that it’s a commonplace – many would say overused – romance trope. No wonder, then, that it’s also a staple of the horror and thriller genres as the afflicted protagonist attempts to piece together the missing hours or days and find an explanation for their erasure, even as external forces conspire to prevent that happening. In this story, our heroine initially finds herself missing several years of her life, acting out her morning routine as if she were still working for a former employer. However, once she accepts that she’s in the wrong office building, and receives the all-clear as regards her physical health, she is able to remember all but the events of the past few days. Even that, though, is disturbing, since there is evidence to suggest someone has sustained an injury, and with no recollection of who, what, or how this possible accident happened, Ally has no way of knowing whether she was witness, victim, or perpetrator.

In spite of being advised to stay home and rest, in the hope that she will either regain her remaining memories or come to terms with their permanent loss, Ally sets out to discover what happened to her in those missing days. She hires a private investigator to help her, but also does a fair bit of detective work of her own, particularly after the man working for her vanishes himself. All the clues point to Ally’s amnesia having been caused by a shock and trying to establish whether that happened because of, or separate from, the putative accident she was involved in leads to Ally interrogating her memories of another shocking incident: this time one that happened in her childhood.

On her way home from school, Ally had taken a forbidden route and stumbled across the body of a murdered child. Fearing punishment, she had told her parents and the police a slightly amended version of events, leading to her memories from that time becoming confused with the sanitised version, until the current incident allows her to regain control and accept the true timeline of what happened. As Ally investigates both periods of memory dysfunction, it becomes clear someone wants to stop her uncovering the truth, endangering both Ally’s life and the lives of those around her.

I liked Ally a lot and could fully sympathise with young Ally’s bending of the truth, even as the adult Ally felt guilt at not having been fully honest with the police – potentially allowing a killer to go free. I also liked her resourcefulness as she tried to retrace her steps of the missing days from the few scraps of information available to her. I was less keen on her husband, who seemed to be a thorough waste of space, and more than a little disappointed at the book’s final showdown, which seemed to come from rather left-field compared to the hints we seemed to have been getting up to that point. Still, I enjoyed all the questions that were posed regarding the nature and reliability of our memories under different types of pressure. Not a perfect book, all in all, but still an author I’d be happy to read again.

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I’ve read other books by the author and have found them to be a hit and a miss, some great and some not so great. This straddles a bit of both. I did enjoy some aspects of the book such as the way the author deals with Ally’s amnesia. I’ve read a few books that use this as the subject matter and it’s really well done and come across as believable. The books open well, in a compelling way, building suspense and tension. This continues throughout the book, compelling me to read on to uncover another clue about what was going on. The book is let down by the characters. Ally’s husband and sister in law are suffocating and irritating and I disliked reading about them. I also grew to dislike Alley as she became irritating herself. The ending is also really rushed. This doesn’t live up to the initial promise.

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One wet morning Ally arrives at work to find that she has lost her keys. Someone comes to let her in. Although she has just been away for a short break she is a bit surprised she doesn't recognise them. When her old boss arrives he tells her she has not worked there for years. This revelation brings on a collapse & she is taken to hospital. Ally finds she cannot remember anything about the last 48hrs. He husband takes her home & she decided to talk this over with the therapist she has been seeing. Something happened when she was a child that still haunts her. As she struggles to recapture her lost days she wonders if there can be a connection..

This was a terrific start but although I really wanted to find out what had gone on I became irritated by her husband, her sister in law, & by Ally herself. The end was a let down that seemed rushed. Sadly this did not live up to its earlier promise

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