Member Reviews

This was a bittersweet reading experience overall, yet in the best kind of way. While the book itself was all sugar and spice and everything nice, I've grown so fond of this world and there characters that having to say goodbye to them in this gorgeous conclusion to the series was meant to leave a bitter taste no matter how incredible the novel itself might be.
Much like the previous two installments in the series, The Tea Dragon Tapestry is very much the literary equivalent of a comforting cup of tea, the kind that's full of flavour and warms you on a chilly day. Ever since the first installment, the world of the tea dragons and those who look after them has felt like a sanctuary away from the real world. Gorgeous illustrations, an endearing cast of characters to follow and a world that makes it impossible not to want to dive right into it and not emerge out of it for a long time - this series truly has it all.
If you ever doubted Katie O'Neill's ability to make not one, but three of these graphic novels flawlessly (how dare you doubt her!?), rest assured for she has done it. It is truly incredible to see the way the protagonists have developed and the places they've reached emotionally since the first volume. These emotional journeys are so tenderly, yet marvelously tackled and you get to see their individual character arcs come full circle from where we first met them. The growth and development is so organic and skillfully realised that it makes you want to tear up seeing where these darling characters have ended up.
Thankfully for the tender hearted fools like myself with a penchant for melodrama and melancholy, the story never feels final in spite of being the conclusion. Instead of feeling as though the characters' stories are complete and the door has been forever closed once you've put the book down, this feels more like a goodbye for now rather than forever. It's the kind of conclusion that will leave the possibility for you to wonder after a long time what these characters have been up to since you've seen them last. I think the best kind of conclusions are those where it feels as though the story may yet continue even after you've finished reading it.
I cannot recommend this graphic novel to those who've already enjoyed the previous installments in the series and I cannot encourage everyone else highly enough to pick up all three volumes if they haven't already!

First and foremost thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.
I have seen these books everywhere and heard great things. They are extremely hyped, and for a good reason.
The artwork in this novel was beautifully done and you could tell a lot of love was put into it. It is both gentle yet vibrant and colorful.
The main storyline has morals to teach to people. This made the story very enjoyable as it makes it more relatable. Who knew I could relate to a novel with dragons.

Essa série é perfeita! Da estética ao enredo. Tudo é tão bem encaixado, e lindo de ver/acompanhar. Eu quero guardar esse universo em um potinho e proteger de qualquer mal. Personagens preciosos demais! Eu amo tudo nessa história, é isso.

I personally own Katie O'Neill's other Tea Dragon books, and they are very near and dear to my heart. I've had it preordered for months for my collection but also my library. The Tea Dragon Tapestry is just as incredible as I anticipated. It's heartwarming, gentle, and lovely. Katie O'Neill breathtakingly conveys intense emotions without overwhelming the reader. There's grief, joy, and happiness with family, friendship, and discoveries. Katie O'Neill wrapped up the trilogy with Erik and Hesekiel, Greta and Minette, and even Rinn and Aedhan from the previous books in the series. I love recommending this series to my upper elementary and middle-grade readers, and even the teens who pick this book up love it. I can't recommend this book enough.

I can not stress enough how wholesome this read was. Katie O'Neill knows how to deliver a wonderful storyline with beautiful illustrations. In this book we are back with Greta and she is taking care of Ginseng (a tea dragon who's owner passed away). She also wants to be an apprentice to a well know blacksmith and of course Brick helps her with the task at hand. We also have Minette who is trying to find herself while also learning about tea making. So many characters are really in a journey to find the true meaning of belonging in their present & future. As Greta struggles to help Ginseng, she has to decide on a perfect piece to make out of steel that would prove she is worthy of being an apprentice.
So much goes on throughout this story, but I highly recommend it. It so hard to put it down and at the end my heart strings were tugged. Thanks again for Netgalley for the ARC and for the invitation to join as this was a story I truly loved and followed. #TheTeaDragonTapestry #NetGalley

The art, characters, world-building, and the delicacy with which the story is developed are outstanding.
It deals with grief, longing, feeling displaced, homesickness, and finding oneself after life changing events, which are so well interpreted throughout the book.
It is a very relating story for all ages, as all of us at some point on our lives have felt as though we are lost and have forgotten who we are. And it gives us hope that we will find our rightful place over time.
Lastly, I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy.

(A HUGE thank you to the publisher for sending me an early copy through Net Galley)
*screams* I have no words. Okay maybe I have some words; this BOOK, my guys. Just amazing. I’ll never get over this art style. In this volume especially, the colour pallet and the COMPOSITION of each page is just immaculate. You can tell so much care was put into it. This book is visually engaging throughout the entire story.
These characters will forever have a special place in my heart. They continue to develop throughout the series in heartwarming ways - a feat when the challenges are very real and dark challenges. But the Tea Dragon world continues to envelop thoughtful character development in relatable ways for all ages of readers.
Side note: I want to live in all the clothes drawn. Cozy feelings from the colours to the plot. I can’t wait to see more!!!

I love Katie O'Neill to death. Her stories and her illustrations give me nothing but happiness and fill my heart with warmth.

My Review: I absolutely love Katie O'Neill's story telling and illustration style and this book is no different. I like how this book brought the previous two together, admittedly it has been a while since I read them and I was a bit confused at first. I love the soothing feel of this book, both the the colors chosen for the illustrations and with the story itself. It is a great message about finding the right path for yourself and being who you are with all your flaws and emotions. I also really appreciate the diversity put into this series, it isn't there for a statement or to push an agenda, it just is and it is so beautiful. We also get a great side story about grief in this one as we follow one of the tea dragons after loosing its beloved caretaker. All in all it is beautiful in all ways and I look forward to more!
My Rating: I really enjoyed this one, maybe not quite as much as the first book but I think if I were to re-read the whole series again, I would enjoy it more. I give it a rating of Three Paws and a Stump Wag!

This book made me tear up at 3 in the morning,, what more can i ask for?? i mean literal footage of me reading this book would show me being the exact equivalent of this emoji (🥺)
Everytime i read a Katie O'Neill book i say "that's it!!!!!! that's the cutest book she's ever written!!!!" and then she releases another one and proves me wrong.
Both the art and the story are so cute and wholesome it makes my heart reach ten times it's normal size!! but it also dealt with heavy topics such as grief and feeling like one lost themselves and i loved it showing things like that. it's also one of the most inclusive graphic novels i've ever read we truly love to see it!
Out of a three volumes i think this might be my favorite?? i just love it so so much and it means so much to me and i just want to go cry because it's over.
thanks to netgalley for approving me for the arc!!!

This is my first time reading any of Katie O'Neil or any of the Tea Dragon graphic novels. I'm glad I finally did, first I would like to sat the artwork on this is amazing! The story lines in this is good as well and cute. Makes your art all warm inside. How it talks about dealing with grief and following your heart and you'll do great.. I would highly recommend it.

The Tea Dragon Tapestry by Katie O'Neill - 4/5 stars
I received a free copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was so adorable!!! What a fun inclusion to the Tea Dragon world. This was just as adorable as the first two in the series. A story full of whimsical colors, attention grabbing storytelling, cute little tea dragons, and well-fleshed out characters.
This was so sweet and all of O'Neill's graphic novels have such good messages behind them. There was also fantastic representation in this, as is the case with the entire series!
If you haven't picked up any of O'Neill's beautiful novels before, now is definitely the time to start!

Will I ever stop gushing about how beautiful this series is? Not likely. Everything from the super adorable artwork to the very real discussions and themes of loss and change. Perfect ❤

The Tea Dragon Society is one of the most hyped graphic novels, especially on BookTube. I loved it very much, too. A second part was a bit disappointing, but it was still 4 stars. I was interested in how it will end. I’m glad we got back to the storyline of the first book.
Katy O’Neill’s drawings are amazing. For me, it’s clearly the most beautifully drawn graphic novel series I’ve read.
My other favourite in the series is the world-building. It is such a beautiful and detailed world with lots of interesting species. I wouldn’t have thought of tea dragons in my life, and what a great idea. With a second volume, the world expanded more. I think it's brilliantly done.
But let’s move to The Tea Dragon Tapestry. After a detour in the second book, we return to the main storyline to Greta and Minette. I enjoyed the story so much better. I felt like things were happening, not like in a second part. It was cute and I was happy with character development :)
The biggest issue with this graphic novel is that it’s the conclusion for this series. I need more of this world...
Hungarian version:
A Tea Dragon Society az egyik leghype-oltabb képregény, főleg a BookTube-on. Én is nagyon szerettem. A második rész már egy kicsit csalódást okozott, de még az is 4 csillag volt. Érdekelt, hogy mi lesz vége. Örülök, hogy visszatértünk az első rész sztori vonalához.
Katy O’Neill rajzai elképesztőek. Számomra egyértelműen ez a legszebben megrajzolt képregény sorozat, amit olvastam.
Másik kedvencem a sorozatban a világfelépítés. Annyira gyönyörű és részletgazdag világ, sok-sok érdekes fajjal. Tea sárkányokra életembe nem gondoltam volna, és mekkora ötlet. De a második kötettel jobban kibővítette a világ. Szerintem zseniálisan van megcsinálva.
De térjünk át erre a részre. A második részben tett kitérő után, visszatérünk az alap történethez Gretához és Minette-hez. Történetet most sokkal jobban élveztem. Úgy éreztem, hogy történtek dolgok, nem, mint a második részben. Aranyos volt, és örültem karakter fejlődésnek is :)
A legnagyobb problémám ezzel a képregénnyel, hogy mindenhol azt írja, hogy utolsó rész. Nekem kellene még több ebből a világból...

I am softly weeping because I already miss this world. Each edition to this series was a breath of fresh air that you needed deep in your soul. Each epilogue added something knew to the world even after you were done. I am sad that this series is over, but I am so happy that I was able to experience it.

This is so beautiful and soothing. Every page is intricately laid out, with tons of little detailing. I would be happy to have any spread in this framed and hung on my wall. I loved the colourful illustrations that really captured the sweet, whimsical story about acceptance and friendship.

41/4 Stars. Thanks Netgalley and Oni Press for providing me with a ARC.
The final installment in the Tea Dragon books is an apt ending to the book. Though I will miss the series, I loved the conclusion. The book speaks about accepting oneself, loving thyself and realizing self-worth. As always I loved the Art work by Katie O'Neill. I am so in Love with the beautiful artwork in the book that I would kiss the hands which painted them. Those images will always remain with me.
I wish I have a tea-dragon 'to care for' and store our memories for life. They would be great assets and companions during old age .
One thing is for sure whenever I take a sip of tea or come across a dragon picture, I will surely remember the 'Tea Dragon' and its author Katie O'Neill.
This series has left me with a Long-lasting memories and impressions.
Please Note:- Don't skip the last pages , they contain extracts from 'The illustrated history of Tea Dragons' which are insightful and a very interesting read.

I received an advanced copy of the Tea Dragon Tapestry through NetGalley so I could share my review with you!
Enter the magical world of tea dragon cultivation, a difficult yet rewarding art continued by only a handful of practitioners! By carefully loving and tending to each tea dragon, one can grow leaves containing magical reflections of memory. In this volume of the Tea Dragon series, Greta continues to work at her blacksmithing while struggling to connect with her tea dragon. A cloud of mourning hangs over its head, and Greta can’t seem to break through. Meanwhile, Minette is grappling with her lost memories after a package arrives from her former home. Self discovery and magic blend together in this gorgeous series finale!
You can get your copy of The Tea Dragon Tapestry on September 1st, giving you plenty of time to catch up on the other books in the series!
I absolutely adored the entire Tea Dragon series! Each book was filled with stunning artwork and irresistible characters! The story contains a certain magic I have found in only a handful of books. I also adored the representation and use of sign language within the book. Katie O’Neill has created a beautiful finale for this series! Though I’m sad to have read the final Tea Dragon book, I cannot imagine a more satisfying conclusion to this saga!
My Recommendation-
If you’ve been on the hunt for a graphic novel with LGBTQ representation and magical adventures, you absolutely need to check out the Tea Dragon series! Its enchanting characters and magic would be perfect for fans of The Prince and The Dressmaker or Mooncakes!

Katie O'Neill's illustrations as per usual are absolutely stunning. The atmosphere that the author is able to create is cosy and warm and this book/series gives you such a comforting feeling. I have loved the previous 2 books in the Tea Dragon series and while I did love my time reading this the plot, unfortunately, did fall a little bit short for me.
I do highly recommend picking this series up. I feel like everyone will be able to get at least something out of this magical read.

I love these graphic novels so much. They are beautifully done and I just love the art work. This is the third book in the series. The little dragons produce tea on the top of their heads that you can use to make tea. This story is about a dragon named ginseng. His first owner passed away and he is grieving for his loss. A little girl has been taking care of him and is sad because she can't help get over his loss.
She also likes doing blacksmith work and has a chance to become an apprentice to a famous one and she is trying to come up with an idea for her test. She does come up with a great idea that not helos her but also her little dragon.
This is a great story and I highly recommend that you try out these graphic novels.