Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book! Having been a' fat busters' member myself, I could sympathise with the struggle of Maddie, Jess and Lauren.
They all lead very different lives, with very different issues, but they find friendship and support from each other whilst fighting the flab.
A laugh out loud book, but emotional too, with a few years of sadness too.
A great story, fabulous characters and full of fun.

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Sweet Temptation is a feel-good story that also incorporates some heavy subjects. A light story but also thought-provoking. Very enjoyable. The narrator really elevates the story and brings all the characters to life!

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Unfortunately I dnf'd this book at around 30 %. I didn't like the narrators voice and I also disliked how the book was based around diets and fat shaming. Not for me.

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I really recommend this audiobook from Lucy Diamond.
It has a lovely heartwarming storyline Three women struggling with their weight and their personal problems are united in their challenge to make their lives better and lighter.
A wonderful friendship is formed with some laugh out loud moments, some tear jerking moments and some hard thought provoking moments.
Great narrator with a Brummy accent.
Thanks to Bolinda Audio, Lucy Diamond and Netgalley for a copy in return for an honest review.

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A lovely story of three women who start a friendship based around losing weight. Each woman has her own issues and reasons why they took solace in food. With each other's help they start to gain confidence and try to start really living their lives to the full and actually become happy. They share in each other's sad times and celebrate the successes. Nicely written, great characters

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A feel good book for an easy listen. Started a bit slow, however, once you’ve connected with the three main characters you should find yourself more engaged. If you struggle with your weight you may relate to the characters and feel motivated to improve your health and self esteem too! Relationship issues are also a strong topic throughout as well strong female friendships empowering one another.

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This is an emotionally charged story about coping with life while trying to lose weight.
Three strong women form a new friendship, taking control of their daily lives while
dropping the pounds.
Thought provoking, uplifting and
fully engrossing. A great story
narrated with a Brum accent
making it all come alive.

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This is one of my all time favourite Lucy Diamond novels, I found it very relatable at the time of reading and was excited to be able to listen to the audiobook.
The narration really brings the story alive and it is still very much one of my favourites.
Maddie has a bitchy boss who humiliates her, she's passive aggressive and somewhat spiteful. Maddie makes the decision that something has to change and starts making decisions to benefit her. along the way she finds new friends and unlikely allies.

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Sweet Temptation was a really enjoyable audio book. On the surface it was a light hearted story following three new friends on a weight loss journey, however underneath followed some darker issues such as family loss and domestic abuse. I was rooting for all three main characters and found this heart warming story a delight.

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This book focuses on three main characters, and we are invited to see their different worlds, as they are so different but share one goal that is to lose weight!I

Maddie's  works for a bitch, Collet, they work at a local radio show in Birmingham. Collet turns up to work whenever she feels like it.
Becky has no idea what Collet is going to say live on the show, which is now getting worrying. this time it's new beauty transformations. She makes Maddie signs her up for weight loss program without asking, and calls her fat on the radio! Paul her husband loves her just the way she is!

Fat busters group in church n hall, room full of people just the same size as her and aged between 20-50. Alison group leader before and after view, tells three new people to introduce themselves Jess, Maddie and Lauren meet there.

Lauren works at 'love hearts', where new clients join looking for love. Now Patrick was her new assistant and says she has laughed every since.

Maddie Paul did not agree with new diet. The kids were happy with fruit not Paul. Just the rest of my life that was getting on top of her, her mum on case and Collet was annoying her. 'she would have been a play ground bully' in her day. Want them all to talk live on air about new beauty regime, for Maddie that means her diet.

Maddie's Mum ends up in hospital. 'I know your on holiday but I thought y you should know ' says her mum's boyfriend. Her mum 'Was her best friend and confidant' Maddie explained.'
Speaks to Jess as she is about to raid her 'secret stash of goodies', does not want to 'pig out', so instead decides to go to the gym.
Keeps piping into mum's house, but can't do anything. Goes to GP's to get results: diagnosed with a brain tumour, wants her to have more scans to see if the cancer had spread. It had spread to lungs.
Jess mentions salsa dancer to Lauren and Maddie as an form of activity. Lauren is so happy as 'fat busting and friendship' has been great for them all.

Maddie's mother 'her best friend and ally'. She misses her even when she was trying to sort her life out, has to go on as normal. Goes back to work drags family down but Fat buster girls are great help.

Lauren has 'lost over half and stone over summer,' and has an idea to pitch- 'fall over love this Autumn'.
Maddie is on the radio, in her own short show! Talks about weight loss, friends, fat buster and the gym.
Lauren goes to radio station to be interviewed briefly about website how she pairs people up, talks to one of her successful story's whom got married.

Lauren and Jess go Salsa dancing lesson. Feels 'feels horribly self conscious' but she really enjoyed it! Loved the music 'why had I never done this before?' She questions herself. 'what a workout'.

Maddie dreading Christmas without mother, with her absence 'how world I get through the day'. She also misses the happyness of going on a first date, now she'd lost two stone and been married for 14 years. Was her husband going off her because she's losing weight, even trying to 'sabotaged' her diet by paying for fish and chips and so does Collet as she is always bringing treats into work, and leaving them near her desk.

I love the different P.O.V. I feel it gives the book much more depth, as the story is expanded much more. The characters are realistic and you grow close to them all equally.Lucy Diamond at her usual best! I like the side range of topics it covers from weight loss, friendship, love and loss death and even abuse.

Thanks to Netgally and the publishers for giving me a free digital copy of this book in exchange for a full, crank and honest review. All options expressed are completely my own.

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Sweet Temptation is a funny and heartwarming novel that many people will relate to. Maddie is a busy, working mum who is humiliated by her radio presenter boss and begrudgingly joins a local slimming class. There she makes new friends, Jess and Lauren who are also facing their own challenges.
This would be a great holiday read for anyone wanting something easy to get into, and fans of Lucy Diamond will love it.

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Maddie's getting it from all sides. Her bitchy boss at the radio station humiliates her live on air about her figure, her glamour-puss mum keeps dropping not-so-subtle hints that Maddie should lose weight, and her kids are embarrassed to be seen with her after the disastrous mums' race at their school sports day. Something's got to change . . .
Maddie reluctantly joins the local weight-watching group where she finds two unlikely allies - Jess, who is desperate to fit into a size ten wedding dress for her Big Day, and Lauren, who, despite running a dating agency, has signed off romance for ever. Or so she thinks . . .
As they all count the calories, new friendships develop, and secrets are shared - but can they resist temptation?

I’m a big fan of Lucy Diamond’s work, so I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to review the audio version of her 2010 release, Sweet Temptation, which it’s fair to say is as fresh and relevant today as it was upon its original release.

The three female characters in this book are all gorgeous women in their own right, but they just aren’t feeling it.
As they buddy up in fat club, they form a lovely friendship.
It was wonderful to read these women’s stories and see them lift each other up and have each other’s backs.
Each woman has their own storyline and the whole book is written beautifully. It’s funny, thoughtful, wise and uplifting.
Sweet Temptation left me with a big smile on my face and sent me rushing to dust off my fat club membership.

This book oozes girl power and won’t fail to uplift you.
Five feel good stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Excellent narration from Kate Rawson.

With thanks to Netgalley and Bolinda Audio for an arc of this title.

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I could not stop listening to this book it was well written and in unexpected feel good. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the audiobook in exchange for a review.

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What a great audiobook! I enjoyed the story of the 3 lives of the main characters and how they intertwined with each other.
The narrator was very good too and had great accents .
All in all a great uplifting listen

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This book covers friendships, toxic relationships, grief and weight issues. It features 3 women who have their own issues regarding being overweight. It's astonishing how being overweight has an impact emotionally and what we are prepared to accept. One character lets herself be bossed and belittled by her boss, another allows her boyfriend to manipulate and abuse her, while the third character is getting over the loss of her mother. Interestingly as the story develops they are all perceived and treated in a different way as they lose more and more weight.

Its a novel but feels like it has an underlying message

Thank you for the advance copy

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I have read and enjoyed several Lucy Diamond books. Her books tend to fall in the gentle chick lit genre and this book was no different. Althought there was some romance and some relationship stuff going on, the main story was about 3 new friends that meet through a weightloss group. These three women are completely different and at first sight quite unlikely friends, but as the story develops they end up becoming real friends. At first i struggled a bit to get into the story and to tell the women apart, even though they are so different, but once I got track of them the story just flowed. I enjoyed listening to this story and I wanted to see what would happen. Would their friendship deepen? Would they all achieve their goals? What will happen to each of them outside of the weightloss group?
A nice gentle listen with really good narration.

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What an exquisite read. I really loved the female protagonists. They feel like friends. Maddie is juggling her job working for a despicable female DJ at Brum fm, with family life, when she is shamed into attending a slimming group. It turns out to be a blessing when she meets Jess and Lauren as friendship blossoms that sees them through some major life events between them all. This is such an empowering and heartfelt read. For fans of uplifting authors like Jenny Colgan and Beth O'Leary. #sweettemptation #lucydiamond #netgalley

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I read this book quite a few years ago and it was so nice to be able to revisit on audiobook. It was just as good the second time around.

The story centers around three women, who wouldn't normally mix, who become friends during a Fatbusters meeting. The three go on a great journey together and I just loved their conclusions. Such a lovely, but a rollercoaster of emotions, romantic comedy.

I loved the narrator she gave the characters depth, her different voices for all the characters was spot on and made listening a joy. I would definitely listen to more of her audiobooks.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this. I whizzed through it, confirming I needed a little change in genre for a bit.

A lovely, friendly novel. Based around 3 woman that meet and become great friends at a weight loss group and become firm friends along the way. It covers deep subjects in a way that only “a girly novel” can. It is girly, it’s cute it’s funny it’s sad but most of all it’s feel good reading.

The characters are well rounded, likeable and you fall in love with them and root for their goals throughout.

The narration is brilliant, the narrator gave us both barrels on the accents. But it fit, it reminded us who each character was.

I note that this is a rerelease from circa 2010, with a lot of references to the time that rather than feel dated they felt wrapped in nostalgia and I think that added a lot of depth to the read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunities to listen to this audiobook in return for an honest review.

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What a beautiful read this was!

This book was a little bit different than my usual reads and I wasn’t sure whether I’d enjoy it. I am so glad to say I loved it.

The story follows three women who meet on their ‘weight loss’ journey at ‘Fat Busters club and become friends. The story explores each of their lives individually as well as their friendship and connections.

The author managed to create three brilliant characters, each having characteristics and experiences that we all can or have related to at one point.

It was a beautifully written story that I was excited to keep coming back to. The bonus of listening to this via audiobook was the accents. I personally think the narrator performed this well, making it easier to distinguish who was talking/who’s chapter we were listening to

Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for this copy of the book in exchange for an honest review

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