Member Reviews

This was a well-written and fun read. I was definitely expecting more of an actual dino romance. So, I was relieved to discover that was not the case.

This is the romance fans of dinosaurs or the Jurassic Park franchise have been craving!
Tallulah is archeological doctorate student looking for some real world summer job experience… but in this alternate world, she’s not looking for a dig sight, but a top secret dino breeding facility!
Persistence and tenacity on Tallulah’s part works in her favour and she finds the secret sight and convinces them to take her on as a summer student. She can’t wait to experience the dinosaurs she has been studying in their natural state, but keeps finding herself distracted and drawn to the enigmatic sight leader, Reid. She has been warned off of him, but their mutual love of dinosaurs and a feeling of being separate from the rest of society connects these two in more ways than one!
This was a lot of fun! Our hero, Reid totally reminded me of Chris Pratt’s character in Jurassic World, all the better to bring this steamy dino fantasy to life! As a quick novella, I easily feel into step with the alternate reality and the light storyline that has brought the characters together. As a novella, details are few, but in this type of story, with its similarity to Jurassic Park’s science, it was not necessary.
I devoured this book and promptly acquired the rest of Faust’s dino romances! This was alight dino romance that provides a palatable entry to the subject. Fans of monster/ alien romance will enjoy this nostalgic romp!

I thought this was absolutely delightful! A fun no one gets hurt fetish, we're all allowed to get as silly frivolous joyous and hilarious as we want to! I'm not sure it can be categorized as erotica, there was 1 sex scene, but it was DEFINITELY a creative blend of cowboy romance, monster romance, and pure rococo fun.
Silly, sexy, short, joyous. At barely cresting 100 pages, we all should read this and remember that sex and feeling sexy is supposed to be F U N. No need to take ourselves so seriously all the time <3

Based on the cover, the synopsis, and the title, I was expecting this to be a fun diversion into the world of dinosaur erotica (a place I have only ventured once before, when I read *Space Raptor Butt Invasion* by Dr. Chuck Tingle). Lola Faust delivered.
Tallulah is a PhD candidate in paleontology, and is determined to get a job with the mysterious, isolated, and cutting-edge dinosaur breeding facility Dino Ranch. They aren’t advertising or anything, and she has no reason to think they even *want* an intern, but she is nevertheless determined to show up at their doorstep and refuse to leave until they give her a chance.
What Tallulah didn’t count on was that the director of Dino Ranch was famed paleogeneticist Reid Canmore, seeing as he was killed in a helicopter crash some years before.
She also didn’t expect him to be such a hunk.
Or the heir of an English barony.
Or smell so nice.
In the story that follows, Tallulah’s desire for Reid and her obsession with dinosaurs synergize. She is determined to have him, despite being warned off by the #2 at Dino Ranch.
In the end, this was a great deal of fun. It didn’t quite reach the literary heights of *Space Raptor Butt Invasion* (not much of a complaint, as Dr. Tingle is a national treasure with no rival) but it is nonetheless a story for any self-respecting lover of dino erotica. My only complaint is that, frankly, there could have been more dinosaurs.
I look forward to reading other entries in Faust’s series of dino erotica stories (especially *Triceratops & Bottoms*) the next time I am bored, horny, and thinking about dinosaurs.

How does a short story about dinosaurs and erotica have simultaneously some of the best and most hilariously bad writing I’ve ever come across?? Lola Faust can write - really, truly, write, but interspersed between poetic prose and big words that truly don’t feel out of place are lines about dancing eyes, prehensile tongues and ancient scents. There’s no plot, the main character was a bit ‘not like other girls’; everyone was one dimensionally horny or grumpy; but I enjoyed this! It had me chuckling, it was a real page turner! I would have loved for this to be a full sized book, with a heroine who grows and a hero who slowly opens up and a thesis being written about dinosaurs and two people orbiting each other, going from attraction to more.
Also I’d like less age gap and control over contact with the outside world, but that’s by-the-by.
I spent most of the latter half of the book going ‘is he…going to turn into a dinosaur??’ and was quite disappointed with the fact he didn’t. I see comments saying this is tamer than her other works, so I might go download them and see how unhinged it gets

I don't know how to rate this book because did I like the book; not really but is it full to laugh at with friends at the descriptions and plot absolutely. It just makes me giggle in the same way that puns do; so if that was the authors goal mission accomplished.

I'll say this much. The book definitely was a fun read. Predictable and terrible, but I'll be damned if I didn't have a good time. I cannot, in good conscience, give a better rating than 3 stars. It was fun to read, but let's be real here.
Tallulah was the manic pixie dinosaur dream girl of Reid's dreams and Reid was just the right kind of suave and nerdy.
It has more of a plot than Triceratops and Bottoms, at least.

I mean, this book is exactly what you think it is. Jurassic Park but make it sexy. It has the freewheeling sense of having never been edited (not necessarily in a bad way, but there's a reference to the protagonist being an absolute lady, and then two paragraphs later describes something as "unladylike" without any recognition of that contrast) and an energy that just carries you through. The twist at the end isn't entirely unexpected, but it still rules, honestly. If you're looking for subtlety, this book is not it. If you're looking for rollicking fun, pick this up. (Also shoutout to Lola Faust for using language like "safe" instead of "clean" when talking about STIs!)

*Thank you NetGalley for the ARC*
Ok so I have been down the Lola Faust rabbit hole before... this ain't my first rodeo. However, I would argue that this is the most complete story arc that I have seen from this author so far.
Tallulah Cole is a Paleontology student looking for adventure, she has heard about a Ranch with barn-free dinosaurs and she has decided that this is where she needs to get a summer job. The Ranch turns out to be hard to locate and it takes a bit of nosing around before she's able to find her way to the ranch. She passes out and wakes up in a room at the ranch where her phone is taken away. What could possibly go wrong? Running the Ranch is mysterious rich guy Reid Canmore, who Tallulah cannot resist, but about whom she has been warned! Will Tallulah be able to resist?!?! well, obviously not! that is not what we are here for!
One of the things that has irked me about previous Lola Faust books has been the pacing of the story arcs and/or the super abrupt endings. Honestly, none of us are here for the science or high literature, but nevertheless the abrupt endings have taken away from the experience a bit for me. And that is where DinoStud really does well. There is a full story arc, a thoughtfully created world and much better pacing than in previous books. There is a sprinkling of dinosaur nerd stuff, but not all of it is correct. However, I'm not entirely convinced that is accidental. Nothing makes a dino nerd happier than to be able to point out that they can name at least 3 predators larger than the T Rex, or that the Apatosaurus debate has moved on again and that the Apatosaurus is not a thing anymore (it's me, I'm the dino nerd). So this actually seems like a quite clever gimmick.
Is it a bit nuts? yes. Did it make me happy? also yes. I would recommend this as a gateway to Lola Faust before diving into the rest of the backlist... but if you do decide to take the plunge... come on in! the water is fine!

This was another wild bonier story! It was really interesting and the characters were more developed than the last! The build up was quite a bit! But still a fun read!:)

Spice 🌶
"Dino Stud" by Lola Faust isn't my usual book choice but I have one very engaged bestie who has started me down this road 😂😂
I didn't know what to expect from this novella and I'm not sure it delivers. The writing is good, the vanilla element goes for far too long, and while it's open door, blink and you'll miss it, and haven't many of us said that before 😂😂😂
An easy, quick read but without much to really recommend it.
Thanks to Books Go Social and @netgalley for the free e-ARC in return for an unbiased review.

we have a palaeontology PhD candidate, a plucky and delightfully muscular (this saved it from my not favourite hunky boi/smol girl trap) Tallulah Cole, using her initiative if not survival instinct to go for a summer job at The Ranch/Dino hatchery. Like me with this book, she comes across something a little ridiculous sounding but promising online and jumps on board. As luck would have it, she encounters the mysterious but eminent and sizzlingly hot Reid Canmore and the rest is ancient history. I mean I get it. Sometimes the lizard brain just takes over, and when brawny forearms are involved, you just wouldn’t say no would you?
In addition to the fun and games, I genuinely found this novella to be competently written. I enjoyed the snappy and tight pacing, and the world and character building were very much in proportion with the word count. That’s not an easy feat to accomplish!

This book was one of the worst books I have ever read. This book was suppose to be a smut book yet there was no spicy parts. This book was so weird. I do like the cover. But what the heck was this book. I would not suggest. If I could give this less than one star I would.

The cover is what made me curious, and I enjoyed the story, it was a fast read that was fun to get into. I like Jurassic park so this twist into the book was great with that hint of romance. The storyline was simply great too.

1.5 Stars.
The only reason this book isn't getting a solid 1 star is the amazing cover that I desperately want as a poster. The book itself is awful. It calls itself erotica but there is exactly one, very brief scene that isn't hot. The rest of the book is garbled nonsense that barely makes sense. I do not recommend other than to look at the gorgeous cover.

Maybe slightly more than 2 stars?
Overall, it wasn’t BAD, but it also wasn’t good. I don’t like insta-love, which this was, and it just wasn’t great. Basically, it does what it says on the box and nothing more. The first 80% of the book wasn’t too bad, other than the MC lusting after this palaeontologist who was supposed to be dead. The last 15% felt rushed and I didn’t really like the ending. Like, all of the excitement of the book (yes, *all* of the excitement 😉) happens at the very end and then it’s just over.
Honestly, I read this as a bit of a joke, and it was better than I was expecting it to be, but not by much.

Kindly give through NetGalley but all my thoughts are my own.
1 star for imagination and another one for this cover.
I expected a little more from this. Too much time is spent just meeting characters and going on helicopter ride to pet a dino. the end gets better but it's VERY instalove and I was expecting something far more ridiculous than what this was. I think if this was a full length novel I would have like it more because then there would be more time to develop the romance and the end of the book. I wanted a bonkers cowboy dino romance and I got....just a short cowboy dino romance with a splash of romance and a pinch of bonkers at the end.

I actually expected this one to be about 10x as bonkers as it was??? We got a bit of loony toons at the end there but honestly I wanted more dinosaur fucking. I don’t think putting this in a series labeled “erotica” makes sense. There was one pretty short sex scene and the heroine had a lot of “sexual” thoughts that were toned down with ellipses. I think it could’ve been shorter as well because there was a lot of info dumping. The author clearly understands dinosaurs and tbh I’d read more from her! Also what an excellent cover omg!!!

*ARC received with thanks from NetGalley*
Do you know what? Books are very much of the moment they’re read aren’t they? I picked this up after a stressful, unpleasant read when I needed to rinse out my brain. I find a Dino shifter book sometimes just does the palate cleansing job like no other. The cover looked glorious and unapologetic. The author’s pen name suggested the same. And I had a delightful time reading this!
I’m not sure the plot matters greatly but here we have a palaeontology PhD candidate, a plucky and delightfully muscular (this saved it from my not favourite hunky boi/smol girl trap) Tallulah Cole, using her initiative if not survival instinct to go for a summer job at The Ranch/Dino hatchery. Like me with this book, she comes across something a little ridiculous sounding but promising online and jumps on board. As luck would have it, she encounters the mysterious but eminent and sizzlingly hot Reid Canmore and the rest is ancient history. I mean I get it. Sometimes the lizard brain just takes over, and when brawny forearms are involved, you just wouldn’t say no would you?
In addition to the fun and games, I genuinely found this novella to be competently written. I enjoyed the snappy and tight pacing, and the world and character building were very much in proportion with the word count. That’s not an easy feat to accomplish! If you’re looking for a short fun ride full of intrigue, mystery, pheromones and smells, arms better than the original T-Rex, some sex, and surprisingly low stress stakes, this might be just the book for you!

3.5 stars! Tallulah heads to Missouri to spend her summer at the Dino Ranch after finding out about the Ranch in a travel guide on Buzzfeed archives. The Ranch is hailed as the most innovative and the most dangerous, free-range, dino-breeding facility.
She makes her way to the Ranch and is shocked when she finds Reid Canmore there. Not only is Reid the paleontologist-geneticist who sequenced the first complete sample of dinosaur DNA, a man Tallulah studied countless times in school, but he was also believed by everyone in the field to have died in a helicopter crash seven years before. Now Tallulah, a paleontology-doctorate student, gets to work with dinosaurs and a man she admires in the field, all while falling for him too!
This was actually a lot tamer than I thought it would be! 😅 It read basically like Jurassic Park-inspired fanfic but in the best way. Lol Very insta-love but it was a short read and I expected it. All in all, a fun and unique time with a bit of a twist to the story! I’ve heard the other reads in the series are more wild (dino erotica 👀)! Not gonna lie though, the covers are pretty fantastic!
I received a “read now” copy from NetGalley, all thoughts in this review are my own! You can also read this on Kindle Unlimited.