Member Reviews

Tina Sutton's color book is jam packed with inspiration. A four step color process that starts with goal definition, and moves through selection of main colors, central hue and a refinement phase, turns the design process into a delightful game.

For a knitted sweater for my daughter, an initial choice of a a dark, analogous scheme, in jewel tones of blue and green, an 'exotic' choice of tint balance, then some paging through the color combinations with my yarn stash in hand took me to a very pleasing design.

I look forward to using this process more in my color design work.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is an anniversary edition of the quintessential guide to color harmony. It unravels the mysteries of colors and how they work together to tell a design story. Designers and artists alike use color to create mood and give a design or work of art energy and life. Color can play on human biases as we associate certain colors with religion, age, or personal characteristics such as strength. Understanding and playing on these biases can help bring about a positive emotional response to a work of art or, if the subject matter warrants it, a sense of gravity.

This is a must-have book for designers, artists, and anyone interested in how color plays a pivotal role in our daily lives.

Thank you to Quarto Publishing Group-Rockport Publishing and NetGalley for providing this eARC.

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I was so excited to have received an early copy of this book! Color and psychology? This art book has made this nerd happy! It was good in depth and explained the different color schemes and psychology well. This is definitely a book I'm going to refer to again and again.

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This book is quite useful and interesting. It explores different color palettes and combinations like achromatic, analogous, clashing, and complementary. It covers basic aspects of color, their applications, and how they affect mood. Although it includes only one example image per color scheme, it also touches on the psychology of color. The book concludes with color conversion charts and swatches more suited for designers. Overall, it's an enjoyable read, even for those not into design or art.

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The Complete Color Harmony: Deluxe Edition is a comprehensive and beautifully presented guide to understanding and using color effectively. Tina Sutton’s expertise, combined with the luxurious presentation of this anniversary edition, makes it an invaluable resource for anyone involved in visual arts and design. Whether you’re just starting out (like me) or looking to deepen your knowledge, this book will give you the confidence to make informed and inspired color choices.

The insights into why certain colors attract and how they evoke particular moods are particularly enlightening. Sutton’s advice on choosing the best colors to work with is grounded in both theory and practical application, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned professionals.

Additionally, the inclusion of a CMYK process color chart and color swatches makes it easy to choose and replicate colors accurately, which is essential for print projects and digital design work.

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I never knew how much I loved color until I have laid eyes on the pages of this book. It's a beautiful balance between intelligent and artsy. I say this because most books I've read on color and/or art are more focused on "being" than on being informative and letting the reader understand the subject thoroughly and see it from their own perspective. It's fascinating and easy to understand, it's hard to turn the pages because the pictures are just so mesmerizingly beautiful! I think this would make a great addition to any home library and a must-have for every school library.

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A great introductory guide for students on colour - but also worth having as a professional for a pursue through.

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I love love love colour. I love it in my home, I love baking cupcakes so I can play with colour frosting, I have pink hair! This book was so cool and so educational. I loved learning about the psychology of colour as well as the different components of colour. I was just telling my husband I needed to start learning colour theory to better mix and this came along! So thank you so very much for this ARC opportunity I think you have just kickstarted my newest hyperfixation.

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I like colour, and colour theory is one of my fav subjects to read. I got this book yesterday, was excited to read it but can't download it today and just checked and no longer available and has disappeared from my shelf.

I'm disappointed that i didn't get a chance to read it but I have had a look at the sample on Amazon, though not released it has images, one of these lists the content.

What's listed looks interesting and I'm guessing it gives suggestions if I want to capture a certain mood / feel in my art. I'm left with the impression it covers the basic principals of colour theory. This along with the sample extract of the previous edition, I like what I see, and it gives me the impression there are ample of images.

Impressed by what I've seen, and for this is 3* where I can see it has a potential to be 5* so it's unfortunateas I can't downlaod this book but thanks anyway :)

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My favourite part of the book was the psychology of colour, it was so interesting and there was a lot of information I didn’t know about! Also the different types of hues with examples of photographs to better understand what colour combinations can express or make people feel.

Definitely useful for designers of any kind, or to decorate spaces and craft projects.

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This anniversary edition is beautifully compiled and organized to understand colors, what they mean and how to pair them. It explains every color, details what each color means, and explains how to interpret it.

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This is a really good introduction to colour theory and the psychology of colour and can be used by creatives in all fields of art, craft and design. It provides a foundation for understanding how colour works but isn't a definitive or comprehensive text, other books cover more detail but this provides a good place to start.

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Title: **Review of "The Complete Color Harmony: Deluxe Edition"**

As a web graphic designer, my experience with "The Complete Color Harmony: Deluxe Edition" left me with mixed feelings. While the book serves as a solid introduction to color theory, it didn't offer much groundbreaking information for someone already familiar with the subject.

The content is somewhat simplistic, which may be beneficial for newcomers to color theory looking for a broad understanding. However, I felt it lacked depth in exploring more nuanced applications of color, which are crucial in fields like web design.

One aspect that disappointed me was the visuals. Many of the photos appeared dated and resembled stock photography, which detracted from the overall quality of the book. Despite this, they did manage to convey the intended concepts adequately.

In conclusion, "The Complete Color Harmony: Deluxe Edition" is a decent resource for beginners seeking an introduction to color theory across various applications. However, for those looking for advanced insights or contemporary visuals, it may fall short of expectations.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with access to this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have always been fascinated by color and how colors work together and how they affect us. As a girl I watch my mother explain how to mix oil paints. As a quilter I am thoughtful about fabric color choices.

The Complete Color Harmony offers all the basics for understanding color, including the color wheel, understanding color, the moods created by color, and the psychology of color. The book offers samples of how colors work together, and also a complete color chart of all possible colors.

This resource is particularly useful for graphic, fashion, and interior designers wanting to understand the science of color, but is also useful for craftspeople.

Thanks to the publisher for a free book.

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Whew. That's a lot of color - and there are a lot of combinations 1500 - in this book, along with photos and examples of how to use the palettes. You'll find ideas you recognize and many you have never thought of.

Can be used as a reference manual, an inspiration, or a guide to thinking about colors and combinations in new ways. Recommended for designers, artists, and the curious.

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It’s a kind of compendium of lots of different things about colour, including colour combos, the psychology of colour and explanation of the colour wheel. There are lots of attractive photos so it’d be a nice one (in its physical edition) to keep on a coffee table and dip into during spare moments. Thanks to Netgalley, the writer and publisher for this ARC.

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This book provides a beautiful, calming, fun experience of getting through the pages with ease.

I enjoyed the colour psychology parts within the second part of the book, with interesting facts on the perception and influence of particular colours - I did not know about the common perception that black boxes must weigh more than white ones.

The Complete Color Harmony is a thoroughly lovely, useful guide for those in need of a re-brand, professionals and beginners looking to improve their image - whether for business or personal use.

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I have been learning a lot this past year about colors as they pertain to what looks best on you. I found this to be an interesting read as it talked about what the colors mean and how each generation uses colors. Lots of color palettes showing what looks good together. I think this is something I would refer back to.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 2 July 2024

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A well-organized and visually pleasing reference book for any color-conscious person. Each concept is brilliantly illustrated with beautiful photographs and color swatches. The book combines the psychology of color with how we use color in a clear and effective manner. The only thing I didn't think was great, was the "Special Effects for Color," (not only because the file kept getting hung up and not responding for a bit on page 41). I'm not sure if it was out of place, or that there wasn't enough explanation, but that section didn't read as well as the rest of the book. Overall, I'm glad I had a chance to read and admire this book.

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This book gives a good introduction to colour theory and would be ideal for beginners to the subject. I enjoyed the parts about colour psychology and colour trends, but as a designer, I was hoping for more complex colour palettes and guidance to help create palettes of more than three colours. But unlike many books on colour theory, this was easy to read, visually engaging and I recommend it to anyone looking to learn the first steps in colour theory.

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