Member Reviews

Love this! Great for kids and adults! I also really liked the illustrations throughout the book! Was well written too

I recieved an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. A really cool book about different creatures with lots of cool information for kids.

Every family and library should have a copy of this book. A great thing to look at and use as we compare and contrast our animal friends.

I read an egalley of Creaturepedia, and even though I've already read it, I really want the hardcover. I have to have the physical copy!
Creaturepedia is a beautifully illustrated, fun picture book about the animal kingdom. The illustrations are colourful and fun, and the animals' expressions are brilliant. The facts that go with each picture are simple but interesting, and they're written in a fun, cheerful tone that you and your child will love.
The book is absolutely wonderful and it really cheers you up. It made me happy when I was sad, and I completely fell in love with Barman's illustrations and her quirky animal characters.
The text in the book matches the upbeat, playful animals. If your kid loves poetry and rhyme, they will love this book. You will have a great time with this book, and you'll even learn a few animal facts along the way.
This book is a must-read. I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy. :)
5 star read

Jam packed with colourful fun illustrations of many different animal categories such as long necked, jumpers, homebodies and more. This book is full of snippets of information about the animals from cover to cover, a great companion novel for plantopedia.

This was such a fun read full of interesting facts and facts that I didn't know. I would definitely recommend this to animal lover.

This book is an easy read! My little ones loves seeing all the animals through this book. The illustrations are amazing. It's perfect for young children!

Another one of these fantastic science books that has so much to offer you will never get tired of it. I prefer phots of animals but the pictures are colorful and fun, and using pictures makes it easier to see what the author wants you to learn. I'm so old, this is the kind of book I used to keep in the living room for when there was nothing on TV just for fun. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this fantastic fun book.

Thank you NetGalley for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.
Thiw was an easy and playful picture book, a compendium full with animals, themes and facts. The illustrations were funny and had some realistic features but the designs itself were fictional.
I learnt between pages which animals were endangered, and they were in tears! God dammit, how should I explain for my future kids that we destroy the habitats for so many animals?! I mean I can point out that cars and carbon dioxide is bad for the environment...

A beautiful and fun way to learn! The illustrations are fantastic and I loved the layout. They group the animals based off their special skill. Great for any child that loves animals.

Creaturepedia by Adrienne Barman is a book for children that breaks down animals by their characteristics. Throughout the book, you will find illustrations of each creature. Natural habitats are depicted for most creatures. The creatures' characteristics are discussed in some categories. Meet some noisy neighbors or The Pretty in Pinks. Fun and fascinating, this book is perfect for young children. This book has 216 pages.
The Architects
Weaver Ant - works with others to weave leaves together to make a nest.
Red Ovenbird - builds a mud nest that looks like a wood-fired oven.
The Big-Eared Beasts
Aye-Aye - finds food by tapping on trees, then using large ears to listen for grubs moving under the bark.
Serval - uses long ears to listen for birds among tall grasses.
The Big Mouths
Helmeted Guinea Fowl
Howler Monkey
The Blue Beauties
Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Blue Morpho Butterfly
The Bounders
Flea - can jump up to 200 times its body length.
Hare - jumps long diameters, can run at up to 23 mph.
The Brainboxes
Common Octopus - good memory, quick learner, uses tools.
The Canary-Yellows
Banana Slug
Yellow Meadow Ant
The Champion Breath-Holders
Elephant Seal - 100 minutes.
Hippopotamus - 5 minutes
The Coal-Blacks
Dung Beetle
Black Panther
The Endangered
Monkey-Eating Eagle
The Emerald-Greens
Green Mamba
Emerald Tree Boa
The Faithful
Sea Horse
Our Family Friends
The Fierce
Tasmanian Devil
Goliath Tiger Fish
The Foresters
Grove Snail
Bohemian Waxwing
The Giants
Somali Ostrich - world's largest bird up to 9 feet tall.
Blue Whale - largest animal ever to have lived, up to 108 feet long.
The Gladiators
Musk Ox
Cuban Tree Frog
The Homebodies
Oyster - lives with others on seabed forming an oyster reef.
Hermann's Tortoise - strong homing instinct.
The Lilliputians
Bee Hummingbird - world's smallest bird, 2.2 inches long (male).
Pygmy Hippopotamus - 31 inches at shoulder.
The Long-Necked
Mute Swan - can't dive, so uses neck to reach food on lakes and riverbeds.
Purple Heron - extends long neck to catch fish.
The Long-Tongued
Giant Anteater - tongue is 23 inches.
Sun Bear - tongue is 10 inches.
The Masters of Camouflage
Weedy Sea Dragon
Sycamore Moth
The Mountaineers
Yak - thick hair, keeps it warm in snowy mountains.
Apollo Butterfly - lives in flowery meadows among mountain ranges.
The Munch-it-Uppers
Red Fox - silently stalks a victim, then pounces suddenly.
Montagu's Harrier - drops from the sky to catch prey by surprise.
The Mythical
And there are 17 more categories...
In my opinion, this is a fantastic book that is also very suitable as a gift.

Bright, engaging illustrations coupled with comical categories - dolphins and rats share the label “brainboxes!” - make this a wonderful read for little readers. The content was a little too young for my crew but it didn’t stop us from devouring every single page. We especially loved the “endangered” section which, while unsettling, was also very cute and the “faithful” section because, come on, who doesn’t love a creature that mates for life? Perfect gift for children under 6. The kind of book your kiddo begs to check out from the library over and over again. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance reader copy. All opinions are entirely my (and my young readers’) own.

I’ve shown this book in my classroom before (hardcover?) and I love the illustration style but it is more of a casual browse.
I’ve used it to show examples of specific animal traits.
It would be great in a non-fiction section of a library.

What an original book! I don't think i have seen anything quite like this before. The book contains over 200 pages of animal illustrations. The drawing style feels a bit old school, but adds to the charm.
I absolutely love the way the animals are categorized based on general properties like black animals, pink animals, white animals, those with long necks, poisonous ones, etc. Those are categories that really appeals to my kindergartener.

This is a very cute book for younger children. Some pages have a quick sentence about the animal shown. Other just have the animal names. I personally would have liked the book more if it had a sentence about all of the different animals. I did like the illustrations. They were well done and were fun for kids while giving a fairly accurate depiction of what the animals actually look like. I would probably give this book as a gift to a pre-k or young elementary aged child. Overall, very cute and very well done.

This is a non-fiction book on animals with a very interesting concept: The book groups them into some very creative categories, such as the prickly ones, the night owls (that includes more than just owls), etc. It is a bit thin on information, but what it lacks in information, it is more than compensated with glorious artwork and the wonderful concept behind it.

These are my son's favorite kinds of books and after showing him this one he immediately asked if we could purchase a copy for our home! The illustrations are fun and he loved learning so many new animal facts. My only wish is that photographs were included because my son was very interested in seeing what they "really looked like" so we had to look many of them up! It prompted a good discussion for illustrations vs photographs.

What a fantastic book for all animal lovers to share together. I love how the creatures have been sorted into different categories so that you are reading about animals which are similar. Each creature is clearly labelled and many also have interesting facts accompanying them. The colourful, cartoon-style illustrations will certainly lead to lots of super discussions.
I can't wait to purchase a copy for our school library.
So lovely to see endangered and the vanished creatures celebrated too.

Wonderful! Simple, colourful and informative animal fun.
My personal favourite categories; The champion breath-holders 🐋 The night owls 🦡🦉 and the unlucky 🦇🐺
With very special mentions for 💔 The endangered 🐼🦦 and The vanished 🦤🦣

Pros: This book is a celebration of animals. It highlights unique things about them like their colors, physical characteristics, personalities, habitats, and special skills. The illustrations throughout are colorful and eye-catching--my favorites were the masters of camouflage and the night owls!
Cons: None that I can think of!
Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Wide Eyed Editions for the opportunity to read this book.