Member Reviews

Cecelia Ahern has a unique ability when crafting a story, to delve into your heart with her characters and her stories stay with you.
The storyline focuses on Dr Enya Pickering and her family. One night, Enya encounters a hit & run, while driving home during a terrible storm. Ultimately, she saves the victim. But the events prove a catalyst in leading Enya to escape to the village of Abbeydooley. Abbeydooley is the home of a "rag tree", which holds an important place in the hearts of local people and also plays a role in daily lifeAs Enys struggles to settle into her new life, the past continues to haunt her.
I raced through Into The Storm in one day, utterly unable to put it aside. I loved it, especially the 'newspaper clippings' from her mother and the details of Irish mythology.

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I find this author's books hit and miss sometimes! Some books I love, others not so much. This book, for me, was okay. It follows the story of Dr Enya Pickering who comes across a teenage boy in the road on a stormy night following a hit and run. She has to perform CPR to save him but from that point everything in her own life begins to fall apart.

I have to admit I found Enya's character really complicated and the storyline equally so! She has some issues in her life, mostly leading back to her mother's death at an early age and this does affect some decisions Enya makes. I liked her move to the little Irish village of Abbeydooley, although some of the villagers there were a little strange. The author, as in most of her books, has weaved a tale full of twists and turns, and whilst I found it to be slow and complicated initially when we were coming up to the end the pace picked up and things began to explain themselves. For me, the last 15-20% was definitely the best. It wasn't one of my favourite reads by this author, but I'll still continue to read what the author writes in the hope I'll find another WOW book!

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Enjoyable read. One night following a storm and an accident one lad is left for dead but the story around the accident is unclear. The impact on Enya and her family is immense. The town of abbey Dooley is a community and can Enya fall in love with it.

This book has several stories that thread themselves throughout.

Each story in itself I want to know more

All about relationships, love and family.

Also lots about the legend of the rag tree

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Another beautiful book from Cecelia Ahern.

The story weaves in the past and present for the main character, Enya, as her life unfolds in the year following the storm, and the far reaching implications.

There are some challenging themes which have been written so sensitively I could ‘feel’ the emotion and really emphasise with Enya and her situation. The references to Enya’s mothers writing was a lovely touch and brings another layer of depth to the story.

I’m really grateful for the opportunity to read and review Into The Storm, thank you.

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So good to read Cecelia Ahern again, she writes characters so well.
The book opens with Enya , a GP who is driving through horrendous weather and comes across an accident. A boy is lying in the road, having been hit by a car. And from this event, Enya's life begins to unravel.
This book had me totally hooked and I read it in one sitting on a summer's day. I cried and smiled.

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A good story. It's not my usual genre, but I'm aware of this authors esteem and it sounded interesting. I read it quite quickly, it was a little flowery for me at times, but overall a good read.

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This was definitely a different style to what I've come to expect from Ahern, Into the Storm is a dramatic tale of a woman struggling with her identify and mental health after resuscitating a young teen after a hit and run.

We follow her healing journey as she retreats to Abbeydooley to explore her present and past traumas and to embrace truth in all its forms.

While this wasn't my cup of tea - it was a bit too heavy for me, the writing is beautiful. The characters are realistic and flawed and are the backbone of the story. The plot twists and turns and keeps you guessing.

I'd recommend this in general, but it's a weaker entry by Ahern.

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Cecelia Ahern never disappoints. Her books are always so moving and this one is no different. The characters are likeable and it focuses on an emotional journey more than anything else.

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I've read a lot of Cecelia Ahern's previous books but this is different to those. Intense and enjoyable, Into The Storm follows Dr Enya Pickering after finding a car crash in the middle of a storm and how her life unravels following it.

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I'm a huge fan of celia aherne and this book didn't disappoint me. A brilliant story that is very fast paced with some decent twists and turns along the way. Absolutely brilliant.

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Loved this book, however unlike every other Cecilia Ahern book I have read it didn't make me cry. The mystery around who hit Ross kept me guessing throughout and I loved the character growth Enya went through.

I also really enjoyed the brief exploration into her mother through the articles she had written. Would recommend.

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'Into the Storm' is not the smoothest read. At times the narrative feels erratic, like the story is somehow crumbling away. However Cecelia Ahern's beautiful writing and the cast of flawed, but so very human characters, easily sustained this reader to the conclusion. Dr Enya, the central character, is a singularly unreliable narrator. She struggles with the events surrounding the night of the storm, whilst also trying to finally come to terms with her mother's drowning at the age she herself is soon to turn. Simultaneous we empathize with Enya whilst being slightly repelled by her. The story seems fragile and uncertain reflecting Enya's inner struggles. The pagan, Celtic folklore and the water motif enhance the story whilst highlighting the ephemeral nature of human dramas when set against the timelessness of landscape, wind and water. Special thank you to HarperCollins UK and NetGalley for a no obligation advance review digital copy.

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Not Cecelia’s best work in my opinion. It was an ok read I guess, very slowed paced until like 80% of the book.

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Into the Storm by Cecilia Ahern is a claustrophobic, multi-layered novel about Dr Enya Pickering, who when driving through a storm, comes across and administers CPR to a teenage boy who has been the victim of a hit and run. Enya is a complicated character with a terror of dying at 47, the same age that her mother passed away. The Irish symbolism and the way the author interwove it with Enya’s mental health issues was fascinating.

This was an introspective story with a satisfying ending, following the mid-life journey of a character I found interesting, even if I didn’t particularly warm to her. This is certainly more character-led than a typical psychological thriller, although the tension and twists ramp up in the final chapters of the book.

Thank you to Cecilia Ahern, Harper Collins and Netgalley for my advance copy.

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Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review. I am a huge fan of Cecelia Ahern and I was excited to read her new book. Although I did really enjoy Into The Storm I don’t think it is one of her best in my personal opinion. I really struggled to understand or even like Enya for the first half of the book but I did warm up to her eventually. She is a very complex character who was obviously having some sort of emotional breakdown and I do think her strength of character came through for her at the end. I did really like Margaret, a no nonsense character with a good heart and I think her and Enya’s friendship was really special. I would definitely recommend this book and I’ve given it 4 stars.

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Cecilia Ahern is an auto-buy Author for me, so I didn’t bother reading the book blurb. At around 50%, I thought it was a character driven women’s fiction story, which is one of my least favourite book styles, and had it been another author, I may not have persevered. Thankfully, and unexpectedly, the story starts to become interesting towards the end, where things aren’t quite as they seem; and we get a little suspense and intrigue. However, this book is not action packed, it does not have any romance, and there is very little humour. It is a story which focuses on Enya's emotional and mental journey. For this reason, the storyline moves reasonably slow, which will not be to a lot of folk’s liking. The writing is melancholy and the story is dark at times. And although the story isn’t an uplifting one, there is satisfaction at the end that justice is served. Many thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for allowing me to get an early copy of this book, which is out on 10h October 2024.

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This felt different to a normal Cecelia Ahern book and I definitely enjoyed it. The plot and character building was fulfilling and in typical Cecelia fashion she knows how to weave complex feelings and mental health through the narrative in a subtle way. She is a go to author of mine, I don’t think I even read the blurb before requesting.

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Enya had decided she was going to die on her 47th birthday, like her mum had. The book leads up to that day from 9 months before, with devastating events occurring throughout that time culminating with Enya admitting and facing up to what she had done.

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Cecelia Ahern is one of my favorite authors. I have read every single adult book that she has written. She has another two novels for young adults that I am planning to read by the end of the year. Into The Storm is her newest novel that comes out this October, and I must say this is not her strongest one.

The story revolves around Dr. Enya Pickering, who, on one stormy night, witnesses a hit-and-run and saves the injured person's life. After that moment, her life starts to spiral out of control. Her relationships with her husband and son reach a breaking point, and she decides to move to the small Irish town of Abbeydooley to find herself. Enya is also haunted by the upcoming fear of reaching the age her mother was when she lost her life.

Enya is a deeply flawed character, and it took a while to become familiar with her. I really didn't like her husband, Xander, and his treatment of Enya. I think the author spent way too much time focusing on the hit-and-run case, where I would have liked to read more about Enya's journey toward healing. Still, I enjoyed reading this novel, and I will read anything this author writes. It's possible that I had sky-high expectations because I absolutely loved her last year's release, In a Thousand Different Ways. I thought she caught lightning in a bottle with that one.

3.5 Stars

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Phew, what a read. Not what expected and quite harrowing at times, I kept turning the pages, only to be faced with another twist in the tale.
I loved learning about Pre-Christian Ireland and the various pagan festivals during the year.
The relationship between Enya and Margaret was perfect- they both evolved into a wonderful non-judgmental friendship. It’s a 5 star review from me

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