Member Reviews

Beautiful and funny portrait of birds that live and nest in the city. For anyone that likes or loves birds.

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<i>City Birds</i> is an excellent beginning birders’ book for city dwellers. Each species mentioned in the book tells the reader where you might find such a bird in the city and a bit about their behavior, along with being accompanied by a beautiful drawing of the bird, often including male and female of species or juvenile and adult of the species if their looks differ. The authors also include birding tips for beginners. A splash of humor rounds off the book.

I really enjoyed this book! I would recommend it to anyone interested in getting into birding, especially if they live in a city. I appreciate that they have included space at the end of the book for you to take notes on the first birds you see.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Finished 29/9/24. A sweet little book, ideal for beginner birdwatchers. Cute illustrations and a nice simple overview of common birds of the US. Thanks NetGalley for my advance copy, all opinions are my own.

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"City Bird" is a sequel to "Country Bird," and this new bird guide is just as charming as the original.

I enjoyed the illustrations of each bird and the humorous delivery of the information. The book is accessible to new birders and offers tips for getting started with the hobby. Even as a seasoned birder, I learned some new facts here, including that male mallards don't quack and ravens can remember faces.

All in all, a great resource for new and old birders alike.

Thank you Epic Ink for sending me a free copy for review consideration via NetGalley.

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I often wake up in the morning to hear birdsong outside my window, but never knew where to start with birding in the city- this book is a great and gorgeous little guide for exactly that! With some humor speckled in with the factual and important information, the book is great for the busy city slicker who may not have enough time to read long passages about each bird. While I do wish that the book made it more easy to find where each bird was located in the country and what kind of environments to find them in, I think this is a perfectly good start to identifying local city birds.

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I absolutely adored this. It was so well layed out and accessible! I don’t even live in North America but still found it engaging and interesting to learn about so many birds. The illustrations of the birds were absolutely gorgeous as was page design and there was a good balance of images to text. If I ever visit the USA I’ll be buying a physical copy to take with me.

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A delightful guide to birds to be found in American cities. Filled with cute illustrations and funny descriptions, “I’m walking here!” For rock pigeons and ‘king of the punks’ for the belted kingfishers being my favourites.
This book is the perfect starting place for those who want to start bird watching and live in US cities. It features tips to get you started and journaling pages at the back to jot down your notes and observations.
Thank you NetGalley and publisher for my arc copy.

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They’ve done it again! Birds, good stories about birds! This is not just for the birdwatcher, but the everyday person who sees a bird and wonders what’s that.

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City Bird has been one of the cutest guidebooks to birds I've read. Not only was it super informative but also wildly funny. One of my favourite moments was this description of the House Sparrow: single and ready to mingle.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

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This was a lovely, quick little book that gives a comprehensive look into what sorts of birds exist in the city. A perfect gift for a birder in your life, or just someone who likes bite-sized knowledge.

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This was a very fun little morsel of a book. I've been a city-dweller all my life, but I've never stopped to notice more than a handful of different birds and I don't think I've ever seen most of the ones mentioned in this book.
The art is absolutely beautiful, and the little blurbs about each bird focused more on how to identify and where you might find them, which I think makes it much more useful than some more traditional guides. I did think they were occasionally lacking, though. Each of the birds has a tagline and the blurb generally imparts some information that explains it, but there were a couple where I didn't fully get it. For example, the tagline for the Snow Goose was "Strictly Vegetarians", but nothing within the blurb mentioned their dietary choices.
I did however enjoy the one typo I spotted - I'm tickled pink to know that Band-Tailed Pigeons are gentile. (As it was followed by "and kind" in text, I am presuming the word was meant to be gentle!)

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This is a perfect book for those looking into birding! This beautifully illustrated book serves as a great reference point for a whole variety of North American birds! I loved the art and the information. This book managed to be informative without being too dense and/or overwhelming. My new-to-birding partner would love this! I also appreciated that this included urban birds too!

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I’m not a huge birder—not yet—but this book sure encourages me to be one! I absolutely love the illustrations in this book, and the descriptions of the birds are lighthearted and generally delightful. I also love the way common sayings are incorporated into the book—that adds to the atmosphere and fun.

If you’re looking for a serious field guide, this isn’t that. But if you want to identify common birds and get to know their feeding, nesting, and mating habits a little, this would be the perfect book to start with.

This would also make a good gift for a birding friend! I enjoyed the book, and wish I had a print copy—I think my younger sisters would love looking at the pictures!

I was given a complimentary copy of this book, and this is my honest opinion of it.

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I love bird especially pigeons so I was really intrigued to read this book to learn more information about the birds that are city dwellers.

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City Bird is a charming book for the new birding enthusiast. With the focus being on recognizing common birds found across the US (including urban environments!), I can imagine this could have a large audience. This book is informative without being too dense, the descriptions of each bird is like having a friend share interesting tidbits and facts with you - sometimes you pick up a neat nugget about their appearance or their behavior or their talents or their quirks. The color illustrations are beautiful providing just enough detail so you can have a good sense of what you're looking for. That said, it's a bit hard to find specific birds if you happen to be out in the field, but this is a great little starter book/intro for someone just getting to know their neighborhood birds (in the US).

Many thanks to Quarto Publishing and NetGalley for the enjoyable e-arc!

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This is a book that, at each turn of a page, I was more excited to see the next illustration than the next description. The illustrations are almost exactly like the vintage bird illustrations in style and detail. The descriptions mostly focused on behavior and somewhat on appearance. Writing style is very fun and cute. The text varied whether the description had any details about where the bird was or how to see it. I’m not sure if this book gives enough knowledge for someone to go out and find the birds in their city. I feel like this would be a good gift for a slightly experienced birder, a person who loves birds, or maybe someone who’s been into illustrating birds.

For those looking for a free bird guide, the Merlin bird id app is free and full of details.

I received an advanced copy and return for a honest review.

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City Bird is an intro to the wonderful world of birding and a good guide to starting the hobby and just looking at the world a different way.

The book is short and lighthearted, and it's a perfect snack-sized read during work breaks--which is coincidentally a good time to be birding! I think I'm the perfect target audience for this book. The illustrations are also so cute, and they keep me engrossed in this book.

It's also very re-rereadable (?) book, like something you keep in your pocket and whip out any time you encounter a new bird. I learned a lot while reading, and I think I'll learn a lot more if I keep this with me while I explore the avian wildlife in my urban jungle.

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Cute but not at all what I was expecting. I am definitely the wrong target market for this book. It’s a lovely introduction to birds you'd find in cities in America, such as New York, not my wee back garden in the Scottish Borders. Nevertheless, I had fun learning about the birds you see over there and it’s a great book for the avid bird watcher or even a child wanting to learn more about nature

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Get an informed yet cheeky perspective on the fascinating language of birds in urban areas with this witty twist on a traditional field guide.

Thank you Netgalley & Epic Ink for sending me this digital ARC! I live in the suburbs and I’m a birdwatcher.
I have 2 bird feeders and a bird bath. I enjoyed reading this book and learning about city birds. I liked the way this book was written.

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I've not read the description and fall into enthusiasm while requesting it.
This was not what I hoped (a non fiction on ethology of city birds), but it's a good book for what it is: brief introduction on birds that you can birdwatch in the city realm.
Not enough for my biologist self, but reading the premise it does what it tell it will.

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