Member Reviews

'The Shadow over Little Chitaly'

Eliza Clark you never fail to amaze me. This short story is told through restaurant reviews for a peculiar takeaway spot called 'Little Chitaly', who seems to serve Italian/chinese fusion and delivered by an super speed Aussie dude. But as guests soon see, theres clearly a twist. Clark has such an authentic and engaging comic voice which ultimately pulls this whole text together. She is able to avoid the online writing cliche's by actually just being f*cking hilarious. ('They can suck my big clitaly' is a fave). You would wonder how she's able to create characters and a storyline through a bunch of restaurant reviews, and yet she does it! And it's fun!

Im SO ready to pounce on this when it comes out in November - im normally an avoider of short stories collection but i'm hooked already give me more!

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I'm so confused .... but so interested.

I've got to get my hands on that Hawaiian pizza.

my reply: :)

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A great collection of unsettling and bizarre stories all centred around the theme of hunger, which makes sense cause this book ATE. If you’ve read Eliza Clark’s other books you’ll be sure to love this and if you new to this author, firstly where have you been? And secondly, give it a go!

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As a big fan of Boy Parts, I knew as soon as I saw this I wanted to read it. The arc is one of the short stories; which is in the format of Google reviews of a mysterious 'Chitalian' (that's Chinese/Italian) fusion restaurant. In particular, one patron who keeps going back for more. Loved the format, very unique and unexpected, didn't know I would feel so creeped out from reading Google Reviews! I'm super intrigued to read the rest of these stories and can't wait for the book to release!

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Eliza Clark's "The Shadow Over Chitaly" is an intriguing short story (a chapter from the book) told through a series of wild Justeat reviews for the Chitaly restaurant, each from a completely different location in England. Each review contributes to the narrative, yet I couldn't help but feel the story was incomplete (perhaps the other short stories are interconnected). As an excerpt from her upcoming collection, it's a fun and engaging read, and left me wanting to read more.

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She’s Always Hungry - Eliza Clark
(The Shadow of Little Chitaly)

I have more questions than ever after reading this. I’m pretty sure the description I read when requesting this ARC didn’t highlight that it was a short story, part of a larger collection. Hence me being extremely confused when reading what appeared to be a collection of reviews for a takeaway.

However, after looking back at the description and getting a better idea of what the ARC actually was, it made a lot more sense (kind of). I still have no idea what it was about, why the delivery driver spoke in an Australian accent, delivered to houses hundreds of miles away and put apple on their Hawaiian pizza. Although, the review about the option to order ‘boneless pizza’ made me laugh out loud.

It was weird, made me slightly uncomfortable but also made me laugh. I didn’t hate it, but I am extremely confused.

Thank you NetGalley and Faber and Faber for the ARC in return for an honest review!

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this short story

Reading this I felt like I had been thrown in halfway through a book since it was only 13 pages long so I felt a bit lost in its journey

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finito di leggere in poco tempo questo raccontino, molto interessante, particolare per lo stile e la modalità. un po' weird, decisamente strano, non vedo l'ora di leggere il resto della raccolta!

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Omg so chilling! Read it so fast in one sitting and got myself scared to death.
Also funny because I’m italian and all the pizza references with wrong ingredients were soo funny

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The ARC for this book was an excerpt from the short story ‘The Shadow over Little Chitaly’ and I must say I completely absorbed it. I need more ASAP!!

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I absolutely loved this short peek at She's Always Hungry. Eliza Clark is one of the best, most engaging and singular writers around. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a sneak peek!

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