Member Reviews

When I saw the following phrases on the description of this book, I knew I had to read it.
"Yet, while all stories can move people to take action, storytelling isn't a one size fits all. The most effective influencers learn to flex their narrative based on the audience's time or their level of expertise.

A story that works on the stage doesn't work in the boardroom
A story that works in the boardroom doesn't work in a team meeting
A story that works in a team meeting doesn't work in a one-to-one conversation
A story that works in one-to-one conversation doesn't work in sales..."

This right here is a very practical and easy to read book on the importance of not just telling stories but more in how we tell the stories and the audience response to our stories. I love how the author looks at corporate story telling and shares case studies to show what worked and what did not.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

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I was reluctant at first, seeing this book on NetGalley, and being a storytelling instructor and practitioner, but a veeeeery distant view at the corporate world and liberal markets (though, I have enough experience in and with them to know what is going on). I then starting hearing about the author’s work, and decided to request this book in the hopes that a) I can expand and refresh my general understanding of some sectors and the use of storytelling in them, b) I can find interesting ideas about storytelling because it is a personal and professional favourite of mine.
Sharma knows how to tell a story, how to tell people to tell strategic stories and how to deliver these in a great way.
This is a very informative and engaging book. I do not expect a deeper and layered book on this topic; though I have confidence in Sharma that any niches, nuanced and subtle topics about strategic marketing, brand storytelling, storytelling, she can deliver them.
I recommend it to everyone.

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A story that works on the stage doesn't work in the boardroom
A story that works in the boardroom doesn't work in a team meeting
A story that works in a team meeting doesn't work in a one-to-one conversation
A story that works in one-to-one conversation doesn't work in sales...

Anjali Sharma introduces leaders and ambitious influencers to the Who, Why and How of strategic storytelling in business, enabling them bring about change and drive corporate success by telling exactly the right story in the right way.

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