Member Reviews

A fabulous cook book full of yummy recipes - I think the context of how to manage your blood sugar is amazing and so helpful to keep you energised all day. Thank you for granting me a digital netgalley copy - I can't wait to try more of these recipes.

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I particularly like how this cookbook is more than just a cookbook, it has education on blood sugar balance and macronutrients filled in too! I liked the illustration showing you a balanced plate. My main motivator to want to read this cookbook is because I had a grandfather who had diabetes and I remember as a child not understanding what all it entails, but this cookbook isn't solely for people with diabetes, I found some really great looking recipes for myself, and if I'm being honest could be way better with what I eat. Though I personally prefer a cookbook that has an image of every recipe, this one does not, but it has so many recipes I see why the opted to not have a photo for every single one. There are even options for flavor substitutes and dairy free option, which is great.

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I really like this cookbook! It had a ton of information on blood sugar and the science behind how our body regulates sugars. It was nice to read about it all with recipes in here! I liked it a lot! The recipes were a mix of everyday type recipes and also some more special occasion types. I love how it still had sweet options too so it’s not like you have to cut everything out,

Thank you for the ARC NetGalley, authors, publishers!!!

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These recipes all look so easy & good! The Pizza Power Bowls& Chicken Spinach Artichoke Bake are already on my menu for next week!

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I think that this is a great book for anyone who wants to focus on eating a little healthier or for someone who specifically wants to eat to balance their blood sugar.

The book starts out with an intro, some information on blood sugar balance and what that even means. This part is full of useful and great information and an important part of the book. After reading through that it moves into the recipes.

I feel like the recipes are laid out nicely. They displayed nicely on the page and easy to follow along to while cooking. Not ever recipe has an image but many of them do & the images are really beautiful. Some of the recipes have flavor swaps as well which is a nice addition to the recipe. One more thing that many cookbooks do not include that I loved is the nutrition information. I really like that they added this to the recipes. I felt like the ingredients are pretty common ingredients and things that I would actually use in my kitchen which is nice. There is a great variety of recipes and the one I have tried already are really good!

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Thank you to NetGalley & publisher for providing a copy of this book.

I am always very conscious and looking to enjoy eating as much of a low sugar lifestyle as much as possible so I found this book really helpful and inspiring, I have made a few of the recipes and can't wait to make some more.

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I have been looking for more recipes that are better for blood sugar. I found this book to be helpful. It was very informative and provided a lot of background information on blood sugar and how to control it. The recipes in the book are delicious and I could definitely see myself making these on a regular basis. Not only do I have many new recipes to make, but I have a better understanding of blood sugar and how to make healthy lifestyle and diet changes. I would recommend this book.

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I learned a lot from this book, as well as saved a bunch of balanced recipes to try!

My one critique is that I am a very visually-forward person, so I wish there were more images of the recipes. The recipes that did include images were styled beautifully!

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I received an ARC of this cookbook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a wonderful cookbook full of delicious looking recipes. But it's more than just a cookbook. It also has a lot of helpful advice on how to balance your blood sugar without having to be obsessive about what you eat!

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Getting to know the basics and learn more about what blood sugar balance is, how macronutrients can help the blood sugar balance and blood sugar hacks along with tasty recipes was an eye opener. I'm mostly satisfied with these recipes, however I'm not a huge lover of protein powder because many studies have found most of them contains heavy metals added sugar and toxins like BPA, that's not something I want inside of my body, especially if I'm trying to be healthier. However it's easy to just not add that into the recipes.

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I found this book to be very informative, helpful & eye-opening. Recently diagnosed with a condition affecting my blood sugar, I am always searching for recipes that are blood sugar friendly.

The author begins by sharing their personal experience and discussing the impact of blood sugar and the importance of maintaining balance. As a “beginner” to this, I found this information to be clear & easy to understand.

The book features a number of delicious recipes for every meal, including desserts, which I never thought I would be able to enjoy again!! The recipes are straightforward & I appreciate the nutritional information with each one however not every recipe includes a photo which is something I prefer.
There is a four-week meal plan at the end of the book which I think readers will benefit from.

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I am insulin resistant so I am always eager to pick up cookbooks like these to see if there are any stand out recipes or tips that I could incorporate.

I know a lot of people don't read a lot of the information included before the recipes, but I always do. While I am familiar with most of the concepts the author talks about because of my condition, I just didn't find the writing particularly compelling. I found the most value in the chapter that the author talks about the best order to consume your food.

As for the recipes, I am interested in trying the breakfast casserole and the smoothies. Going through all of them, I either found myself thinking that either some of the ingredients were strange in combination or that there were just a lot of ingredients in them. I think that the recipes would benefit from a bit of simplification because, while a complicated recipe doesn't really scare me away, it will scare most casual readers.

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I am SO excited about this cookbook! I've recently been learning about eating in a way to balance blood sugar but have had the hardest time finding recipes that are high in protein and fiber, but lower in carbs. "The Blood Sugar Balance Cookbook" provides tons of simple recipes that actually look like food I would like to eat. I love that the nutrition facts are included, especially fiber- a micronutrient that is often left out in traditional cookbooks. I'm going to meal plan using this book next week and will report back once I try recipes!

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A neat, wholesome, and well-structured book with accessible and enjoyable recipes.
The blood sugar balance aspect is a bonus and I appreciate that it will be a major reason why many people pick this up.

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A bit more basic then I typically like for recipes, not many snagged my eye as ones I’d be itching to try. In general book could use some more images of the recipes as well.

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I immediately went to Mann's Instagram after reading through this cookbook! What a gem of a person. I love what she does in the kitchen and how she makes the food accessible to a non-chef! I have a bunch of fresh bowls and salads to make. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. A truly beautiful and helpful book for my health and well-being.

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The Blood Sugar Balance Cookbook starts with a clear and easy-to-understand explanation of blood sugar, its impact on health, and the importance of maintaining balanced levels. The book also breaks down macronutrients in a way that's approachable, which is especially helpful for beginners. It offers 100 recipes, organized by meal type, and includes a four-week meal plan that helps with combining the recipes into a practical program for anyone looking to get started.

While the content is well-structured, I did find that only a few of the recipes in each chapter were accompanied by photos. As someone who enjoys fully-photographed cookbooks, this was a minor drawback for me. Overall, it’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to manage their blood sugar levels with nutritious meals.

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