BroadStreet Publishing Group welcomes requests from media professionals, bloggers, booksellers, educators, librarians, or others who have interest to review our content. We reserve the right to accept or decline requests on a case-by-case basis.
We desire to make e-galleys available to those willing to (1) review the content and (2) share an honest, professional review with their audience.
For media professionals, freelance reviewers for publications, please include the name of the company you work for (or name of media outlets you write for), your email address, and website where the review will be published.
For booksellers, educators, or librarians:
—In most cases, requests will be automatically approved if you include institution information (including website) and an institution email address in your bio.
For bloggers:
—Blog should be updated a minimum of twice a month (preferable daily or weekly) and have a loyal following that would be interested in a review of our content.
—Provide a direct link to your blog in the company field.
—Share your e-mail address.
—State an estimate of how many unique visitors you have per month to your site.
—Include Twitter handle and follower count and Facebook page and likes.
If your request is approved:
—Reach out to us within NetGalley if you’re interested in bonus content to include in your post or article.
—Wait to publish your review until two weeks before the release date unless prior arrangements have been approved by our team.
—Send us your review via NetGalley and include the name of the publication/blog, the link (for online reviews), and the date when the review will be published.
—Let us know if for any reason you are unable to post your review and why.